Title: Autecology 2001
1Autecology 2001
Key concepts Structure - function Genetics -
environment Integration Scaling
Kozlowski Pallardy
2Autecology Potential Components
Constraints Opportunities Individual Genetics Po
pulation Species
- Processes
- Structure Morphology
- Function Physiology
Context Stand Community Ecosystem
3Example of Genetics
4Example of Genetics or is it G x E?
- Idea
- Principles
- Variation
- Feedback
- Compensation
- Synergy
- Application to management and science
6Structure - Function
- Structure (e.g., stem, branches, leaves, vessels,
roots, cells, etc.) and function (e.g., growth,
development, reproduction, gas exchange, nutrient
and water uptake, etc.) are linked.
7Structure Function cont.
- Concept There is a strong interaction between
the structure or form of a part/organism and its
function (how it carries out processes) - Example, stems, branches and twigs are arranged
in such a way so as to - Maximize light capture
- Minimize self-shading
- Minimize carbon costs
- Minimize hydraulic connections
Question of Optimization of structure and function
8Structure-Function cont.
- Why might optimization of structure and function
not occur? - Trait or attribute not critical
- Trait or attribute linked to some other trait or
attribute - Architectural or ancestral constraints (e.g., a
pine tree vs. true fir or an oak)
Where does structure or form come from?
- What are some classical examples of
structure-functional relationships? - Sun-shade foliage
- Canopy architecture
9Structure-Function cont. Above- belowground
10Parts of Tree (Chapter 2)
Stem and stem form Leaves Roots Tissues
Stem Leaves Reproductive structures