Title: Earth's Changing Climate
1Pristine WaterscapeSouthern California
Largest lake in state was Tulare Lake
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5Other large lakes Buena Vista and Kernand
overflow lands
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7California contained over 5 million acres of
wetlandsmainly in the Central Valley.
8Flowing artesian well
9Deciduous Riparian Forest
10Oak savanna
11Coastal Salt Marsh
12Los Angeles ca. 1850
13Pristine WaterscapeSouthern California
Owens Lake was a saline lake east of the Sierra
Nevada mountains
14Ships crossed the lake carrying gold ore to the
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17Pristine WaterscapeSouthern California
Today, the largest lake in California is the
Salton Sea. It existed as the dry Salton Sink
prior to 1906
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22Pristine WaterscapeNorthern California
23California Wild Scenic Rivers
24San Joaquin River flows restricted by irrigation
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26Lack of flushing by flood waters leads to saline
27Bay Area and Delta
200,000 acres of coastal marshes along SF
bayonly 35,000 left now
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29Missions were located near water and an abundant
supply of native heathen who would work on
canals and irrigation
30Four presidios were expected to grow own food and
clothing as well as carry out military duties.
31Three pueblos were established and expected to
provide provisions for the presidios as well as
LA in 1850
32Crumbling Mission San Juan Capistrano in 1880
33US invasion of Mexico at San Pascual (1846)
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