Title: The unique cross-publisher package
1 The unique cross-publisher package Katinka
Bratvold, ALJC Product Manager ICSTI Conference,
February 26, 2009
2What is ALPSP and what is the ALJC?
- ALPSP Association of Learned and Professional
Society Publishers (more than 360 members in 36
countries) - ALJC ALPSP Learned Journals Collection
- ALJC a collection of online journals from
smaller ALPSP members, sold by Swets as a single
package (single umbrella licence, single pricing
model), offered via SwetsWise Online Content. - This product is the result of a unique
partnership between Swets and ALPSP (2003)
3How did the ALJC come about?
- Libraries wanted to purchase high quality
journals from smaller publishers - Smaller publishers wanted to sell their quality
journals but were squeezed out by the big deals
and had problems reaching the market - The ALJC took away the barriers and brought both
parties together
Library demand
Publisher supply
4Benefits for customers
- Single licence for 49 well respected smaller and
medium sized publishers - Content is of very high quality
- 90 are peer review journals
- Many are official journals of the societies
- No embargoes
- Back file access from 1997
- Unique product
- Special consortia arrangements
- Highly discounted
510 Different collections
- Full Collection - 773 titles
- 9 subject collections
- Archaeology History
- Law
- Life Science
- Linguistics Arts
- Medicine
- Religion Philosophy
- Science
- Social Science
- Technology
6ALJC publishers, amongst others
- B.C Decker
- Brill
- Walter de Gruyter
- IOS Press
- British Psychological Society
7The ALJC important facts
- Each year a new collection is launched, where
existing publishers leave and new publishers
join. - A licence runs for a period of 3 years and cannot
be cancelled within this period - Throughout this period customers receive volumes
published during the period, plus backfiles back
till 1997 when available - When the licence expires (in the third year)
customers continue to receive access (until
perpetuity) to the volumes published in the years
of the licence, but they will loose access to the
8Swets Role
- Exclusive Sales Agent for the ALJC
- SwetsWise online content as delivery platform
- Organising all aspects of the ALJC
- Preparing new collection each year and managing
the existing collections - Trial Management
- Holding check
- Sign the single customer licence agreement
- Marketing material
- ALJC website www.alpsp-collection.org
- User statistics
9print maintained licence
e-only licence
e-access fee
e-access fee
e-content fee value of existing subscriptions
to titles in the collection -/- 5 discount
Maintain existing subscriptions to titles in the
10ALJC Consortia pricing
- Different levels of discounts will be offered on
the E-Access Fee depending on - Number of participants
- Existing subscription spend
- Invoicing requirements
11Consortia deals
- Different deals
- Opt-in or central purchasing
- One licence or individual licences per
institution - One invoice or individual invoices
- National and multinational deals
- Consortia deals in place
- Knowledge Exchange
12More information
- ALJC Website www.alpsp-collection.org