Title: The State of the Nation in the Meat Industry
1- The State of the Nation in the Meat Industry
- Exponential growth and expansion opportunities
- Workforce scenario
- Workforce retention and turnover
- Issues with occupational health and safety
- Inconsistent quality of product and service
- An aging workforce
- Need for leadership, human resource and strategic
planning skillsto carry the Australian Meat
Industry into the 21st Century
2- South West Institute of TAFE
- the Specialist Meat Training Centre in Australia
- Managed growth leads to unlimited opportunity and
expanded potential - Key industry reference point
- Model for other providers
- Leader in innovation and change management
- A Centre of Excellence that contributes
directly to profitability and viability ofthe
meat industry in Australia
3- MTA Business Plan the vision
- Convergence of stakeholders committed to
world-class innovation and opportunity creation - Development of interactive, collaborative and
personalised learning solutions (within the
context of the national training framework) - Meat Processing Safety
- Retail and Small Goods
- Leadership Quality
- Conduit for the application of industry specific
resources and delivery
4- Flexible, industry specific training
- Educational pathways
- Workable solutions to meet industry needs
- Best practice models of training
- Adding value to existing training programs or
5- Using a variety of resources to meet the learner
and industry needs - Face-to-face classroom delivery
- Coaching, mentoring and self directed learning
- Online learning resources
- Print based resources
6- Application of Industry Research and MTA Outcomes
- Establish and maintain an information network for
providers of meat training and stakeholders - Disseminate information about meat training
through the network or providers - Transfer technology development outcomes from
Industry RD programs to the learning environment
7- Outcomes and Opportunities
- Strengthen Industry links
- Extend professional development
- Expanded links with Government
8Using flexible learning solutions to meet
learning needs
- Presented by Meat Training Australia South West
Institute of TAFE
9Why Flexible Learning?
- Facilitates workplace based training
- Accommodates geographical isolation
- Recognises the variety of learning styles
- Utilises information communication technologies
10Flexible Learning Resources
We use a variety of resources to meet the learner
and workplace needs, including
- Face-to-face classroom delivery
- Online learning resources
- Print based resources
11Online Learning Resources an example
ANTA Toolbox - a collection of online training
materials comprising
- learning activities
- resources
- user guides
to support program delivery for endorsed Training
Package qualifications.
12Critical success factors in Flexible Learning
Strong educational management Creation of
customised content and delivery program to meet
specific learner and workplace needs Accessibility
(OnCourse-SWTAFEs Student Management
System) Student and technical support structures
13The Meat Safety Toolbox
- The toolbox is designed around each unit of
competency. - User activity is driven through exploration and
responding to questions presented within each
subtopic within a unit. - The currently developed unit demonstrates tasks
that are responses to case studies and resources
14The Meat Processing Toolbox
- The toolbox is designed around each unit of
competency. - User activity is driven through exploration and
responding to questions presented within each
subtopic within a unit. - The currently developed unit demonstrates tasks
that are responses to case studies and resources
15Competencies covered by this toolbox (1)
- MTMMP7313B Maintain food safety of meat
- MTMP3071A Perform ante-mortem inspection and make
disposition - MTMMP48B Handle animals humanely while conducting
ante-mortem inspection - MTMMP3072A Perform post-mortem inspection and
make disposition
16Competencies covered by this toolbox (2)
- PMLTEST302A Calibrate testing equipment and
assist with maintenance - PMLDATA300A Process and record data
- PMLSAMP400A Obtain representative samples in
accordance with a sampling plan - MTMMP80B Inspect transportation container/vehicle
17Touring the Meat Processing Toolbox
- Meat Safety Toolbox
- Resources
- Virtual Meatworks - Beef Floor
- Animal Anatomy - Sheep
- Beef Inspection
- Beef Pathology
- Case Studies - Welfare of Bobby Calves
18Touring the Meat Processing Toolbox
- Glossary
- HACCP Planning
- Tags, Stamps Forms
- References
- Training units Post mortem Inspection Make
19Touring the Meat Processing Toolbox
- Assessment tasks
- Workbook
- Meat Safety Meeting Room
- Meat Safety Teachers Guide
- Meat Safety Toolbox home
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