Title: Stand Level Biodiversity Preparing for Effectiveness Evaluations
1Stand Level Biodiversity Preparing for
Effectiveness Evaluations
- By
- Dean McGeough and Nancy Densmore
- FREPs CI Workshop
- Victoria
- Feb. 28, 2007
2Presentation Outline
- Background what are we doing?
- Ecological Anchors
- Data Validation
- Improvements for 2007
- Fire Sites what to do?
3Stand Level Biodiversity Question
Is stand-level retention providing the range of
habitat with the structural attributes understood
as necessary for maintaining the species
dependent on wildlife trees and CWD?
The underlying question is whether we are
maintaining the health or sustainability of the
4Ecological Anchors
Ecological Anchors are structural elements that
will provide ecological integrity (structure and
composition) and resilience to the ecosystem.
Are Ecological Anchors PRESENT in Permanent
Retention strata?
5Ecological Anchors
Vet trees
Big stick nests
Largest tree
Large Witches broom
Large hollow tree
Heavy CWD
Active wildlife trail
Cavity Nest
Active WT Feeding
Mineral Lick
Rare tree species
6Risk Ranking Ecological Anchors
- Are VET Trees Present?
- ABSENT Score of 0 (very high risk)
- PRESENT Score of 5 (low risk)
7Large Stick Nests
Bald Eagle Nest
8Wildlife Trees
9Culturally Modified Trees
10Risk Ranking Ecological Anchors
- Are OTHER Anchors Present (Not vets)?
- For EACH retention stratum Number of Anchors
OBSERVED per hectare - SUM of all Anchors in Stratum(Form B)
Frequency of Ecological Anchors Risk Scores
Absent 0 (Very High) lt0.5/ha 3
(High) 0.5 1.0/ha 7 (Mod Risk) gt1/ha 10
(Low risk)
11DATA Validation
- BEC classification confirm validity
Strata Sizes (NAR, Gross) confirm in RESULTS
Species confirm consistency and
validity Stratum confirm type and
consistency Data complete ? (Height, Diameter,
Sp, Class)
12Improvements for 2007
- Tree Class Refinements
- CWD refinements
- Species code Revised and Standardized
13Conifer Tree Classes
Class 9 not sampled (now CWD)
14Deciduous Tree Classes
Class 6 not sampled (now CWD)
15CWD Decay Classes
Fresh / Recent Hard Bark firm Elevated Hard
Branches Supports Person
Bleached Saprot Loose Bark Sagging Soft twigs May
Advanced Decay Bark Absent Breaks easy Branches
Class 5 not Sampled
Extensive Decay Soft Heartwood Shape collapses No
16Improvements for 2007
- WTP Over-ride
- Invasive Plants Keep to Listed Species Codes
(Species and Distribution) - Section 15 Time Resources
- Section 16 Do NOT duplicate stratum
17Improvements for 2007
- One summary for EACH Patch
- Protocol improvements to guide summary
- Constraints and Ecological Anchors for Patches
AND Dispersed
18Improvements for 2007
- Full Count put all info onto 1st Plot
- Plot ID Numeric and NO repeats
- Data Use APPROVED Codes Complete Info
19Fire Sites What to do?
- Wildland Fire following Harvest
- Wildland Fire pre-Harvest (Salvage)
20Discussion or Questions?