Title: CLS Partial Organization Chart
1CLS Partial Organization Chart
Construction Phase
CLS Director M. Bancroft
Functional Responsibility
Communication Link
Project Leader M. de Jong
Project Administrator L. Carter
Project Manager B. Hawkins
Project Admin. Asst. A. Shenher
Health, Safety Environment M. Bennmerouche
Commission Leader Les Dallin
Construction Manager M. Heikoop
Work Pkg. 6 Leader E. Hallin
UAC Kathy Gough
Project Engineer Dan Lowe
Beamline Developer(s) Beamlines 1 to gt6
Beamline Scientific Advisors
Insertion Device Leader Ingvar Blomqvist
Beamline Consultants
2CMCF related Organization Chart
Beamline Developer Pawel Grochulski
Insertion Device Leader Ingvar Blomqvist
Beamline Scientific Advisors
Beamline Consultants Gerd Rosenbaum
3Beamline Development
- Stage 1 Concept Design
- Stage 2 Preliminary Design
- Stage 3 Final Design
- Stage 4 Construct/Fabricate/Test/Install
- Stage 5 Commission
- Stage 6 Operate
4Stage 1 Concept Design
- Scope
- Roles
- Organization
- Reference Specifications
- Cost Estimate
- Schedule
- Documents to be issued or revised
- Conceptual Design Report
- Orientation Meeting Report
- Clarification of Issues
- Meeting Notes
- Beamline Operations Manual
- Beamline Layout (block diagram)
- Commissioning Plan
- QA Plan
- Review Concept Design (FAC)
- Approve Concept Design (CLS)
- Recommend Preliminary Design Start (CLS)
5Reference Specifications
Insertion Device or Source point Absorber Slits Mi
rrors Monochromator Detectors Shielding Positionin
g, bending and feedback systems Endstation
6Stage 2 Preliminary Design
- QA Plan
- Buy or Fabricate?
- Items for configuration control
- Control system and Data acquisitions
- Cost Estimate
- Schedule
- Documents to be issued or revised
- Preliminary design report
- Preliminary Commissioning plan
- Preliminary Safety Report
- Procurement Strategy
- 3D layouts (gross dimensions only)
- PFD/PID drawings
- Component specifications
- QA Plan
- Procedures manual
- Review Preliminary Design (Technical Expert
Panel) - Approve Preliminary Design (CLS)
- Recommend Final Design Start
7Preliminary Design ReportReview
Take reference specifications for each device and
generate a description of the required component
consistent with the Quality Assurance
Plan Examine each component to determine its
possible impact on personnel and machine
safety Generate one document for each major
component and an overall document for the entire
line Include budget and schedule
estimates Suggest reviewer(s) for the preliminary
design report Submit a copy for review by safety
8Stage 3 Final Design
- Refine Procurement Strategy (Design/Build)
- Update Beamline Operations manual
- Update Cost Estimate
- Update schedule
- Documents to be issued or revised
- Final Design Report
- Commissioning Plan
- Safety Report
- RFP documents for design/build/buy items
- Detailed fabrication documents for fabricated
items - Detail design documents for buy items
- Component specifications
- QA Plan
- Procedures manual
- Review Final Design
- Approve Final Design
- Recommend Beamline for Construction
9Final Design ReportReview
Integrate Reviewers Comments and return to
reviewer if necessary Address any safety related
concerns Modify design (if necessary) for
consistency with CLS safety and access
requirements, consistent with the Quality
Assurance Plan Generate Final Design
Report Update budget and schedule
estimates Submit copy for safety review (obtain
regulatory approval to construct
beamline) Generate preliminary installation,
commissioning and operating plans
10Stage 4 Construct/Fabricate/Test/Install
- Build and test components
- Integrate components and test
- Install and test in beamline
- Align beamline to monuments
- Develop operating procedures
- File amendment to CLS Safety report with CNSC
- Documents to be issued or revised
- QA Plan
- Training documents
- Procedures manual
- Testing validation documentation
- Review test procedures commissioning plan
- Recommend beamline commissioning start
11Fabrication Design (Drawings)
Issue fabrication drawings or request for
tender Update budget and schedule estimates Issue
Construction schedule and budget Update
installation, commissioning and operating plan
12Stage 5 Commission
- Align beamline to photon beam
- Measure conformance to reference specifications
- Commission beamline
- File Safety Commissioning report with CNSC
- Documents to be issued or revised
- User Training Manual
- Operating Manual and Procedures
- Testing /verification procedures
- commissioning and alignment procedures
- Safety measurements (report)
- As built drawings
- Acceptance documentation for the beamline
- Deficiency list
- check beamline performance relative to reference
13General issues for all beamlines
- Quality Assurance Program
- Process for beamline design teams
- Resources for beamline design teams
- Construction/commissioning Schedule
- Construction/operation Staffing
14Some Technical details for the CMCF
- Current plan calls for in-vacuum small gap
insertion device - Monochromator similar to that used on the SBC-CAT
and SER-CAT beamlines - Endstation similar to that at the SER-CAT
- UMA web site tool
15CLS Design Parameters
16CLS Reference Specifications
17CLS Source Point Sizes and Machine Functions
18Insertion Devices at the CLS
- Insertion device designer has been hired (Ingvar
Blomqvist) - Plans are to design in house and make
buy/fabricate decision based on resource
constraints. For example, support structure
design and fabrication will likely be outsourced. - Current plans are for at least these IDs
- Superconducting wiggler for Hard X-ray XAFS
(similar to that at MAX) - Small gap in-vacuum undulator for Protein
Crystallography - An elliptically polarizing undulator for Soft
X-ray Spectromicroscopy - A conventional undulator for the SGM
19Front Ends
- Design and construction to be out-sourced
- Possible vendors are being qualified includes at
least one consortium with a local connection - An expert from the APS (Dr. Deming Shu) has
assisted us in the specification of the front end
design - Expect to be ready to go out to an outside vendor
for the design by February 2001
20Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility
- Plan to build an ID and a second beamline later
- Pawel Grochulski has been hired and will
participate in construction and commissioning of
a model beamline at the APS (SER-CAT) - Automation and robotic sample mounting will be
part of the design of both beamlines - SSRL developed software (BLU-ICE) is being
considered for the CMCF - A new proposal must be written and submitted for
the second beam line
21Insertion Device Delivery Plan
- Have hired an internationally recognized
Insertion Device specialist Ingvar Blomqvist
(currently still in Sweden) - Ingvar will design the required magnetic
structures which may be assembled off-site - Have identified four possible vendors Danfysik,
STI, Accel and SPring8 - These structures will be tested and adjusted
on-site in the CLS Magnet Measurement Room some
final magnetic field adjustment may be done on
22Small Gap Undulator Parameters
6 mm gap 18 mm gap
12 mm gap 24 mm gap
23Small Gap Undulator vertical field
Radia simulation of small gap undulator vertical
field (6 mm gap)
Radia simulation vertical field integral (6 mm
24Small Gap Undulator vertical field 18 mm gap
Vertical field
Vertical field integral
25SGU Magnetic Structure
26Risks with an SGU
- you need a large volume UHV vacuum chamber
- you need a double set of girders, one set inside
the vacuum chamberand one set outside. The
alignment of the two magnet assemblies relative
toeach other is difficult. - some the RF fingers and the conducting sheet
carrying the image currentthrough the undulator
presents engineering challenge. - the control of gap and taper must be more precise
due to the short period and small gaps. - protection of the magnet blocks during baking by
water cooling. - Standard undulator has about 200 poles in the
magnet assembly and takes about 4 months of bench
time to assemble, test and shim. With an SGU,
the same process takes about 7 months because
there are typically more poles (shorter
periodicity) and the final assembly and alignment
is complicated by the vacuum tank. - SGU has a potentially different impact on the
machine than a large gap device IF it is the
defining vertical aperture during some part of
its operation. - Shimming can be done with the same degree of
precision so there is no greater magnetic impact
on the ring for an SGU compared to an LGU
27Protein Crystallography
- PI Louis Delbaere Louis.Delbaere_at_usask.ca
- Wavelengths 1.9 0.68 Angstrom, 6.5 18 keV
- Resolution 1.6 x 104 using Si(220)
- Typical Crystal size 20 50 mm
- Design goal flux of 1013 photons/sec into a 50 x
100 mm area - Design will be modeled after beamlines at SBC-CAT
28Staffing Resources for Protein Crystallography
- Minimize engineering and drafting resources
required by utilizing existing designs as much as
possible - Pawel Grochulski has been hired as a beamline
developer - Began work November 1, 2000
- Became familiar with PX project in first two
months - Spends first four months of 2001 building the
SER-CAT beamline at the APS and doing some user
support at the SBC-CAT as a visiting scientist
29Issues for Protein Crystallography beamline
- Insertion device type conventional small gap in
vacuum undulator or super conducting out of
vacuum undulator - A feasibility study will be done by an outside
contractor - Experience from MAXLAB will be used in making
this decision (superconducting wiggler is being
built and tested there)
30Protein Crystallography Beamline Layout
31Protein Crystallography Endstation
32(No Transcript)