Title: Economy Benchmarks
1Is Oregon Making Progress? Slides prepared by
Oregon Progress Board for Oregon 150 Regional
Listening Sessions Fall 2006
Covered wagons greet visitors to the Applegate
Wagon Trail Interpretive Center in Sunny Valley.
Photo by Gary Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
- What is the Oregon Progress Board?
- What are Oregon Benchmarks?
- Categories of Benchmarks
Heceta Head Lighthouse. Photo by Gary Halvorson,
Oregon State Archives
3What is the Oregon Progress Board?
- A state board
- Responsible for monitoring the state's 20-year
strategic vision, Oregon Shines - Oregon Benchmarks are the measures used to
monitor progress. - Created by the Legislature in 1989
Sunset on the Rogue River at Grants Pass Photo by
Gary Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
4What are Oregon Benchmarks?
- 90 societal measures of progress towards three
Oregon Shines goals - 1) Quality jobs for all Oregonians
- 2) Safe, caring engaged communities
- 3) Healthy, sustainable surroundings
- 28 of the 90 benchmarks have county-level data
and are shown here for the state along with urban
and rural county averages. - Statutory reference (ORS 285A.168)
A view of the Deschutes River from Lower Bridge
Market Road with the Three Sisters in the Cascade
Mountains in the background. Photo by Gary
Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
5This show is organized by benchmark categories
- Economy
- Education
- Civic Engagement
- Social Support
- Public Safety
- Community Development
- Environment
- Complete list of 90 Oregon Benchmarks
- www.oregon.gov/DAS/OPB/2005report/obm_list.shtml
6But first, some information about Oregons
- Population change over time
- Population by age
- Population by race
- Percent that is Hispanic
A tourist views Crater Lake and Wizard Island
from an overlook near the Crater Lake Lodge Photo
by Gary Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
7Percent and source of change in population,
1990-2000 and 2000-2004
1990 - 2000
2000 - 2004
Source Portland State University, Population
Research Center
8Population by age, 1994 and 2004
Source Oregon Office of Economic Analysis
9Population by race, 2000 and 2004(Hispanics, an
ethnic group, are represented in all racial
Source US Census Bureau County Population
10Percent that is Hispanic, 1994 2004
Source Oregon Office of Economic Analysis
11How to read benchmark slides
- Blue bar Oregon
- Urban county average
- Rural county average
- Urban counties Benton, Clackamas, Columbia,
Deschutes, Jackson, Lane, Linn, Marion,
Multnomah, Polk, Washington, Yamhill - Rural counties Baker, Clatsop, Coos, Crook,
Curry, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood
River, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lake,
Lincoln, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Tillamook,
Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, Wheeler
12Goal Quality Jobs for All Oregonians
- Economy Benchmarks
- Business Vitality
- Net Job Growth
- Pay Per Worker
- Unemployment
- Professional Services
- Per Capita Income
Downtown Lakeview. Photo by Gary Halvorson,
Oregon State Archives
13(No Transcript)
14Net job growth (loss) per 1,000 population
Oregon Benchmark 4
Source Covered Employment and Payrolls, Oregon
Employment Department
15(No Transcript)
16Concentration of professional services relative
to the U.S. (U.S.100)
Oregon Benchmark 5
Source Oregon Employment Department and the
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
17(No Transcript)
18Per capita personal income as percent of the U.S.
per capita income
Oregon Benchmark 11
Source Oregon Employment Department
19(No Transcript)
20Average annual payroll per covered worker (all
industries) 2004 dollars
Oregon Benchmark 12
Source Oregon Employment Department. Figures
are converted to 2004 dollars using the U.S.
Implicit Price Deflator for Personal Consumption
21(No Transcript)
22Unemployment rate as a percent of U.S.
unemployment rate
Oregon Benchmark 15
Source Oregon Employment Department
23Goal Quality Jobs for All Oregonians
Education Benchmarks
K - 12 3rd Grade Math Reading High School
Dropout Rate High School Completion
Post Secondary College Completion
The Byrd School House now at the Umatilla County
Historical Museum in Pendleton. Photo by Gary
Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
24(No Transcript)
25Percent of children entering school ready to learn
Oregon Benchmark 18
Source Kindergarten Surveys, Oregon Department
of Education
26(No Transcript)
27Percent of 3rd grade students who achieve
established skills in reading
Oregon Benchmark 19a
Source Oregon Department of Education, Oregon
Statewide Assessment
28(No Transcript)
29Percent of 3rd grade students who achieve
established skills in math
Oregon Benchmark 19b
Source Oregon Department of Education, Oregon
Statewide Assessment
30(No Transcript)
31Percent of 8th grade students who achieve
established skills in reading
Oregon Benchmark 20a
Source Oregon Department of Education, Oregon
Statewide Assessment
32(No Transcript)
33Percent of 8th grade students who achieve
established skills in math
Oregon Benchmark 20b
Source Oregon Department of Education, Oregon
Statewide Assessment
34(No Transcript)
35High school dropout rate (grades 9-12 for the
listed school year)
Oregon Benchmark 22
Source Oregon Department of Education, Early
Leaver Fall Report
36(No Transcript)
37Percent of Oregon adults who have completed high
school (or GED) or more
Oregon Benchmark 23
Source US Census Bureau decennial census
38(No Transcript)
39Percent of Oregon adults who have completed a
Baccalaureate degree or more
Oregon Benchmark 26a
Source US Census Bureau decennial census
40Goal Engaged, Caring, Safe Communities
Civic Engagement Benchmarks Participation -
Daffodils and cherry blossoms highlight
springtime on the Capitol Mall Photo by Gary
Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
41(No Transcript)
42Percent of registered voters who participated in
biennial general elections
related to Oregon Benchmark 31
Presidential Election
Presidential Election
Presidential Election
Presidential Election
Source Oregon Secretary of State's Office,
Elections Division
43Goal Engaged, Caring, Safe Communities
Social Support Health - Teen Pregnancy -
Prenatal Care - Infant Mortality - HIV
Diagnosis - Premature Death - Child Care
44(No Transcript)
45Pregnancy rate per 1,000 females ages 15-17
Oregon Benchmark 39
Source Oregon DHS, Health Services Cluster,
Center for Health Statistics, Oregon Vital
Statistics Annual Report Population Estimates for
Oregon, by the Center for Population Research and
Census, School of Urban and Public Affairs,
Portland State University
46(No Transcript)
47Percent of babies whose mothers received prenatal
care beginning in the first trimester
Oregon Benchmark 40
Source Oregon Department of Human Services,
Health Services Cluster, Center for Health
Statistics, Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report
48(No Transcript)
49Infant mortality rate per 1,000
Oregon Benchmark 41
Source Oregon Department of Human Services,
Health Services Cluster, Center for Health
Statistics, Oregon Vital Statistics Annual Report
50(No Transcript)
51Number of cases of HIV infection among
adolescents and adults (13 and older)
Oregon Benchmark 43
Source Oregon Department of Human Services,
Health Services Cluster, Office of Disease
Prevention and Epidemiology, Oregon HIV/AIDS
Annual Report
52(No Transcript)
53Premature Death Years of life lost before age 70
(per 1,000 population)
Oregon Benchmark 45
Source Oregon DHS, Health Services Cluster,
Center for Health Statistics, Oregon Vital
Statistics Annual Report Population Estimates for
Oregon by the Center for Population Research and
Census, School of Urban and Public Affairs, PSU
54(No Transcript)
55Number of child care slots available for every
100 children under age 13
Oregon Benchmark 48
Data n/a
Source Child Care Research Partnership and
Oregon Employment Department, Child Care Division
56Goal Engaged, Caring, Safe Communities
Social Support Benchmarks Protection - Eighth
Grade Alcohol Use - Eighth Grade Drug Use -
Eighth Grade Cigarette Use - Child Abuse or
Neglect - Alcohol Use During Pregnancy -
Tobacco Use During Pregnancy
Boys spend a hot summer day jumping off a bridge
over the Wilson River in the Tillamook State
Forest. Photo by Gary Halvorson, Oregon State
57(No Transcript)
58Percent of 8th grade students who report using
alcohol in the previous 30 days
Oregon Benchmark 49a
Source 1990-2000 Oregon Public Schools Drug
Use Survey, for Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Programs 2001 forward Oregon Healthy Teens
Survey, by Oregon Office of Mental Health
Addiction Services and DHS, Health Services
Cluster, Center for Health Statistics
59(No Transcript)
60Percent of 8th grade students who report using
cigarettes in the previous 30 days
Oregon Benchmark 49c
Source 1990-2000 Oregon Public Schools Drug
Use Survey, for Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Programs 2001 forward Oregon Healthy Teens
Survey, by Oregon Office of Mental Health
Addiction Services and DHS, Health Services
Cluster, Center for Health Statistics
61(No Transcript)
62Percent of 8th grade students who report using
illicit drugs in the previous 30 days
Oregon Benchmark 49b
Source 1990-2000 Oregon Public Schools Drug
Use Survey, for Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Programs 2001 forward Oregon Healthy Teens
Survey, by Oregon Office of Mental Health
Addiction Services and DHS, Health Services
Cluster, Center for Health Statistics
63(No Transcript)
64Number of children, who are abused or neglected
or are at risk of abuse or neglect
Oregon Benchmark 50a
Source Oregon Department of Human Services, CAF
Program Performance and Reporting Research Unit
65(No Transcript)
66Percent of infants whose mothers used alcohol
during pregnancy (self reported)
Oregon Benchmark 52a
Source Oregon DHS, Health Services Cluster,
Center for Health Statistics, Oregon Vital
Statistics Annual Report
67(No Transcript)
68Percent of infants whose mothers used tobacco
during pregnancy (self reported)
Oregon Benchmark 52b
Source Oregon Department of Human Services,
Health Services Cluster, Center for Health
Statistics, Oregon Vital Statistics Annual
69Goal Engaged, Caring, Safe Communities
Social Support Benchmarks Poverty Independent
Living - Poverty - Independent
70(No Transcript)
71Percent of population with incomes below 100 of
the federal poverty level
Oregon Benchmark 53
Source Current Population Survey (from US
Bureau of Labor Statistics and US Census Bureau)
72(No Transcript)
73Percent of seniors (75 ) living outside of
nursing facilities
Oregon Benchmark 58
Seniors were defined as 65 and over through 2002
Source Oregon Department of Human Services,
Senior and Disabled Services Division
74Goal Engaged, Caring, Safe Communities
- Public Safety Benchmarks
- - Overall Crime rate
- - Person Crimes
- - Property Crimes
- - Behavior Crimes
- - Juvenile Arrests
- - Juvenile Arrests Crimes Against Persons
- - Juvenile Arrests Crimes Against Property
75(No Transcript)
76Overall reported crimes per 1,000 population
Oregon Benchmark 61
Source Oregon State Police, Uniform Crime
Reporting Program. Population estimates are
provided either by official census or estimates
by Portland State University, Population Research
77(No Transcript)
78Reported crimes against persons per 1,000
Oregon Benchmark 61a
Murder, negligent homicide, forcible rape, other
sex crimes, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated
assault and simple assault
Source Oregon State Police, Uniform Crime
Reporting Program. Population estimates are
provided either by official census or estimates
by Portland State University, Population Research
79(No Transcript)
80Reported property crimes per 1,000 population
Oregon Benchmark 61b
Burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft,
arson, forgery/counterfeit, fraud, embezzlement,
stolen property, and vandalism
Source Oregon State Police, Uniform Crime
Reporting Program. Population estimates are
provided either by official census or estimates
by Portland State University, Population Research
81(No Transcript)
82Reported behavioral crimes per 1,000 population
Oregon Benchmark 61c
Weapon laws, prostitution, drug laws, gambling,
crimes against family, driving under the
influence, liquor laws, disorderly conduct, and
all other curfew and runaway juveniles
Source Oregon Department of State Police,
Uniform Crime Reporting Program Population
estimates are provided either by official census
or estimates by Portland State University,
Population Research Center
83(No Transcript)
84Juvenile arrests for crimes against persons per
1,000 juveniles per year
Oregon Benchmark 62a
Murder, negligent homicide, forcible rape, other
sex crimes, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated
assault and simple assault
Source Oregon State Police, Uniform Crime
Reporting Program. Population estimates are
provided either by official census or estimates
by Portland State University, Population Research
85(No Transcript)
86Juvenile arrests for property crimes per 1,000
juveniles per year
Oregon Benchmark 62b
Burglary, larceny/theft, motor vehicle theft,
arson, forgery/counterfeit, fraud, embezzlement,
stolen property, and vandalism
Source Oregon State Police, Uniform Crime
Reporting Program. Population estimates are
provided either by official census or estimates
by Portland State University, Population Research
87Goal Healthy, Sustainable Surroundings
- Community Development Benchmarks
- Home Ownership
- Affordable Housing
The Hoover-Minthorn House National Historical
Site in Newberg. President Herbert Hoover spent
part of his childhood in the house Photo by Gary
Halvorson, Oregon State Archives
88(No Transcript)
89Percent of Oregon households that are owner
Oregon Benchmark 73
Source 1980 Census of Population and Housing
1990 2000 from the US Census Bureau reports
90(No Transcript)
91Percent of lower-income, renter households that
are cost-burdened
Oregon Benchmark 74a
Source 1980 Census of Population and Housing
1990 2000 from US Census Bureau
92(No Transcript)
93Percent of lower-income, owner-occupied
households that are cost-burdened
Oregon Benchmark 74b
Source 1980 Census of Population and Housing
1990 2000 from US Census Bureau
94Goal Healthy, Sustainable Surroundings
Environment Benchmarks
- Land
- Municipal Waste Disposal
95(No Transcript)
96Pounds of Oregon municipal solid waste landfilled
or incinerated per capita
Oregon Benchmark 83
Source Oregon Department of Environmental
Quality, Land Quality Division
97For more information, contact
Rita Conrad, Executive Director Rita.R.Conrad_at_stat
e.or.us (503) 378-3202 www.oregon.gov/DAS/OPB