Mass Spectrometry Lecture 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mass Spectrometry Lecture 2


Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometers (FT-ICR) ... The cyclotron frequencies range form MHz down to kHz. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mass Spectrometry Lecture 2

Mass SpectrometryLecture 2
  • Dr Kevin Welham
  • F229

Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass Analysers
  • These are the devices used to separate the ions
    produced in the ion source into their individual
    m/z ratios and focus them on the detector.
  • A number of different mass analysers exist in
    modern mass spectrometry and we will consider
    each in turn.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass Analysers
  • Magnetic sector single focussing
  • - double focussing
  • Quadrupole analysers
  • Ion Trap (Quistor) devices
  • Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FTICR
    ) analysers
  • Time-of-Flight (TOF) analysers

Mass Spectrometry
  • Magnetic sectors single focussing
  • Generally bulky and expensive.
  • Earliest type of analyser and still popular.
  • High accelerating potential especially in
    comparison with other methods (usually 4-10kV).
  • Magnets wedge shaped and must provide homogeneous
  • Ion beam enters and exits at exactly 90.
  • Focuses ions according to their momentum.

Mass Spectrometry
Magnetic sector analysers
Ion kinetic energy m v2/2 zeV (1) Deflecting
force BzeV centrifugal force
mv2/r (2) Combining these m/z B2r2e/2V (3)
Mass Spectrometry
  • Write down the three parameters which can be
    varied to provide separation of m/z values.

Mass Spectrometry
  • The number of charges, z is usually equal to
    one, so equation (3) shows that a spectrum of
    masses can be obtained by changing one of the
    three variable B, r or V, as illustrated in
    Figure. Commercial instruments have been produced
    for each of these modes of scanning
  • Magnetic scanning, B Most commonly used
    provides wide mass range without loss of
    performance at high mass, as in the case of
    voltage scanning (see below). The disadvantages
    of hysteresis and slow scanning associated with
    electromagnets have largely been overcome with
    modern laminated and/or air core magnet designs.
  • Change of radius, r Not possible with a fixed
    detector, although special applications such as
    accurate isotope ratio measurements use two or
    more fixed detectors. This method was used
    historically with photoplate detection, and has
    been revived with microchannel plate photodiode
    array detectors this can improve signal-to-noise
    ratio as all the ions of interest can be
    monitored simultaneously and hence continuously.
  • Voltage scanning, V No theoretical limit to the
    mass range as the mass is inversely proportional
    to the accelerating potential. However in
    practice the extraction efficiency of ions from
    the source depends upon V in addition the ions
    rely on the kinetic energy imparted by the
    potential for effective transmission though the
    instrument, and hence the performance
    deteriorates at high mass. Advantages are the
    relatively low cost of permanent magnets (which
    do not, of course, require electronic circuits),
    fast scanning and the reproducibility of the scan
    function as there is no hysteresis.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Magnetic sectors double focussing
  • Adds a second electric sector to provide energy
    focussing of ions independent of mass.
  • Can be forward Geometry with electric sector
    before magnetic sector (Nier-Johnson geometry)
    or reverse geometry with magnetic sector before
    electric sector.
  • Double focussing means that both the energy and
    momentum focus is designed to coincide at the
    collector slit.
  • Very high mass resolution can be achieved by this
  • Very bulky and expensive but high performance.

Mass Spectrometry
Schematic of double focussing magnetic sector
mass spectrometer
Mass Spectrometry
  • Mass Resolution
  • Elements have non-integer masses e.g. H1.007825,
    C12.00000, N14.00307, O15.99492.
  • Resolution in mass spectrometry is defined as the
    ability to separate an ion of mass M from another
    with mass M?M.
  • The resolution is defined as R M
  • ?M
  • Two peaks of equal height are said to be resolved
    if the the valley between them does not exceed
    10 of the peak height (10 valley definition),
    which for symmetrical peaks corresponds to
    defining the resolution relative to the
    peak-width at 5 of the height (see fig).

Mass Spectrometry
  • Fig shows 10 valley definition of mass
  • Other definitions exist such as 50 peak height,
    Full width at half maximum height (FWHM)

Mass Spectrometry
  • Quadrupole analysers
  • True mass analyser, unaffected by changes in ion
  • Cheaper, lower performance.
  • More flexible, simpler, easier to interface to GC
    and HPLC.
  • Faster scanning and stepping between masses.
  • Easier to interface to computers and easier
    calibration due to linear scan law.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Consists of four parallel rods coupled in pairs.
  • One pair (x) has positive DC potential(U) and
    other pair (y) has negative DC potential (-U)
  • An AC potential Vcos?t which is 180 out of phase
    is between each pair of rods is superimposed on
    the DC potential.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Peak value of the AC voltage is greater than the
    DC voltage, so the "positive" pair are sometimes
    negative, and vice versa, as shown above.
  • Low kinetic energy ions (20eV) are introduced
    and under the influence of the oscillating field
    follow a spiral path through the analyzer between
    the rods (along the z axis).

Mass Spectrometry
  • Ion motion on the x and y axes is defined by the
    Mathieu equations, which are of the form shown
    below for x, with an identical equation for y.

a 8eU/ mr2?2 and q 4eV/ mr2?2 where r
radius from rod surface to center line, thus a/q
Mass Spectrometry
  • If the AC frequency is kept constant, m is
    linearly proportional to U and V. In scanning the
    instrument the ratio a/q is kept constant by
    maintaining a fixed ratio between U and V, which
    are scanned simultaneously to give a spectrum
    which is linear in mass. The behaviour of the
    ions is defined by the stability diagram shown

Mass Spectrometry
  • Quadrupole Ion Trap (QUISTOR)
  • Essentially a 3D quadrupole, ions move in x and y
    directions but no z axis so ions move around a
    central point.
  • Device for storing (trapping) ions, quadrupole
    ion storage trap (QUISTOR).
  • Ions can be formed by a variety of techniques
    either externally or internally within the trap.
  • Constructed from a doughnut shaped ring electrode
    with two end caps, all having cylindrically
    symmetric hyperbolic surfaces.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Radio frequency AC voltage of about 1kV at 1.1
    MHz is applied to the ring electrode, which
    induces the oscillatory motion of the ions.
  • The equations presented for the quadrupole
    analyzer also apply here, and in the AC-only mode
    there is no mass discrimination.
  • In the trap there are stability criteria for the
    ion trajectories in a manner analogous to the
    quadrupole, and the application of the AC signal
    stores ions of all masses down to a low cut-off
    value of m/z.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Increasing the AC voltage causes the ion
    trajectories to increase and to approach the end
  • As this voltage is scanned upwards the ions are
    ejected from the trap in order of increasing m/z
    and those that emerge through apertures in the
    lower end cap are detected by the electron
  • Helium is used as a buffer gas in the trap at
    about 10-3 Torr to dampen out the more violent
    motions and to give improved spectral stability.
  • The storage time can be increased by delaying the
    start of the voltage ramp.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass
    spectrometers (FT-ICR)
  • Have become increasingly popular with the use of
    Fourier transform (FT) techniques, the
    development of superconducting magnets and the
    importance of pulsed desorption ionization
    methods and are now in the forefront of mass
    spectrometer development.
  • Mass analyser consists of a cubic cell made up of
    six isolated plates, 2.5 cm square, contained in
    a homogenous magnetic field generated by a
    superconducting magnet.
  • Ions may be formed within the cell or externally
    and injected into the analyser cell.

Mass Spectrometry
Schematic diagram of an FTICR mass analyser.
Mass Spectrometry
  • A small potential applied to two opposite plates
    (trapping plates) parallel to the axis of the
    magnetic field traps the ions within the field.
    Any thermal energy they have will cause them to
    spiral close to the centre of the cube with
    cyclotron frequencies ?c and velocities v
    inversely proportional to m/z
  • ?c v/r zeb/m
  • The cyclotron frequencies range form MHz down to
  • The application of a burst of low amplitude RF
    power to the side plates (excitation plates) will
    excite the ions into larger orbits. They will now
    pass close to the top and bottom plates (receiver
    plates), and so will induce an electrical signal
    in the circuit connecting these plates.
  • This signal is amplified, digitised and stored in
    a computer for subsequent processing. This
    involves an analysis of the constituent
    frequencies of the complex waveform that arises
    from having a complete range of m/z-values, and
    is carried out by Fourier transformation.
  • From this the mass spectrum is derived a key
    feature of this means of detection is that,
    unlike all other mass spectrometers, it is

Mass Spectrometry
  • The instrument can be operated in a number of
    different modes. The excited ions will gradually
    lose kinetic energy and will fall back towards
    the centre of the cell.
  • They can be ejected (quenched) by applying a
    voltage pulse to the trapping plates before new
    ions are produced, or they can be re-excited to
    produce a new signal that allows spectrum
    averaging in order to obtain an enhanced
    signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Alternatively, by application of only certain
    frequencies, some ions can be excited to such
    large orbits that they strike the sides of the
    cube and are destroyed. This will leave only
    selected ions for further study, e.g. in tandem
    mass spectrometry experiments.
  • It is possible to vary the time between ion
    formation and excitation for CI or to study the
    kinetics of unimolecular fragmentation or
    ion/molecule reactions.

Mass Spectrometry
  • FTMS instruments can operate at very high
    resolving power, and the measurement of the
    cyclotron frequency can be very precise.
  • This allows very accurate measurement of m/z and
    very precise separation of adjacent peaks.
  • In a 4.7 tesla magnetic field at 10-8 Pa, the
    time domain signal measured for m/z 18 over 51
    seconds has been recorded to give a resolving
    power of M/? M 100,000,000.
  • In FTMS the cell can contain both positive and
    negative ions simultaneously, and Cl can be
    resolved from Cl-, a difference of two electrons
    (ca 0.001 Da).
  • Resolving power for the FTMS is inversely
    proportional to mass, and so is lower for high
    mass ions.

Mass Spectrometry
  • The mass range for FTMS instruments depends upon
    the strength of the magnetic field.
  • With large superconducting magnets 10,000 Da for
    singly charged ions is well within reach in this
    respect performance is comparable to large sector
  • The dynamic range is poor compared with sector
    instruments as there is a space-charge limit to
    the number of ions that can be stored
    simultaneously, i.e. ions repel each other and
    are lost. The dynamic range achievable with a
    sector instrument can be greater than 1061,
    whereas FTMS gives only 1031.
  • The pressure in the FTMS cell must remain low as
    ions will collide with residual gas molecules,
    leading to a randomisation of their motion. This
    limits the ionization methods available unless
    the ions are prepared remotely and injected into
    the cell.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
  • Have recently enjoyed a considerable resurgence
    with the introduction of desorption ionisation
    techniques such as laser desorption.

Mass Spectrometry
  • Ions formed are pulsed into the TOF analyser.
  • Ions are accelerated by a high voltage pulse (up
    to 3kV in early instruments).
  • Ions acquire the same (fixed) kinetic energy.
  • zeV mv2 /2
  • Thus m/z 8 1/ v2 8 t2

Mass Spectrometry
  • Ions travel down a 1m drift tube and their time
    of arrival at the detector is recorded.
  • Masses calculated from flight times.
  • Output can respond very rapidly to changes in
    sample composition, spectra recorded in
  • In theory mass range is infinite.
  • Early instruments limited by poor electronics and
    limited resolution.
  • More recently MALDI technique has made use of the
    unrestricted mass range.

Mass Spectrometry
Schematic of a modern reflectron TOF mass
Mass Spectrometry
  • Resolution has been enhanced by
  • Modern electronics allow nanosecond precision in
    time measurements.
  • Pulsed nature of ionisation techniques such as
    MALDI. All ions formed in very short time
    interval, so all travel simultaneously down tube.
    Enhanced by time delay gating.
  • Development of reflectron instruments allows
    compensation for thermal energy spread and
    kinetic energy spread.
  • These improvements mean that resolutions of
    around 20,000 are now obtainable.
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