Title: Nucleon Form Factors
1Nucleon Form Factors
- Robert Bradford
- Jupiter/MINERnA Group Meeting
- May 16, 2005
- Little about nucleon form factors
- BBBA2005 form factors
- Recent developments
- Gep from BBBA2005
- Influence of Gmp on Gep fit
- Current shape of BBBA form factors
- Conclusions
3What are the elastic nucleon form factors?
- Arise from spatial size of nucleon in elastic
cross section formula in 1-photon exchange
where ?e electron scattering angle Ee
electron energy Ee scattered electron energy
4Gep Controversy
- Two methods for measuring
- Rosenbluth Separation
- Good for measuring Gep for Q2 lt 1.0 GeV2
- Recoil polarization
- 2 methods dont agree
Ratio should have been close to 1 if consistent
with older Rosenbluth data
Source M.K. Jones et al, PRL 84, 1398 (2000)
5BBBA2005 Fits
- Uses fit function borrowed from J. Kelly
- Emphasizes recoil polarization data for GMP
- Uses 2 additional conditions from duality to
constrain poorly-measured neutron form factors
4 parameters for Gep, Gmn, and Gmn 7 for Gen
6Gep Issue
Our fit is a good match to J. Kellys Gep - here
they are plotted side-by-side
Then Arie noticed this graphic from my NuInt05
talk.... 2 figures are consistent (Gd is small so
differences are emphasized)
Q2 (GeV2)
7So, I got to work...
- To extract Gep from recoil polarization data, we
scale ratio by parameterization of Gmp - Arie suggested our Gep differs from Kelly because
we scale the data differently. - Didnt think this would change anything, but
tried it anyways.... - Compared results using 2 different
parameterizations for Gmp Brash and BBBA05
- Essentially got the same results...
- Gmp well measured to high Q2, so
parameterizations all well constrained... - Not a lot of effect on fit
Q2 (GeV2)
9What else could be going on...
- Low-Q2 data appears to be driving our fit.
- Lots of it
- More precise
- Most is Rosenbluth data
- Tried to run fit with only polarization data, but
high-Q2 behavior was wrong - May try to fudge error bars so that polarization
data is emphasized.
Q2 (GeV2)
10Other Efforts
- Arie had me grab the Kelly parameterizations of
Gep and Gmp and then re-fit the neutron form
factor data. - He wasnt happy with the results....
- Finally grabbed plots using Gep from Kelly and
Gmp, Gen, and Gmn from BBBA05. - Cant really do that form factor fits are all
coupled - Will show at conference, but well keep working..
11Future Efforts
- Arie has in mind what he wants the curves to do,
I just have to keep trying. - Final fits should be similar to BBBA05, but need
to emphasize high-Q2 polarization data in fits. - Artificially decrease error bars on polarization
data - Remove some low-Q2 Rosenbluth data