Title: Medical Education Round
1The state of the artin Student Assessment
- Medical Education Round
- 1 October 2001, McGill University, Montreal
- Cees van der Vleuten
- University of Maastricht
- The Netherlands
2My objectives
- To learn you more about
- Some research outcomes in assessment of
competence - Making more informed assessment decisions
3Overview of Presentation
- Introduction to some terms
- Issues of Reliability
- Issues of Validity
- Issues on Educational impact
- You cant have it all!
- Conclusions
4Characteristics of instruments
7Educational impact
- Reliability is matter of sampling
- Across content
9Problem 1
10Domain of Interest
11Content Specificity Problem of Clinical Competence
12Reliability as a function of testing time
1Norcini et al., 1985 2Stalenhoef-Halling et al.,
1990 3Swanson, 1987
4Was et al., under editorial review 5Newble
Swanson, 1987 6Ram et al., 1999
- Reliability is matter of sampling
- Across content
- Across other potential factors that cause error
14Reliability of an oral examination (Swanson, 1987)
Two New Examiners for Each Case 0.61 0.76 0.86 0
Same Examiner for All Cases 0.31 0.47 0.47 0.48
New Examiner for Each Case 0.50 0.69 0.82 0.90
Testing Time in Hours 1 2 4 8
Number of Cases 2 4 8 12
- Conclusion
- Adequate reliability requires substantial
sampling (therefore resources testing time,
examiners, patients, etc.) - Efficiency is the hallmark
16Efficiency strategies
- Key feature approach
- Test design strategies
- Practical suggestions
- Do not rely on short tests
- Sample broadly (content, in time, examiners,
patients) - Consider efficiency in
- selection of test format
- construction test items
- Be aware of (considerable) decision errors in
terms of pass/fail decisions
18A simple model of competence
Shows how
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
19A simple model of competence
Performance or hands on assessment
Shows how
Written, Oral or Computer based assessment
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
- Validity is matter of climbing the pyramid
21Climbing the pyramid......
Shows how
Knows how
22Knows/Knows how
Shows how
Knows how
- The stimulus format is more important than the
response format
23Stimulus vs Response Format
Some cities have more bars than inhabitants. For
which of the following cities is this the case
- Dublin
- Maastricht
- Pilsner
24Knows/Knows how
Shows how
Knows how
- The stimulus format is more important than the
response format - The stimulus format should be
- Contextual/Authentic
- Requiring judgment
- Avoid complexity
- Short static cases (as opposed to long dynamic)
- Simple scoring systems
25(No Transcript)
26Shows how
Shows how
Knows how
- OSCE-ology
- Make stations as clinically authentic as possible
- Global judgments do well in OSCEs
- Content specificity is the problem
Shows how
Knows how
- Methods to assess in clinical practice
- Emerging (promising) technology
- Lot of research needs yet to be done
28Validity is something missing?
29New educational models
- Situated learning
- Project-based learning
- Problem-based learning
- Discovery learning
- Student-centred learning
- Authentic learning
- Patient-based learning
- Community-based learning
- ...............
30The learning pyramid
31Three Cs of education
- ? Situated learning ? Project-based learning ?
Problem-based learning ? Discovery learning ?
Student-centred learning ? Authentic learning ?
Patient-based learning.................
32New skills emphasized
- learning how to learn
- self-appraisal
- leadership
- team skills
- metacognition
- skills of expression (writing, presenting)
- reflectiveness/reflexiveness.
33Extending the pyramid
34How to assess meta-skills?
- Self assessment
- Peer assessment
- Co-assessment (combined self, peer, teacher
assessment) - Log book/diary
- Learning process simulations/evaluations
- Product-evaluations
- Portfolio assessment
- ..........
35How to assess meta-skills?
- Basic method Information gathering relying more
on descriptive and qualitative judgemental
- Conclusion
- Educational or professional authenticity is the
hallmark (within and across layers of the
- Practical suggestions
- Dont be married to a single method (the method
it self less important than the content) - Select the tasks which resembles clinical
practice most (worry less about the competency
being measured) - Avoid complexity ? KISS principle
- To do a good job, you need a mixture of methods
38Educational impact
- Assessment drives learning
39An alternative view
40- Assessment may drive learning through
- Content
- Format
- Programming/scheduling
- Regulations
- ..........
41Educational impact
- Suggestions
- Verify the educational consequences of your
assessment - Use the assessment strategically to achieve
desirable learning behaviors and outcomes - Learning task assessment
42Characteristics of instruments
- Reliability (R)
- Validity (V)
- Educational impact (E)
- Acceptability (A)
- Cost (C)
43Utility function
U wrR x wvV x weE x waA x wcC
- U Utility
- R Reliability
- V Validity
- E Educational impact
- A Acceptability
- C Cost
- W Weight
44Utility function
U wrR x wvV x weE
- U Utility
- R Reliability
- V Validity
- E Educational impact
- A Acceptability
- C Cost
- w Weight
45The assessment program
- Reliability and validity (and other
characteristics) are (also) parameters of the
integral assessment programme rather than of
individual instruments
46Utility function
U wrR x wvV x weE
- U Utility
- R Reliability
- V Validity
- E Educational impact
- A Acceptability
- C Cost
47You cant have it all
- Conclusions
- Assessment always requires a compromise
- The compromise fully depends on the context of
the assessment - Quality of assessments is a matter of the
integral assessment programme, rather than of the
individual instruments (so it requires good
coordination and planning)
- Assessment is less of a psychometric problem, but
rather an educational design problem (i.e. how to
use assessment strategically for its educational
effects) - Assessment requires careful planning and
monitoring - To do a good job, we need to cover the entire
competence pyramid (so we need a cocktail of
methods not a single method is best or bad, that
fully depends on the context) - Compromises are inevitable