Ph.D. Seminar I G. Magesh 9-5-06
- Importance of fixation of dinitrogen
- Properties of dinitrogen
- Various methods for fixation of dinitrogen
- Shortcomings in available methods
- Merits of photo catalytic fixation of dinitrogen
- Fundamentals of photo catalysis
- Challenges in photo catalytic route
- Ways of overcoming them
3Importance of fixation of dinitrogen
- Nitrogen - necessary for functioning of
biomolecules and plant growth - Important component of fertilizers and medicines
- Present in dyes, explosives and resins
- Ammonia - starting material for nitrogen
containing chemicals
Usage of ammonia in various industries
4Nitrogen cycle
Various processes involved in nitrogen cycle
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia
Britannica (1998)
5Sources of fixed nitrogen
- Haber process
- Fixed nitrogen by bacteria and algae
- Chile salt petre (Sodium nitrate)
- Destructive distillation of decayed vegetable and
animal matter - Reduction of nitrous acid and nitrites with
nascent hydrogen - Decomposition of ammonium salts by alkaline
hydroxides or quicklime - Mg3N2 6 H2O 3 Mg(OH)2 2 NH3
6Fixed nitrogen before and after Haber process
7Properties of dinitrogen which makes it inert
- Dinitrogen - two N atoms connected by triple bond
- Breaking the N?N bond is difficult - high
dissociation energy of 942 kJ mol-1 - Breaking first ? bond requires 540 kJ mol-1
- Very weak base no interaction with even strong
acids - Non-polar
8Other important properties
- High ionization potential and low electron
affinity - difficult to reduce and oxidize - Solubility very less - reactions in solution
phase - difficult
9Activation of dinitrogen
Molecular orbitals diagram of N2 molecule
- Very difficult to activate dinitrogen using
light, heat and potential - HOMO very low w.r.to e- acceptors
- LUMO very high w.r.to e- donors
T.A.Bazhenova and A.E.Shilov, Coord. Chem. Rev.
144 (1995) 69-145
10Stepwise redox potentials
Redox potential dependence on the number of
electrons transferred
- Initial two electron transfer requires higher
potential - NH3 formation - six electron process - less
Chatt J, Camara L M P, Richards R L, New Trends
in the Chemistry of Nitrogen Fixation, Academic
Press, (1980)
11Thermodynamics of fixation of N2 to ammonia
N2 3H2 2NH3 ?H -36 kJ mol-1
- Change in entropy, ?S - ve
- II law of thermodynamics - Natural processes tend
to increase the entropy - Formation of ammonia by this route cannot be a
natural process - Spontaneous reaction ?G ve
- ?G negative at very low temperatures
12Available methods of fixing dinitrogen
- Haber process
- N2 3H2 2NH3
Fe based catalyst
400C, 200 atm
Water gas shift reaction
Various steps in Haber process
13Limitations with the Haber process
- Forward reaction - reduction in number of
molecules - Le Chatelier principle - high pressure forward
reaction - Not desired in industries - accidents and
increased cost - Forward reaction - exothermic
- Temperature must be minimum - Le Chatelier
principle - To achieve high rates in industries - temperature
at 400C - Conversion of 15
- Hydrogen
- Obtained from fossil fuels a limited resource
- Production requires major part of plant and cost
- Releases green house gases like CO2 and CO
14Biological fixation of dinitrogen
- Enzyme nitrogenase
- Present in soil bacteria, root nodules and algae
- Two decades of research - mechanism not
established - Enzyme contains Mo and Fe
- Proposed mechanism - complexation of N2 to metal
ions - Reduces bond strength - breaking 1st ? bond easier
- Limitations with biological route
- Nitrogenase - sensitive to O2 requires O2 free
environment - Sensitive to environmental conditions -
temperature, pH - Cannot be used for large scale N2 fixation
15Fixation of dinitrogen by metal-nitrogen complexes
- Fe, Ti, Zr, Mo - high affinity for N2
- Electron rich ligands TMS, phosphine
- Perturbing N2 donates e- to LUMO of N2
Structure of
(TMS2N)2Ti2-(N2)2- complex
Limitation N2 evolution during reduction
Fryzeuk M D, Johnson S A, Coord. Chem. Rev., 200
(2000) 379
- Haber process
- Dissociative adsorption of N2 High temperature
and pressure
- Metal complex based reduction
- Binding N2 Perturb e- acceptor orbital (wave
function) - e- donation LUMO of N2
- Limited success
- Look for
- Perturb orbital (wave function) of e- donor and
acceptor - e- donation to LUMO N2 activation
- Very strong N2 adsorption
- Hydrogen addition without interruption
17Merits of photo catalytic fixation of dinitrogen
- Utilizes light and efforts are on to use sunlight
- a renewable source - H2 for reduction obtained from water - a widely
available source - No pollution associated with the process
- Process of photo catalysis is well understood
- Carried out at atmospheric pressure and room
temperatures - Methods to perturb catalyst orbitals transfer
e- to LUMO
18Photo catalysis
- Photo catalysis - reaction assisted by photons
in the presence of a catalyst - In photo catalysis - simultaneous oxidation and
reduction - Light excites electrons from valence to
conduction band - electrons and holes
19Choice of materials as photo catalyst
Choices Metals, semiconductors,
insulators Catalyst - absorb light in UV or
visible region - easily available
- Metal
- No band gap
- Only reduction or oxidation band position
- Semiconductor
- Optimum band gap
- UV or Visible light
- Insulator
- High band gap
- Requires light - higher energy than UV light
20Types of semiconductors
For reduction Conduction band potential - more
negative than potential of reduction reaction For
oxidation Valence band potential - more positive
than potential of oxidation reaction OR Type
Oxidation and Reduction R Type Reduction O
Type Oxidation X type - None
21Requirements of photo catalyst for fixation of N2
- N2/NH3 0.059 eV
- H/H2 0.000 eV
- Conduction band potential - more negative than
above potentials - H2O/O2 1.229 eV
- Valence band potential - more positive than above
potential - Very strong N2 adsorption
- No photocorrosion
- Good light absorption
- Chemically inert
Band positions of semiconductors w.r.to reactions
- CdS, ZnS, ZnO undergo photocorrosion
- Activity decrease as the time increases
- Catalyst gets oxidised
- Oxidation potential of catalyst More -ve
than desired oxidation reaction potential - S deposition on catalyst - reduce light
Oxidation potentials of catalysts w.r.to band
h hole
23Selection criterion for dopant ions in
- Doping cations and anions altering band
positions - Increase in ionic character of M-X bond - band
gap decreases and vice versa - Ionic Character ( 1 - exp - (XM - XX)2 / 4
) x 100 X- electronegativity
Viswanathan B, Bull. Catal. Soc. India, 2 (2003)
24Photo catalytic fixation of dinitrogen
- First reported - Schrauzer and Guth in 1977 with
moist TiO2 using UV light - Transfer of e- from CB to N2 directly or
indirectly - Potential requirement - N2 reduction and
photo-splitting of water - similar - Activation barrier in N2 reduction is high
Reduction of one mole of N2 N2 6H 6e- 2
NH3 3H2O 6h 3/2 O2 6H (requires 6
electrons) Photo-splitting of water 2H
2e- H2 H2O 2h 2H 1/2
O2 (requires 2 electrons)
h hole
Schrauzer G N and Guth T D, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99
(1977) 7189
25Problems associated with photo catalytic fixation
of N2
- Oxidation of NH3 formed to nitrites and nitrates
- Recombination of excited electrons
- Simultaneous H2 evolution leading to its lesser
availability - Less ve conduction band potential of available
catalysts - Oxidation reactions by the holes
- Lesser adsorption of N2 on catalyst surface
26Fixation of N2 by iron based catalysts
- Fixation of N2 by iron TiO2 based catalysts -
reported in 1977 - Compound responsible - not established
- Fe2Ti2O7 responsible
- Has a bandgap of 2 eV
- Fe2Ti2O7 Conduction band at 0.4 eV compared
to TiO2 (0.2 eV) high reduction potential - Valence band at 1.6 eV
CB (Fe2Ti2O7)
CB (TiO2)
VB (Fe2Ti2O7)
Band positions of Fe2Ti2O7
Rusina O et al, Chem. Eur. J., 9 (2) (2003) 561
- Fe2Ti2O7 exhibits more activity - presence of
ethanol - Exhibits photocurrent doubling in presence of
ethanol - Following mechanism explains above two
SC h? SC (h, e-) SC (h, e-) H2O
SC (h) Had OH- SC (h) CH3CH2OH
SC (e-) CH3CHO H SC (e-)
H2O SC Had OH- N2
Had N2H2 or
Photocurrent doubling
h hole SC Semiconductor
28Effect of noble metal dispersion
- Recombination of electrons and holes - reduces
efficiency - Solution - dispersing noble metals on TiO2
surface - Noble metals - high electron affinity - traps
excited electrons immediately
Ranjit K T et al, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A
Chem., 96 (1996) 181
29Effect of noble metal dispersion
- Another advantage - reduces H2 evolution
- Reduced H should be as Had not evolved as H2
- High H2 evolution Low N2 reduction
- Noble metals - promote adsorption of hydrogen on
Yield of ammonia (µmol h-1)
- Reduction order Ru gt Rh gt Pd gt Pt
- H2 evolution overpotential and M-H bond strength
follows same order - Higher loading of metal - lesser activity than
TiO2 - hindrance to light absorption
30Fixation of N2 on TiOx- poly-3-methyl
thiophene(P3MeT) composite
- Drawback - Oxidation of ammonia to nitrites and
nitrates - Convert to its salts immediately
- A TiOx-conducting polymer doped with ClO4- used
- NH3 formed reacts with ClO4- to form NH4ClO4
SEM image of NH4ClO4 crystals on polymer surface
N2 reduction and conversion to NH4ClO4
Hoshino K, Chem. Eur. J., 7 (13) (2001) 2727
31More negative band position
- Less negative conduction band (CB) potential
Lower rate of reduction - At TiOx-polymer interface - alteration of
bandposition - CB at 1.1 eV - CB TiO2 (-0.2 eV)
- Increases reduction rate at interface
Polyfuran and polycarbazole - active Reactivity
order Carbazole gt Furan gt Thiophene
Band position change at TiO2-polymer interface
Tomohisa O et al, J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol.,
17 (1) (2004) 143
32Role of hole scavengers in photo catalytic
- Holes in valence band
- Increases recombination
- Involve in oxidation of NH3
- Necessary to quench the holes formed
- Sucrose, acetic acid, salicylic acid, formic
acid, methanol and ethanol - investigated
with TiO2 - No improvement for sucrose, acetic acid and
salicylic acid - Improvement order formic acid gt methanol gt
Tan T et al, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem.,
159 (2003) 273
33Reduction potential of the radical species
Formic acid, methanol and ethanol form reducing
radicals HCOO- h COO- H RCH2OH
- Supply electrons to conduction band
- Capable of reducing reactant by themselves
Redox potentials of reaction species
34Solvent effects on photo catalytic reduction
Effect of various alcohols as solvents on photo
catalytic reduction Activity order Methanol gt
Ethanol gt 1-propanol gt 2-propanol gt 1-butanol gt
(iso-butanol) 2-methyl-propan-1-ol
- Properties of solvents which play a role
- Viscosity
- Refractive index
- Polarity
- Stability of radicals
Brezolva V et al, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A
Chem., 107 (1997) 233
35Properties of the various solvents
High viscosity Low diffusion coefficient High
refractive index Less penetration of light
High polarity More stabilization of the charge
Stability 2-methyl-propan-1-ol(iso-butanol) gt
1-butanol gt 2-propanol gt 1-propanol gt Ethanol gt
Methanol Stability of radicals - reverse order
of activity
36Fixation of N2 on a CdS/Pt RuII(H-EDTA)(N2)-
- High N2 bond strength - cleavage difficult
- Dinitrogen complexation - weakens N-N triple bond
- reductively cleaved by various means - Conventionally reduced using LiAlH4, NaBH4, Al
metal - Photoexcited electrons used for the reduction
Nageswara Rao N, J. Mol. Catal., 93 (1994) 23
N2 fixation on a CdS/Pt/RuO2 Ru(H-EDTA)(N2)-
EDTA - sacrificial agent enhances rate
Taqui Khan M M and Nageswara Rao N, J. Mol.
Catal., 52 (1989) L5
38Influence of Ti3 sites on fixation of N2
- Adsorption of N2 - essential for e- transfer
leading to reduction - Ti3 defect sites
- Increase N2 adsorption
- Responsible for n-type semiconductivity
- Directly gives electrons to N2
- 6 Ti4-OH 6
Ti3-OH - 6 Ti3-OH 6 Ti3 3 H2O
3/2 O2 - 6 Ti3 N2 6 H2O 6 Ti4-OH 2 NH3
- Catalyst with more Ti3 sites - more active for
N2 reduction - Doping TiO2 - favorable preparation methods
Ranjit K T and Viswanathan B, Ind. J. Chem., 35A
(1996) 443
39Yields of ammonia Not sufficient
- Reasons
- CB of photo catalyst Not matching LUMO of N2
- N2 adsorption Not strong to perturb orbitals
40- The activation of dinitrogen appears to be still
intriguing. Even though, various methods of
activation of dinitrogen have been attempted, the
perturbations of the frontier wave functions of
dinitrogen with respect to energy and symmetry
have been considered to be the key. - However, in photocatalytic routes the frontier
wave functions of the reacting species (photo
catalysts) are perturbed so as to be able to
interact with ground state wave functions of
dinitrogen. It essentially means that the
emphasis is shifted from the reacting species
(i.e. dinitrogen) to the species with which the
reacting species interacts. - However, even this shift in the emphasis does not
seem to have provided the answer.
41Thank you
42Ammonia reactants
- Steam reforming
- CH4(g) H2O(g) ? CO(g) 3 H2(g)
- 15-40 NiO/low SiO2/Al2O3 catalyst (760-816C)
- products often called synthesis gas or syngas
- Water gas shift
- CO(g) H2O(g) ? CO2(g) H2(g)
- Cr2O3 and Fe2O3 as catalyst
- carbon dioxide removed by passing through sodium
hydroxide. - CO2(g) 2 OH-(aq) ? CO32-(aq) H2O(l)
43Biological N-Fixation
- Most nitrogen is fixed by micro-organisms in the
soil which include bacteria and cyanobacteria.
Some plants like legumes and alder trees have
special adaptations on their roots to fix
nitrogen which are called nodules. This is an
example of a symbiotic relationship between the
plant and N-fixing bacteria.
44NH4Cl Ba(OH)2 NH3 H2O BaCl Destructive
distillation The decomposition of wood by
heating out of contact with air, producing
primarily charcoal Magnesium nitride Fomed by
interaction of magnesium with nitrogen in
atmosphere Reaction with quick lime 2NH4Cl
CaO --gt 2NH3 CaCl2 H2O
45Structure of RuEDTAN2 complex
46According to Stokes Einstein equation,
Diffusion coefficient, D kT/6 ? r ? Where r -
radius of species ? - viscosity of solvent
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48Structures of polymers
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52Li Be
B C Na Mg
D Al Si K Ca (Sc)
Ti (V) Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
Ga Ge Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo (Tc) (Ru)
Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Cs Ba La (Hf)
Ta W Re (Os) Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb
53Structural basis of biological nitrogen
fixation Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society A Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences Volume 363, Number 1829 / April 15,
2005, 971 - 984 Biological nitrogen fixation
is mediated by the nitrogenase enzyme system that
catalyses the ATP dependent reduction of
atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonia. Nitrogenase
consists of two component metalloproteins, the
MoFe-protein with the FeMo-cofactor that provides
the active site for substrate reduction, and the
Fe-protein that couples ATP hydrolysis to
electron transfer. An overview of the nitrogenase
system is presented that emphasizes the
structural organization of the proteins and
associated metalloclusters that have the
remarkable ability to catalyse nitrogen fixation
under ambient conditions. Although the mechanism
of ammonia formation by nitrogenase remains
enigmatic, mechanistic inferences motivated by
recent developments in the areas of nitrogenase
biochemistry, spectroscopy, model chemistry and
computational studies are discussed within this
structural framework.
54Composition in activated form() Fe2O3
1.1 - 1.7 FeO
14.3 - 14.6 Fe
79.7 - 81.6 CaO 0.1
0.2 SiO2 0.1 0.7 MgO
0.3 - 0.6 Al2O3
1.5 2.1 K2O
0.2 0.5
55- Free-living (asymbiotic)
- Cyanobacteria
- Azotobacter
- Associative
- RhizosphereAzospirillum
- Lichenscyanobacteria
- Leaf nodules
- Symbiotic
- Legume-rhizobia
- Actinorhizal-Frankia
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57Structural Basis of Biological Nitrogen
Fixation James B. Howard, Douglas C. Rees Chem.
Rev. 1996, 96, 2965-2982
58Why the reduction process is difficult
This is the slow step
N2 3H2 ? 2NH3 DH-36 kJ/mole
As Temperature increases, should drive the
reaction to the left. But, dissociation is only
significant at high temperatures -? Very
inefficient reaction (low reaction probability)
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