Title: FMD
- State Veterinarian Sam Holland
- SD Animal Industry Board, Pierre, SD
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- Centuries in Europe, Middle East, Africa, South
America - Perpetuated through Livestock and Product
Movement - Endemic in Less Developed Countries
- Economics - Management Ability
- Culture - Education
- Infrastructure - Economic and Culture-Related
4Map of Outbreak
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- Contact between animals
- Exhaled air contains a large amount of aerosol
virus - All excretions and secretions can contain virus
- Milk and semen up to 4 days before clinical
infection - Aerosol FMD virus can spread a considerable
distance as a plume, esp. if humidity is 60 and
typography doesnt cause turbulence - Spread by non-susceptible wildlife such as birds
and dogs unlikely
7Signs of FMD
Ruptured blisters on nose mouth, and tongue of
Vesicle at the end of cows teat.
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15FMDRecent North American Experience
- 1952 - Type A Near Regina, Canada
- - 24 premises slaughtered
- buried in 5 1/2 feet frozen ground
(February) - - April - repeat case within 50 miles of U.S.
Border - stamped out
6000 cattle imported to the U.S. during the time
were quarantined - LUCKED OUT! German visitor
incriminated clothing or sausage. 1914-1918 Chicag
o Stockyards 18 States 13 Stockyards
Closed Injunctions against slaughter in Illinois
16- 1924 - California
- 900 herds
- 22,000 deer killed by U.S. Army
- 1929 - California
- 1946 - 1954 - U.S./ Mexican Stamp-out effort
- 60 mile buffer zone still exists across the
Panama Canal
178,000 Cattle from 18 States Canada CATTLE
IMPORTS April 14 - 20
18438,137 Cattle from 46 States 2000 ANNUAL CATTLE
1919,000 Swine From 10 States Canada SWINE
IMPORTS April 14 - 20
20997,800 Swine From 46 States 2000 ANNUAL SWINE
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22Governor JanklowsSouth Dakota Contingency Plan
- Animal Health Emergency Plan - 1998 - Background
- I Prevent
- II Prepare
- III Respond - Recover
- A worldwide spread of Foot and Mouth Disease
seriously threatens the livestock industry and
wildlife populations of our country and our
state. - People traveling to countries where livestock
are affected by Foot and Mouth Disease are
capable of carrying the virus on their persons,
clothing, luggage or other inanimate objects. - Any planned travel to countries where this
disease exists must be reconsidered in light of
the potential threat to South Dakotas huge
livestock economy and that of the United States.
24- Every effort should be made to suspend travel to
and from countries with livestock affected by
Foot and Mouth Disease. - Prior to any planned travel abroad please call to
determine the FMD status of that country - South Dakota State Veterinarians office
- (605) 773-3321
- Or
- US Department of Agriculture, Veterinary
Services, Pierre, SD - (605) 224-6186
FOREIGN COUNTRIES - (1) NO VISITS to farms, sale barns,
stockyards, animal laboratories, packinghouses,
zoos, fairs or other animal facilities for 5 days
prior to travel. - (2) Before travel to the United States, launder
or dry-clean all clothing and outerwear. All
dirt and soil should be removed from shoes by
thorough cleaning prior to wiping with cloth
dampened with a bleach solution. (5 teaspoons of
household bleach in 1 gallon of water). Luggage
and personal items (including watches, cameras,
laptops, CD players and cell phones), if soiled,
should be wiped with a cloth dampened with a
bleach solution.
26- (3) NO CONTACT with livestock or wildlife for 5
days after arrival in the United States. Extra
precautionary measures should be taken by people
traveling from farms in infected locales to visit
or work on farms in the United States. It is
advisable that employers or sponsors provide
arriving travelers with a clean set of clothing
that can be worn after the visitor showers and
shampoos thoroughly. Visitors traveling clothes
should be laundered or dry-cleaned immediately.
Off-farm activities should be scheduled for the
visitors first 5 days in country and contact
with livestock or wildlife should be strictly
27- FMD is not considered a human health risk but
humans can carry the virus on their clothing,
shoes, body (particularly the throat and nasal
passages) and personal items. The disease is
extremely contagious and spreads easily among
cloven-hoofed animals such as cattle, sheep,
pigs, goats, and deer. Introduction of FMD into
this country would be disastrous to the American
livestock industry and wildlife community. For
this reason all visits to farms or other
livestock facilities in FMD infected areas and
all food items and other materials of plant or
animal origin in the travelers possession must
be reported on the US Customs Declaration Form
upon entering the country.
28- NOTE Countries with outbreaks in recent weeks
include - Great Britain, Ireland, France, Netherlands,
Argentina - NOTICE Should anyone traveling from a country
with FMD into South Dakota and visit a farm in
violation of the 5 day NO CONTACT PERIOD - The entire premise WILL BE QUARANTINED and no
movement off the premise will be allowed without
disinfection and permit by the State
Veterinarian. This is all-inclusive including
vehicles and persons. - (END OF ADVISORY)
- Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is caused by a
fast-spreading virus, and all cloven-footed
animals are susceptible to the disease. Nearly
100 of the animals in an exposed herd will
become ill, and young animals may die from the
disease. - FMD does not affect people (only certain
animals). - These animals would include
- Cattle Buffalo
- Sheep/Goats Elk and Deer
- Swine Any other split-toe animals
30- What does FMD look like?
- Blisters (vesicles) may form in the animals
mouth or muzzle, causing slobbering and drooling.
Later, the blisters will break, forming raw
patches or ulcers. - Blisters and sores also can develop on the
animals teats, causing mastitis in dairy cattle.
Blisters on the feet result in lameness.
Affected animals will be reluctant or unable to
drink, eat or walk, and they will lose weight
rapidly. - Swine and cattle usually will show signs of
disease within two to seven days after being
exposed to the virus. Sheep and goats may have
only minimal clinical signs of disease after an
incubation period of up to 14 days.
31- FMD Outbreaks Worldwide
- Foot and Mouth Disease has been diagnosed in 34
countries during the past 18 months. The latest
outbreaks have occurred in Great Britain,
Northern Ireland, Argentina and France. The only
continents currently free of the disease are
North America, Australia, and Antarctica. - Most of the affected countries are still battling
FMD. Outbreaks disrupt animal industry,
including the export of animals and animal
products. - Once infected, animals become virus factories.
The virus can become airborne and can be breathed
in by nearby susceptible animals.
32- The disease also can be spread by animal
movements, feed, utensils, vehicles, clothing,
facilities, raw meat, animal products or milk,
wastefood, and meat scraps. Even people,
although not affected by the virus, can harbor
the FMD virus for a period of time in their
respiratory tract and thus act as carriers!
33- Economic Impact of FMD
- Implications of FMD introduction
- Consumers can lose confidence in the safety of
meat food products, (even though meat is safe). - Prohibitions on sale and shipment of animals and
animal products. - Eradication costs are very high. All animals
exposed must be destroyed. - Vaccines provide only temporary protection and
revaccination needed at six-month intervals.
Vaccinated animals must be slaughtered before
international trade can be resumed. - For at least three months after the eradication
of an outbreak or at least three months after
the slaughter of the last vaccinated animal an
affected country is banned from shipping meat or
meat products to international trading partners.
34- The US has regulations in place to prevent the
introduction of FMD infected animals and animal
products. But so did many of the currently
affected countries! - If you suspect a disease problem, report it
immediately to your local veterinarian or
regulatory animal health official. In the UK,
the disease may have been present for three weeks
prior to detection! - FMD spreads fast! Early detection and reporting
are critical. Dont move animals that may be
affected! Stop all visitors from entering your
premise, if you suspect a problem!
35- Traveling abroad? Take precautions
- Dont travel to countries known to have FMD!
- Avoid contact with animals or areas where animals
have been held for at least five days before
returning to the US. - Before returning to the US, launder or dry-clean
all clothing, jackets or coats! - If you have visited a farm abroad, or if youve
traveled and live, work or plan to visit a farm
in the US, shower, shampoo, and change into clean
clothing. Wash or dry clean clothes dont risk
taking the FMD virus home on contaminated
clothing! - Remove all dirt or organic material from shoes,
luggage, personal items, etc. Wipe the items
with disinfectant. - Dont bring prohibited products home.
- NO contact with livestock or wildlife for at
least five days when you get home! - Ask any visitors from FMD affected countries to
delay planned visits to US farms.
36- Disinfectants for FMD
- These products can be used effectively to
disinfect for FMD - Sodium hydroxide (lye) solution (2 percent). Mix
a 13-ounce can in five gallons of water. - Sodium carbonate (soda ash) solution (4 percent).
Mix one pound in three gallons of water. - Citric acid 0.2 percent solution.
- Acetic acid (vinegar) 2 percent solution. Mix
one gallon of vinegar (4 percent) in a gallon of
water. - Virkon S (Antec International) at a 1200
dilution. - Sodium Hypochlorite (household bleach). Mix
three parts bleach to two parts water.
37- Dont Stall! Call!
- Report suspicious cases immediately!
- Call the USDAs Veterinary Services
- at (605) 224-6186
- OR South Dakotas State Veterinarian
- at (605) 773-3321.
38- I Prevention
- A) FMD Foreign Travel/Foreign Visitor Policy
- All educational institutions, public and private
- All media
- All Agriculture related contacts
- All state employees
- All REAS
- All Veterinary Pharmaceutical Reps
39- B) FMD Informational Packet
- FMD Pamphlet
- FMD Fact Sheets
- Foreign Travel/Foreign Visitor Policy
- C) FMD Advisory Packet for Veterinarians
- Information as in A and B
- Reminder of reporting requirements
- FMD suspect Cases - Procedures for Containment
- Notice of potential Deputization
- Airports, Ports of Entry, Rest Areas
- Military
- E) All State Agencies
- request to further distribute information
- F) All State Legislators
- FMD Pamphlet
- FMD Advisory
40- G) Public Land Agencies - Review Training on
FMD - Signage
- Handouts
- Website Information
- Identify international tour operators - info
- Train staff - video
- H) Coordinate with USDA
- Meeting with USDA/VS Staff, Secretary Veneman
- - Also FSIS, PPQ, FEMA, Import/Export
41II Preparation
- Meeting with State-wide Industry Leaders
- a) Review FMD
- b) Report on recent chronology FMD worldwide
- c) Biosecurity, health certificates
- d) Legal Reporting Requirements
- e) Ensure Leaders distribute FMD
Pamphlets/Advisories - f) Discuss response scenario Contingency Plan
- Training
- a) State - Federal VMOS 12 veterinarians
- b) AIB inspectors - information and training (20)
inspectors - B) Response Management Meeting
- Visit SEOC, discuss plan
- Review Plan with Ag, Health, DENR, GFP, DEM