Jeni Ketheswaran Natalie Foy
- You WILL be fine!!!
- Dont panic!
- If you do panic in a station You will STILL be
fine!! - Practice lots in hospital feel natural
performing examination in the exam
3The 3 Golden Laws to Locas Examination
4- 1st Law
- Before you even touch the patient
- 2nd LAW
- Normal examination
- 3rd LAW
- Any extras
- Rounding off the consultation
51st LAW
- Before you even touch the patient
- Introductions
- Introduce
- Check identity
- Explain procedure
- Gain consent
- Wash hands
- cont...
61st Law cont...
- Position and exposure
- I would like you to take your top off please and
lie flat on the bed with your hands by your side
and just a pillow if thats ok for you? - Use your common sense though!
- Can they physically lie flat?
- Help them if they need help!
- Be compassionate!!
- Can explain ideal position / exposure to examiner
- ideally from nipple to knee will preserve
their modesty...
72nd Law
- Normal examination
- ALWAYS start from the end of the bed...
- What do you notice around the bed?
- Drip / Blood transfusion bag
- What is obvious on the patient?
- Scars / Stomas / NG tube
82nd Law
- Normal examination
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Percussion
- Ascultation
92nd Law
- Inspection
- Hands Note ves and significant negatives (3)
- Pluse
- BP
- Eyes
- Mouth
- Spider Naevi
- Gynacomastia
- Abdomen
102ND Law
- Palpation
- System that works for you
- General start away from pain
- Describe any masses as you find them
- Liver, spleen, kidneys, ascites/shifting dullness
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
112nd Law
- Percussion
- System that works for you
- May want to percuss organs individually after
palpation - Note hepatomegally percuss to top of liver
may just be pushed down from hyperinflated chest - Resonant over bowel
- Auscultate
- Bowel sounds present?
- Bruits
- Aortic, renal, iliac
123rd Law
- Any extras
- Hernias
- Ask patient to cough
- Watch abdomen
- Place hands over L R groin and feel for
impulse - If lump or suspicious of hernia continue to do
full hernia examination - Abdominal aortic aneursym
133rd Law
- Say to complete my examination I would like to
- Examine the external genitaila / hernial orifices
- Perform a rectal examination
- Perform a vaginal examination
- Dipstick the urine
- Round off consultation
- Cover up patient / let them get dressed
- Thank the patient
- Summarise findings
14What will come up?!!
- Ask friends in year above / doctors etc etc!
- Common findings and questions last year / in
previous years - Hernias
- Differential diagnosis/ complications /
management options / risk factors - Stomas
- Type / temporary / permanent / possible cause /
complications - Scars
- Name / differential diagnosis
15Other findings...
- Hepatomegaly and jaundice
- Causes / investigations / managment
- Splenomegaly
- Causes (surgical sieve!) how to differentiate
from enlarged kidneys / investigations /
complications / management / what vaccines will
they need after splenectomy? - Hepatoslenomegally
- Causes probably will be cirrhosis with
associated portal hypertension in LOCAS - Ascites
- Causes / investigation / management / 5 Fs of
abdominal distention - Masses ...
- Areas of tenderness...
16You find a mass or tender area
- Dont panic about a finding which you are unsure
about! - Use surgical sieve to think of a list of
differentials in that area - You all know where the organs are found what
organ is nearest to that location? - Dont forget other structures in the area skin
/ subcutaneous tissue / fat / muscle - Describe the mass as you would any mass
- Position . Consistency . Shape . Size . Mobility
- Think of Surgical sieve. I.e. ways to remember
causes. - vitamin D vascular, infection, trauma,
autoimmune, metabolic, inflammation, neoplasia,
degeneration - Or working your way down the anatomical planes
for Groin lumps skin ?fat?muscle etc - Or Within the lumen, Within the wall, Outside the
18Key -abc causes of a mass - abc causes of
acute pain
20Subcostal - Cholestystectomy
Midline - Gastroduodenal - Pancreatic -
Splenic surgery
Paramedian - Laparotomy
Midline - classical caesarian section -
Inguinal hernia repair
Suprapubic / Pfannenstiel - Caesarian section
- A stoma is an artificial opening of the abdomen
into the intestine or bladder, made surgically
and covered by an adherent collection bag to
allow the bypassing of faeces or urine. - Most people have a Stoma nurse to help them.
- can be temporary or permanent
- classified according to the section of intestine
or urinary tract that joins the abdominal wall - Examples
- Ileostomy an opening allowing the ileum to be
brought through the abdominal wall, allowing
faeces to bypass the colon (large
bowel).Colostomy surgery involves part of the
large bowel (colon) opening through the abdominal
wall, allowing faeces to bypass the anus into a
bag attached to the skin.Urostomy (urinary
diversion or ureterostomy) This is where the
ureter is brought through the abdominal wall to
bypass the bladder, allowing the passing of urine.
25Risk Factors
- Inflammatory bowel disease (including Crohn's
disease and ulcerative colitis) - Colorectal cancer
- Diverticular disease
- Accidental damage to bowel wall
- Urostomies (rare) may be caused by cancer, or
pelvic and abdominal surgery
28(No Transcript)
The operation is sometimes called an 'ileal
conduit' (pronounced eye-lee-al con-dwee). This
is because the surgeon is most likely to use a
bit of your small bowel (ileum) to carry urine
from the ureters to the urostomy bag.
30(No Transcript)
- Ischaemia of terminal bowel
- Obstruction of bowel
- Skin erosion and discomfort
- Parastomal hernia
- Stomal stenosis
- Retraction of spout of an ileostomy
- Bowel prolapse through the stoma
32Arteriovenous Fistula
- An arteriovenous fistula is an abnormal channel
or passage between an artery and a vein. - For haemodialysis.
- Can hear a buzzing (bruit)
- and can feel the thrill.
- Protrusion of a tissue, structure, or part of an
organ through the muscular tissue or the membrane
by which it is normally contained. - Most likely to get Inguinal or Femoral
- Inguinal -more common in men than women, but
femoral hernia more common in women. - Inguinal is either DIRECT or INDIRECT.
34Types of Hernia
35Inguinal hernia
- Mid-inguinal point
- Femoral artery / pulse
- ½ way between pubic tubercle and ASIS
- Mid point of the inguinal ligament
- Deep ring
- ½ way between pubic symphysis and ASIS
- Direct and indirect
- See lots of patients
- Ask for help especially from F1S /f2S
- Try Will Westons website
- http//www.willweston.net/revisionnotes/