Mass Spectrometry Lecture 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mass Spectrometry Lecture 1


Weight force exerted by a body due to its position in a ... Gas Chromatograph. Liquid Chromatograph. Mass Spectrometry. Ionisation sources and methods: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mass Spectrometry Lecture 1

Mass SpectrometryLecture 1
  • Dr Kevin Welham
  • F229

Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass- quantity of matter in a body.
  • Weight force exerted by a body due to its
    position in a gravitational field.
  • Atomic Mass e.g. AKZ where z mass number
    (protons neutrons) and A atomic number
  • Relative Atomic Mass ratio of the atomic masses
    to an integer reference C1212.0000. These are
  • H11.00783 N1414.00307 O1615.9949

Mass Spectrometry
  • Molecular Mass the sum of the atomic masses
    making up the molecule.
  • CH4 16 (low res) 16.0313 (high res)
  • units are Daltons (Da)
  • Absolute atomic mass 1 da 1.66. 10-24g
  • 931 meV
  • Isotopes elements containing the same number of
    protons but different numbers of neutrons in the
  • 1H1 1H2 1H3 17Cl35 17Cl37
  • Chemical atomic masses Include the contribution
    from isotopes giving non-integer mean atomic
  • Cl35Cl37 exhibits 31 natural abundance,
    therefore mean atomic mass is (35x3)37 35.5
  • 4
  • Spectrum A collection of similar but
    significantly different objects e.g.
  • people, wavelengths, ionic masses.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Main Components of a modern MS
  • Vacuum System
  • Sample Introduction
  • Ionisation Source
  • Mass Analyser
  • Ion Detection System
  • Computer for data recording and processing

Mass Spectrometry
  • Vacuum system required for the instrument to
  • Ions once formed have to travel through the
    instrument to reach a detector, this can mean
    travelling distances in excess of 1 metre.
  • At atmospheric pressure this would not be
    possible as ions would be scattered by collisions
    with gas molecules.
  • High vacuum is required and is provided by rotary
    rough vacuum pumps (10-3 torr) in combination
    with turbo-molecular pumps (10-8 torr). On older
    systems the high vacuum may be provided by oil
    vapour diffusion pumps.
  • High vacuum is required particular in the mass
    analyser region of the instrument for correct

Mass Spectrometry
  • Sample introduction
  • Solids or liquids on probe - direct insertion
    probe (DIP) can be heated to vapourise sample.
  • Volatile liquids and gasses can be sampled
    through a heated inlet with a molecular leak
    directly into the ion source. Provides a
    continuous steady flow of sample into the ion
    source. Often used to introduce mass calibration
    compounds for tuning and calibration of the
  • Gas Chromatograph
  • Liquid Chromatograph

Mass Spectrometry
  • Ionisation sources and methods
  • Electron Ionisation
  • Utilises a heated filament (usually Re or W) to
    produce electrons. These are accelerated through
    a small potential difference (typically 70V to
    give electrons with 70eV energy)
  • Small quantity of sample is then introduced into
    the source.
  • Electrons collide with the sample molecules and
    produce ions e- M ? M. 2e-
  • Ions formed are radical cations which
    subsequently undergo a series of fragmentation
    reactions to yield the fingerprint mass

Mass Spectrometry
Ion Repeller
Mass Spectrometry
  • Electron Ionisation cont.
  • Ions formed are at very low pressure (5x10-6
  • Fragmentation is a result of UNIMOLECULAR
    reactions and is solely due to the internal
    energy of the ions.
  • Internal energy is imparted during the ionisation
  • Ionisation energies of most organic molecules are
    in range 7-10eV (1eV 96.5 kJ mol-1).
  • Ionising electrons have 70eV and usually impart
    5-8eV of internal energy to the molecular ion as
    it is formed.
  • The internal energy imparted to the ions during
    formation is more than enough to break bonds
    (2-4eV) and cause fragmentation.
  • Fragmentation is through real chemical reactions
    with defined mechanisms and IS NOT random.
  • Ions are present in the ion source region for a
    few microseconds so fragmentation reactions have
    to be fairly fast.
  • Ion source is maintained at around 200 C to
    prevent contamination.

Mass Spectrometry
  • 70eV chosen as it is where the graph is flat so
    any variation in energy will not affect the
  • Lower eV is sometimes used to boost the relative
    amount of the molecular ion, however it always
    results in many fewer ions being produced (see
    next slide).

Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry
  • Electron Ionisation cont.
  • The spectra feature extensive fragmentation which
    is related to the molecular structure.
  • The spectra are fingerprints of the molecules
    and as such can be used to search spectral
    databases for identification of unknown samples.
  • Unknown spectra can be interpreted from a
    knowledge of chemistry and mass spectrometry.
  • Disadvantages of the technique The molecules
    have to be heated to vapourise them which can
    cause thermal decomposition is some cases,
    particularly more polar substances.
  • Occasionally the fragmentation is too extensive
    and the molecular ion is not seen. This
    represents a loss of valuable information.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Ionisation Sources and methods
  • Chemical Ionisation
  • Alternative to electron ionisation which utilises
    a reagent gas to produce reagent ions which will
    undergo ion-molecule interactions with the
  • Suitable reagent gases are many and varied but
    include methane, iso-butane and ammonia.
  • Basic source design is similar to EI but is made
    more gas tight so that a local high pressure of
    the reagent gas is created inside the ion source
    volume (1 -10 torr)

Mass Spectrometry
  • Chemical Ionisation cont.
  • Reagent ion formation for methane
  • CH4 e- ? CH4. CH3. CH2.
  • CH4. CH4 ? CH5 CH3. (reagent ion)
  • also
  • CH3. CH4 ? C2H5 H2
  • Main reaction is proton transfer to sample
  • M CH5 ? MH CH4

Mass Spectrometry
  • Chemical Ionisation cont.
  • Ammonia is another popular reagent gas
  • see if you can write down equivalent reactions
    for ammonia below

Mass Spectrometry
  • Chemical Ionisation cont.
  • Other reactions are possible including
  • Charge exchange (electron transfer)
  • Electrophilic addition
  • Anion abstraction
  • Some fragmentation can occur and the degree of
    fragmentation can be somewhat controlled by
    choice of reagent gas. The degree of
    fragmentation is related to the internal energy
    of the protonated species formed and this is
    dependant on the difference in proton affinity
    (P.A.) between the sample and the reagent.
  • RH M ? R MH Enthalpy (H) P.A.(R)
  • P.A. (Organic Molecules) 600-900 kJ mol-1
  • P.A. (CH4) 536 kJ mol-1
  • P.A. (NH3) 847 kJ mol-1

Mass Spectrometry
Methyl Stearate EI and CI spectra
Mass Spectrometry
  • Chemical Ionisation cont.
  • Advantages low energy soft ionisation
    technique. This gives good molecular mass
    information but limited, if any, fragmentation.
    Technique is good for quantitative analysis or
    for identifying molecular mass when EI fails.
    However it is not good for qualitative work as
    the structural information from fragmentation is
    very limited.
  • Disadvantages still relies on heating to
    vapourise the sample. Therefore the same issues
    with thermal decomposition of more polar analytes
    still arise.

Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry
Mass Spectrometry
  • Ionisation Sources and methods
  • Desorption techniques
  • Desorption Chemical Ionisation (DCI)
  • Experimentally simple fits with existing CI
  • Molecular Ion and fragment information but not
    to very high mass.
  • Thermal degradation can occur, therefore need to
    use rapid scanning with resultant loss in
  • Negative ion spectra readily obtained.
  • Compound application lowest of these three
  • Inexpensive.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Desorption techniques cont.
  • Field Desorption/ Field Ionisation (FD/FI)
  • Considerable expertise required in preparing and
    handling emitters.
  • Molecular ion data up to 10,000 Da.
  • Low sensitivity.
  • Polar compounds easily analysed.
  • Negative ions possible but difficult.
  • Extremely expensive.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Desorption techniques cont.
  • Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB)
  • Less complex than FD/FI, requires less operator
  • Excellent results with bio-molecules but less
    successful with polar compounds.
  • Negative ion spectra easily obtained.
  • High background ions particularly at low mass
    may obscure sample peaks.
  • Intermediate in price.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Interfacing to GC systems.
  • Interfacing to GC relatively easy due to all gas
    phase technique.
  • Packed column GC requires interface and sample
    enrichment due to high gas flow rates e.g. 30-40
    ml min-1.
  • Typical interfaces for packed column are
  • membrane separator and jet separator.
  • Both designed to enrich sample vapour at the
    expense of carrier gas (mobile phase) and allow
    the MS to retain the required high vacuum
  • Can work with EI and CI ionisation techniques.
  • Capillary column GC uses flow rates of 1-2ml
    min-1 of carrier gas. These flow rates are
    compatible with modern MS vacuum systems so no
    interface is required and the GC column exits
    directly into the MS ion source.
  • Can work with both EI and CI ionisation methods.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Interfacing to LC systems
  • Causes an immediate problem since analytical HPLC
    carried out with solvent flows of 1-2 ml min-1.
    This amount of solvent on expansion into the MS
    vacuum system overwhelms the pumps resulting in
    loss of vacuum and failure of the instrument.
  • Therefore need to remove mobile phase solvent and
    enrich sample without losses.
  • Early attempts used direct liquid introduction
    with flow splitters but this resulted in loss of
  • A number of interfaces have been developed and
    fallen away including moving belt and
  • Currently Atmospheric Pressure Chemical
    Ionisation (APCI) and Electrospray (ESP) are the
    interfaces and ionisation methods of choice for
    combining LC with MS. Both operate at atmospheric
    pressure in the ion source region.

Mass Spectrometry
Thermospray Ion Source
Mass Spectrometry
  • Electrospray Principles
  • Electrospray requires three consecutive steps.
  • NEBULISATION Production of small highly charged
    droplets at near atmospheric pressure conditions.
  • Formation of multiply charged ions by ion
  • Measurement of the m/z ratio of the ions produced.

Mass Spectrometry
Electrospray Ion Source
Mass Spectrometry
  • Electrospray ionisation mechanism
  • Critical field value is called Rayleigh Limit
  • Occurs when electrostatic repulsion between ions
    is sufficient to overcome the surface tension
    holding the drop together.
  • Emitted ions are highly charged, multiple

Mass Spectrometry
Typical electrospray mass spectrum of a protein
Mass Spectrometry
  • If a pair of neighbouring peaks are selected then
    the only difference is in the measured m/z value
    and the number of protons attached.
  • A pair of simultaneous equations can be set up
    and solved for n (the number of protons)
  • The molecular mass can then easily be calculated.
  • The data system will do this for each pair of
    peaks to give the molecular mass and the standard
    deviation of the measurements.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Electrospray summary
  • Works best with aqueous solvents or aqueous
    /organic mixtures e.g. reverse phase.
  • Soft ionisation technique- produces
    predominantly molecular ion species, MH,
    MNa, MNH4 and occasionally Msolvent
  • Clusters are sometimes observed, 2MH,
    3MH, 4MH etc.
  • Structural information from fragmentation is only
    available from tandem mass spectrometry
  • Very good for large molecules up to approx.
  • Less useful for small molecules due to
    interferences from solvent ions at low mass.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Ionisation Sources and methods
  • Desorption techniques cont.
  • Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption / Ionisation
  • Sample is admixed with a large excess of matrix
  • Sample matrix mixture (1µL) deposited on sample
    target and dried.
  • Target placed inside ion source of instrument.
  • Sample irradiated with laser light typically from
    N2 laser at 337 nm (UV).

Mass Spectrometry
  • MALDI cont.
  • Laser irradiation causes ions and neutrals to be
    desorbed from the solid surface.
  • Ions are then accelerated into the mass analyser
    by an applied voltage (up to 30kV).
  • Positive and negative ions are formed but
    neutrals are most abundant.
  • Ions formed by mixed and complex reactions
    including some or all of the following
  • Solution phase acid/base equilibria.
  • Gas phase ion/molecule reactions.
  • Photoionization.

Mass Spectrometry
Common matrices for MALDI with N2 laser at 337nm
Mass Spectrometry
MALDI MS of some salivary proteins in the 3,000
to 17,000 Da range
Mass Spectrometry
MALDI MS of DNA oligomers (11,15 and 20 mer)
Mass Spectrometry
MALDI MS of Glycoprotein, note the multiple
charged ions
Mass Spectrometry
  • MALDI summary.
  • Despite the laser this technique is regarded as a
    soft ionisation method.
  • Produces protonated or cation adduct ions,
    MH, MNa and MK and occasionally
  • Sometimes ion clusters are observed, 2MH,
    3MH etc.
  • Little fragmentation is seen.
  • Generally singly charged ions dominate the
    spectrum, but multiple charges are seen.
  • Structural information from fragmentation is
    available from tandem mass spectrometric methods.
  • MALDI is fairly tolerant of interferences from
    sample buffers etc.
  • although suppression effects are sometimes noted.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Maximum tolerated contaminant concentrations for
    peptide analysis using sinapinic acid matrix.
  • Phosphate buffer 20mM
  • Tris buffer 50nM
  • Detergents 0.1
  • SDS 0.01
  • Alkali metal salts 1M
  • Glycerol 2
  • NH4 bicarbonate 30mM
  • Guanidine 1
  • Sodium azide 1
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