Title: Sharing Faith Today:
1Sharing Faith Today Evangelism in the midst of
2Evangelism in the midst of trauma
W. Bruggemann Our theology is defined by how we
respond to suffering
3Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Evil and Suffering The challenge to evangelism
4Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Challenging us emotionally and intellectually
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7Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Responding to the intellectual challenge
8Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Two forms of evil Moral and Natural
9Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Moral Evil Evil perpetrated by humans
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12Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Natural Evil Suffering with no human
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15Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Human Natural Evil A heady mix
16Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Natural Evil Challenging our faith in two
17Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Natural Evil The philosophers logical
18Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Challenging our faith Does God have the power to
19Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Challenging our faith If he has the power, why
doesnt he interviene?
20Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Natural Evil The evidential challenge
21Evangelism in the midst of trauma
The scope of natural evil brings into question
Gods existence
22Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Emotional Problem Understanding the crisis of
23Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Why me? How can this be fair? Am I loved by God?
24Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Emotional Problem In what kind of God do we put
our trust?
25Evangelism in the midst of trauma
What kind of responses are out there?
26Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Unsatisfactory perspectives on Evil and Suffering
27Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Life as a struggle of good versus
evil (Zoroastrianism, New Ageism)
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29Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Evil as the absence of good, or evil as an
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31Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Suffering as a punishment
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33Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Suffering as a consequence of The Fall
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35Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Useful models
36Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Drawing on the experience of Christians who live
with these questions.
37Evangelism in the midst of trauma
The Christian faith makes a difference even
though it seems illogical!
38Evangelism in the midst of trauma
What does the cross have to say about suffering?
39Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Jurgen Moltmann (1974) Elie Wiesel Where is
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41Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Models of Evangelism that respond to the trauma
of evil and suffering
42Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Evangelism and apologetics in partnership
43Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Evangelism through small group study relating to
crucial issues
44Evangelism in the midst of trauma
In response to the intellectual arguments
45Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Present an accurate perspective of good in the
46Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Emphasise that that human beings have free-will.
47Evangelism in the midst of trauma
that good can sometimes arise out of hardship,
suffering or evil.
48Evangelism in the midst of trauma
that Christ suffered hardship and endured evil,
and can identify with us.
49Evangelism in the midst of trauma
that God suffers when human beings suffer.
50Evangelism in the midst of trauma
the mission of God in the Old Testament.
51Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Jobs response to suffering and the reward of
the righteous.
52Evangelism in the midst of trauma
our response to our own suffering, eg Sheila
53Evangelism in the midst of trauma
.the Christian hope of resurrection and eternal
54Evangelism in the midst of trauma
.that the purpose of suffering is beyond our
55Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Practical support to those who are suffering
56Evangelism in the midst of trauma
The pastoral visitor as a reminder of the
presence of God and the Church.
57Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Encouraging relationship with God rather than
dogmatic belief
58Evangelism in the midst of trauma
People before doctrine.
59Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Evangelism and the Church as a centre of healing
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62Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Charismatic healing in Europe and North America
an insecure backdrop
63Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Charismatic healing in Africa, Asia and South
64Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Preaching a total gospel
65Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Offering the Church as a place of healing with
66Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Reclaiming healthcare
67Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Conclusion The evangelists response to
suffering and evil.
68Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Conclusion Programmed teaching
69Evangelism in the midst of trauma
Conclusion The Church must reclaim its healing