Title: TheCAT Braindump Orientation
1TheCAT Braindump Orientation
- Greetings and introductions
- What is TheCAT?
- The Braindump
- CATs talk about what it did for them
- Understanding how TheCAT works
3Greetings and Introductions
- The topCAT
- Janaka Jayawardena
- Director of Computing
- (aka IT Director)
- Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer
4Greetings and Introductions
- Who are you?
- What is your background?
- What are you studying at PSU?
- Why are you here?
5What is The CAT?
- The Mission
- The Domain
- Responsibilities and Expectations
- The stuff we take care of
6What is TheCAT?
- We are the IT Organization for MCECS
- We support desktops, servers, various network
services and plumbing (networking) for most of
MCECS - We work on hardware, software and interface with
protoplasmic organisms
7The Support Domain
- Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
- Materials and Mechanical Engineering (MME)
- Computer Science (CS)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
- Engineering and Technology Management (ETM)
networking only - The Office of the Dean (MCECS)
8Responsibilities and Expectations
- Keep systems and services going with minimal
downtimes - Install, configure and maintains lots of software
- Keep it all secure
- Assist users in getting their work done
9The stuff we take care of
- High Volume Labs
- Solaris (ECE VLSI, CS UNIX)
- Linux (CS Linux)
- Wintel (Intel, CADlab, Microlab, MCAE, CSIL)
- Secret Labs
- Faculty/Staff/Research Desktops
10The stuff we take care of
- Server room compute workhorses
- File servers
- Mail servers
- Web servers
- DB servers
- Other glue services (DNS, DHCP, NIS, AD, etc)
- Backups
11The stuff we take care of
- CATnet (The MCECS Network)
- Core routing infrastructure
- Edge delivery
- Interface with OIT and external connectivity
- Pubnet - wireless
12Customer menagerie
- Students
- Faculty
- Office staff
- Research
- External contacts of interest
13TheCAT structure
Administrative Core
14Administrative Core
- Top level management
- Layer 8 interface to the world
- Operations management coordination
- HR
- Purchasing
- Keeping mission on track
- Propagating TheCAT way
15Administrative Core
Janaka Jayawardena DaBAH topCAT IT
Director Operations Coordination Project
Coordination Training coordination Solaris Admin
16Administrative Core
Brittaney Califf WireKitten Assistant to the
Director HR Purchasing Telco Project coordination
- High-level Integrators of Support Services
- The User Services end of the organization
- Front desk support
- Watching the ticket queue
- Operations coordination
- Liaison with all other parts of the org
18HISS structure
Tutor Coord
Support DROIDS
Protocol DROIDS
CS Tutors
19HISS Core
- Experienced
- Adept at dealing with complex user interactions
- High-level contacts with depts/faculty
- Help coordinate projects
- Very layer8 aware
- Making sure things are humming smoothly (from the
users end)
20HISS Core
John Jendro Solaris/Wintel Sysadmin HISS Core App
21HISS Core
Peter Phelps HISS
22HISS Core
Tait Schaffer maddhatt TopDOG Wintel
Sysadmin Solaris Sysadmin
23HISS Core
Lena Bayeva dagga Scheduler CS Tutor
Marius Nita trogdor CS Tutor Coord Solaris
24HISS Core
Andrew Kinnman Inigo HISS
- Desk Operations Group
- Folk attending the Braindump
- Volunteers putting in their 4 hours of desk duty
- Assist with user problems/validations
- Lab/printer checks
- Manage Ticket Queue
- Pre-filter technical issues
- Errands/light clerical
26Support DROIDS
- Front desk support personnel
- Some may be Braindump attendees
- Similar to DOG roles
- Depending on technical skills, pre-filter
technical issues - We encourage you to get workstudy. If you
qualify, we can pay you - Work Study
27Protocol DROIDs
- Front Desk Receptionists
- Deal with customer contacts
- Connect customers with CATs who can help them
- Enter proxy tickets
- Clerical
- Work Study
28CS Tutors
- Assist lower division CS students with homework
related problems - Must have taken lower division CS courses (and
done well) - Regular Wage
John Harris johnh Lead Wintel Admin Training
Tyson LaTourrette tcl Wintel Admin Solaris Admin
Sean McMillen sean Lead Solaris Admin
Spicer Matthews spicer Lead Linux Admin
Matt Whiteley mattw Linux Admin
Dave Burns CATastrophe Network Manager Solaris
Charlie Schluting charlieS Network Minion
Kim Howard howardk / akimbo Web
Development Solaris Admin
37What is the Braindump?
- TheCATs regeneration engine
- Those who know teach newcomers everything
- Newcomers learn work on front lines
- Learn how everything works
- Decide which tracks to specialize in
- The addicted work their way up the ladder
38Why the Braindump
- The Curse of the IT Shop - turnover
- Training and cultural assimilation hurdles for
replacements - Time lag in getting up to speed
- State salaries suck
- You get what you pay for in the open market
39Why the Braindump?
- Our leverage?
- our combined skills and knowledge
- The Plan
- Bring in volunteers
- Give them training opportunities in everything we
do - Build up a revolving, qualified pool of IT staff
that knows how everything works
40Benefits to the CAT
- When positions open up, there are qualified
personnel with organizational knowledge available - Large pool of trained staff helps spread out the
burden - Sysadmin trainees on the front lines provide
better front-end filtering plus more aware
41Whats in it for YOU?
- Ability to learn any or all aspects of an IT
organization - Real world experience this is no class project
- Killer resume fodder
- Access to a network of CATs who are working in
42Why this couldnt possibly work
- We call this the Whiners Lament
- No one will work for you for free
- Volunteers will never put in the time and effort
it takes to do this - Were wasting our time training people who just
turn around and leave anyway
43Oh Really?
- No one will work for you for free
- This is not free
- Participation in the Braindump requires buying
into The Deal
44The Deal
- TheCAT will run the Braindump and teach you
everything they know about the IT biz. - You will attend all the Braindumps
- You will perform 4 hours of service on our front
lines (or in some other capacity as your skills
mature) - You will attend the DOG meeting (prior to the
start of the Braindump)
45The Deal
- The Braindump lasts a little over a year
- Most Braindump tracks will have their dumps on
Friday nights at 630pm - The DOG meeting on Friday nights at 6pm.
- If you are unable to make the Friday night
commitment, you really cant do the Braindump
46Oh Really?
- Volunteers will never put in the time and effort
it takes to do this - But you arent normal volunteers
- Career vs. Job
- Motivation
- Curiosity
- Passion
- Dedication
47Oh Really?
- Were wasting our time training people who just
turn around and leave anyway - Yes, we know. Thats precisely the point
- We WANT you to learn this stuff and go out there
and be successful - And help us while you are getting started
- TheCAT has always been about being a Learning
48So what about the Whiners?
- The Whiners were in full force when we started
TheCAT - This is the 12th year of TheCAT
- The Braindumps keep getting more intensive
- We keep cranking out excellent IT staff
- TheCATs scope and reach seems to increase with
each year, fueled by the results of the Braindump - We still have a few Whiners whining
- However we just may be doing something right
49But, the Whiners are right in that.
- TheCAT isnt for everyone
- The Deal needs to have value for you
- You need to have the motivation
- You need to have the passion
- You need to have the curiosity
- You need to have the dedication
- You need to have the time
50TheCAT way
- High level of self motivation
- Ability to work unsupervised
- Out of the box thinking
- Following what interests you while putting in
time on stuff thats necessary - Seizing opportunity
51Whats in the Braindump?
- CAT administrivia
- User Services
- Platform Specific User Level
- Wintel, Solaris, Linux
- Platform Specific System Admin
- Wintel, Solaris, Linux
- Networking
- Back end app development (web)
52How much time will you need to put in?
- 3-4 hours of Braindump every Friday night
- Half hour of DOG meeting every Friday night
- If you work your way into a team, there will be
weekly team meetings - Depending on the practical portion of the
Braindump, there will be time needed for projects
(3-unlimited, based on what you chose to do)
53How the Braindump helped them
- Adam Ingram-Goble PHD Student, CS
- Kim Howard The CAT
- Alesha Adamson OHSU
- Patrick Humphreys Sun Microsystems
- Hanna Linder - IBM
- Toby Peltier Xerox
54DrNick (Adam Ingram-Goble)
CS PHD Candidate
55DrNick (Adam Ingram-Goble)
- Wouldn't it be cool ... The technical side
- What you think you know
- What youll learn and why this is fun
- Why it takes time
56DrNick (Adam Ingram-Goble)
- Yeah, I'm an Elephant but you're an A.. -
Politics and Layer 8 - TheCAT as a melting
pot - Why after 3 years am I still involved?
57Akimbo (Kim Howard)
CAT Web Applications Development
58Akimbo (Kim Howard)
- CAT Web developer
- MySQL, Postgres
- The driving force and primary implementer (and
maintainer) of CRACK - Creator of ARG!
- Looking for new recruits to join the syndiCAT
59Salt (Alesha Adamson)
60Hlinder (Hanna Linder)
61Path (Patrick Humphreys)
SUN Microsystems
62The Early Days of TheCAT
- Part of Generation One
- Infighting? Sure! We had to learn how to get
along. - Don't try this at home.
- We started out with an M68000-based Sun 3/50 with
a 141MB disk, QIC-24 tape drive, and SunOS
4.1.1_U1 ... one machine for a dozen people! - You get actual modern equipment these days
63The Early Days of TheCAT Part 2
- There was no office space in the beginning
- That came later
- Survival was a political nightmare
- But instructors liked being coddled
- Tendrils snaked out to assimilate other
departments - Credo Total Global Domination Accept No Less
was born in this era
64The Early Days of TheCAT Part 3
- No formality to the program whatsoever
- it was sink or swim the whole way
- Not many from Generation One matriculated
- don't make this mistake
65TheCAT helps you find a job
- First technical interview at Dialog passed with
flying colors - But don't get cocky! Industry will break that
attitude. - You get real experience on a live network doing
real things that affect real people in real-time. - You also get to learn what happens when things
break in real-time but don't sweat it - Just make sure you graduate
- Other CATs past and present are available as
resources. Just ask them!
66Where is path now?
67Where is path now?
- Spent 10 years in Silicon Valley
- From line SA to IT Management to Staff Engineer
and back to IT Management - Currently an IT Program Manager
- Release Manager for "Project Canary"
- Producing documentation for customers about
SunIT's experiences with Solaris 10 Beta - ...also revamping SunIT Metrics Management
- Exciting, isn't it?
68Toby (Toby Peltier)
69Toby (Toby Peltier)
- TheCAT rocks
- Janaka rocks
- CATs follow in the footsteps of CATs before them,
not their shadows. - New CATs get to stand/pratfall on their own. A
"safe" place to learn. - Career-long professional contact
- this is an ever-expanding web with each new CAT
70Toby (Toby Peltier)
- Interpersonal skills - learn how to share the
litterbox - Personal friendships
- Hands-on
- learning the guts, not just an admin interface.
very useful.
71Toby (Toby Peltier)
- Real-world administration, programming, support,
... experience - Strategies
- Tactics
- How to succeed
- How to fail
72Toby (Toby Peltier)
- Become the mentor both within/without TheCAT
- Confidence building
- Character building - hard work, no pay
- Make the college degree (if you get one) more
valuable. Both as a resume tool and
tying-together of coursework and CATwork
73The workings of TheCAT
74Why does TheCAT exist?
- What does OIT provide?
- Why does MCECS have their own cabal of hackers?
- Why not merge TheCAT into OIT? It seems wasteful
to duplicate stuff
75The reincarnation cycle of the IT organization
- Big and centralized Org IT The Man
- Divisions build their own local IT staff to run
localized guerilla support to be more responsive
to users - Divisional IT becomes big and centralized they
become The Man - Departments build their own local IT staff to run
localized guerilla support to be more responsive
to users
76Understanding how TheCAT works
- The processes
- The tools
- The interaction
- The support tiers
77How we got here
- The evolution of IT
- The days of the Computer Center
- The early system hackers
- Networking happens in PCAT
- The workstations and servers
- The Internet and networking PSU
- Desktop proliferation
- The distributed computing environment
78The Evolution of IT
- Central computing (the mainframe)
- Departmental computing (the minicomputer)
79Where were going