Zoeyology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ashley stated offensively. ... Mike looked at Ashley Waiting for a smart comment. ... 'Where the flip and toms did Ashley go? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Zoeyology

  • The study of My Mind

Introduction(additional writing)The Study of My
  • I cry for help at times but its usually an
  • After I have fallen so deep
  • NO! I have dug so deep into a whole that I cant,
  • NO! I haven't built an escape route
  • Out.
  • Its the study of my mind that makes me speak
    such deep words.
  • Yes words I wish to annihilate the human mind so
    they can elapse thinking past their own
  • YES! It is the study of my mind
  • I wish to go deeper and study my mind
  • And in my mind Ive studied the word acute
    doesnt just describe an angle.
  • It describes me,Im getting deeper into my mind
    and I find the word
  • Acute equals Sensitivity.
  • But I still must form words from my mind that
    demonstrate to you me.
  • This is me, yes ,I am emotional
  • And because I am in fact emotional I am not
  • As for your observation, you are wrong.
  • I am as strong as my mother who generated me in
    her womb
  • I am as strong as the wife of Moses, standing by
    his very side waiting for the king to let GODS

Table of contents
  • Poems
  • Beautiful Liar
  • Im So Fake
  • My Book of Questions
  • I Wish
  • Journal Entries
  • If Im such a Burden
  • Mike and Ashley-After she left Me
  • Questions,Trials,and Tribulations
  • Help Me To Freedom
  • Inhaling You

Beautiful Liar
  • Honesty, It's what I want to stay in me. Inner
    beauty, It's what they see in me. Courage,
    It's what they feel from me. Dignity, It's
    what they can't take from me.Even if it is so
    little it doesn't compare to the size of a
    microscopic cell,it's still belongs to me.
    Honor, It's what I have for my father.
    Tashina, It's the name of my alter-ego that is
    for everyone to see. Ashlee, It's only what
    some see. The real me. A Mirror, Something I
    dread to see. Me, What they see and what I
    don't see. Me, Wish I could see what you see.
    Me, Because right now I want to see something
    in the mirror............

  • Im so Fake that my Fake is real.
  • And there is no such thing as normal.
  • Why?
  • Normal has no form.
  • But, if normal has no form then there is no such
    thing as weird.
  • But then Im weird because.
  • Or not like everyone else who appears to be the
    same otherwise known as fake.
  • But my Fake is Real. Its So real its Me.
  • Its my name.
  • My date of birth.
  • My self-esteem.
  • My abnormal has common sense to know that you are
  • But then again you cant be because abnormal is
    normal because its weird which has no form which
    makes everything Absolutely Fake

My Book Of Questions????
  • Instead of a beauty pageant, can the world have
    a ugly pageant?
  • If you could taste the rainbow, would it taste
    like skittles or would you walk right through
  • If you died only to meet God what would be the
    one question you would ask him?
  • Do the blind have a bigger imagination than the
    ones who may see?
  • If we had no emotion would life be stiff yet more
  • If raisins could talk, do you think they would
    say much beyond the words ouch Knowing for a
    fact that they are dried grapes?
  • Can opinions be factual?
  • If all gods are the same, according to history,
    then why do we all fight for which religion to
    believe in is real?
  • If family members dont believe you are capable
    of doing what you believe is your career, then
    are they capable for the word supportive?
  • Do children not know what love is or do parents
    not want to except the fact the children in fact
    do love?
  • Questions come from the mind. In this case these
    questions come from one who sits and thinks. The
    study of Ashley Kiara Meyers mind. Also known as

I Wish
  • I wish I was a light bulb, then I would be
    naturally bright.
  • I wish I was a fish because then I would have an
    excuse for being stupid.
  • I wish I was a cat, then I could be wise.
  • I wish I didnt exists because then there
    wouldnt exists the word naive.
  • I wish the sky wasnt blue and the grass wasnt
  • I wish my eyes werent brown but a red to match
    my angry.
  • I wish there was no such thing as a right or a
    left sided brained person.
  • I wish time wasnt invented so that days would
    just float by.
  • I wish I could sleep so I could stop getting so
  • I wish I had a twin so I could share my pain with
  • I wish I could express myself so I wouldnt feel
    like a lame.
  • I wish people would stop telling me negative
  • I wish people would stop telling me my name.
  • I wish I knew what my insides are feeling so I
    could pour ALL of it out.
  • I wish this page was endless so maybe all my
    sorrow will disappear.
  • I wish I lived in happiness and not drenched in
  • I wish I knew the secrets of life.
  • I wish I could scream and run away.
  • I wish I annihilated her words and made tears

(No Transcript)
The Study Of My Mind!!!!
If Im Such A Burden
  • It started in eighth grade when my body had grown
    out of that ugly stage and into that Hey Im a
    teenager but yet I want to look like a women
    stage and my mother had already warned me that
    she was going to lock me up .I didnt know she
    meant it literally.
  • ummm, Regina just wait until you get to high
    school. No boys will be over here no maam. My
    Aunt told me. Of course I always took it
    sarcastically. Never believing her thinking of a
    non-realistic temperate sensitive girls life,
    taking it that every time I was tripped, pinched,
    poked, stabbed, laughed at, called a name or
    commanded to do something by a male my age, that
    meant the opposite sex couldnt stand me. Well
    now I know I was wrong.
  • Now I am a freshman in high school and my Aunt
    and my relationship changed so dramatically you
    would think it was a script in a play. Also I am
    so unused to being known by so many people it
    changed my study habits .Not that they were so
    wonderful in the first place.
  • My name is Regina Essence Meyer. Im a typical
    tenth grade fifteen-year-old girl who loves to
    seek attention. I sometimes seem to want to be
    like everyone else but I have noticed I was put
    here on this earth to be different. Im five feet
    eight inches with a foot size of eight and a
    half. My hair is short and choppy with a dark
    almond brown color. I always thought my eyes were
    regular brown just like every one else with the
    same boring brown eyes. It appears that my eyes
    are envied in some categories and in others
    admired. I learned my eyes arent just brown they
    are golden brown inspired with a hint of
    personality. I dont know why? It must be a
    natural occurrence. Many people see me as the out
    going type. I may seem shy on the first meet, and
    I am on situations like that, but I know that on
    the inside I will grow up to be a strong black
    woman who experienced many lessons.
  • I know someone who has a very big impact
    on me, but in the suburban life I live I keep him
    hidden like my own little secret. He is three
    years older than me but I have known him, his
    sisters, his mom ,and his best friend since I
    was a toddler. It is funny how we put so much
    commitment into getting someone or something and
    once you get it in your hand someone else takes
    it before you can grasp hold of it.
  • My grandmother came to visit me in Virginia one
    weekend. She never stays long. And when I left
    the dinner table on Saturday night to go take a
    shower nana said to my Auntie quietly, You know
    Gina is getting really close to that boy Derek
    and I just dont want to see her get hurt. It
    was my fault my mother was upset because I
    decided not to speak to her about him. Who is
    Derek ? my Aunt asked as clueless as a mouse
    pulling the cheese of a mousetrap. Valerias
    boy, that goes to my church. I can always feel
    the tension between the two of them. It is a
    shame Alisia . My Aunt finally figured out why I
    loved to visit Suitland, Maryland.
  • The next night my nana was taken back home. And
    my aunt asked me many questions.
  • How old is he? What is his Whole name? What
    school does he attend? Does he have siblings?
    Where is he from? Do you know his parents, where
    is his daddy? When do you see him? Why didnt you
    tell me about him? Does his mother like you? Do
    you think he loves you?
  • And at the moment I didnt know that much about
    him so the thirteen years meant nothing. I did
    answer the questions as best as I could.
  • He is eighteen years old. I dont know his
    middle name because he wont tell me for some
    reason. He might go to Booghie High School, but I
    think he attends Thomas Eddison. He has an older
    sister named Kenisha and a twin named Shawnte. He
    is from D.C. Auntie, Good Gracious! I dont know
    his dad Auntie, and his mothers name is Valeria.
    I never thought to ask if his mother liked me?
    And of course he loves me, would I give the fool
    the time of day if he didnt love me?
  • It was after that night when my Aunt was trying
    so hard to get me to believe he didnt love me at
    all. I knew better. Even though I knew he did
    have it deep for me just as much as I did him,
    how could I be sure if he lived forty-five
    minutes away from him. Aunts always have a way to
    make you feel like youre in an oxy- Moran stage.
    Of course you dont want to believe he is having
    sex with other girls in his school, neighborhood,
    church, wherever, but you arent there and that
    is what makes you think. That night I had the
    most horrible dream that I went to his school to
    show my friends he was the love of my life, but
    when we got there he was kissing another girl. I
    woke up at three fourteen in the morning crying.
    What spell has my mother put on me? I never
    thought of this shit before! now feeling guilty
    by questioning someone you KNOW loves you. For
    the rest of the next three months I had questions
    constantly in my mind. When I called him I asked
    him random things I began to think I was too
    sensitive around him, too gushy around him and
    sure did ask him too many freakn random

Mike and Ashley-After she Left us
  • Mike, make sure you watch your sister. She is
    the baby girl dont forget that. Uncle Kevin
    said as he watched all the kids open the doors
    carelessly to his Expedition
    HELL OUT DEAZ NEGRAZ! Ashley stated offensively
  • Look little girl I told before we left V-A
    that Washington D.C. aint how you remember it so
    chill. I have had enough of you! What are you
    going to do when someone puts a gun up to your
    head huh? Trying to get rid of me now huh? Then
    youll be looking for your big brother miss Im
    so damned hard? Mike looked at Ashley Waiting
    for a smart comment.
  • O lord, you two couldnt wait till I left to
    start fighting? Uncle Kevin dramatically asked
    as he rolled his eyes, then drove off leaving his
    niece and nephew to face there own problems, as
    they normally did.
  • Can you two please walk and talk, Ian, the
    oldest cousin, said then looked around and
    noticed Ashley wasnt there, Ashley?
  • Where the flip and toms did Ashley go? the
    youngest cousin Karin asked trying not to sound
  • I know were she is. Mike said
  • As the cousins and there friend Quite walked into
    Union Station Mike thought of all the times when
    Ashley, there mother, and him used to go on there
    own when they used to be too afraid to stay at
    home. Ashley was three and Mike was five when
    there father came in the house and tried to rape
    there mother, kidnap them, and take everything or
    what little they had left. He walked into the
    Store and saw that Ashley still knew were her
    mothers favorite perfume was. She just stood
    there smelling it. Euphoria Calvin Klein. Mike
    said to let his sister know that they found her.
    Go away, you were so positive that I was trying
    to get rid of you like you say mommy wanted to
    get rid of us. You know that hurts me. Jus, jus
    go away ! Ashley didnt look at him once,
    crying already knowing if she does see her
    brothers selfless face, shell give in and hug
    him and say sorry like she always does. Your
    mothers favorite smell in a jar wont bring her
    back baby. Shes gone. She chose Jason and LJ
    over us, Ashley interrupted No she didnt she
    is visiting him and she is common's back to get
    us. Thats what she said Mike, Thats What she
    said, Mike grabbed her, turned her around and
    looked her into her eyes. Ashley fought it for a
    while tossing and turning her head so she didnt
    look back, She was drunk, you were twelve look
    at me and tell me you couldnt tell she was
    drunk. He waited.
  • Look we came here to have a good time not to
    make a lifetime movie. Can we please drop this
    sub to the eject? Ashley come on I know you want
    to see some boys, you ant in no mini skirt for
    nothing Quita said trying to cheer Mike and
    Ashley up.
  • Ashley tried to ignore Mike and squirm out of his
    arm but he refused to let her go until she
    admitted it. Why do you keep doing this to me?
    She then smacked Mike on his shoulder.
  • Lets go get something to eat. I dont like how
    these men are looking at us.Ian said quietly
  • I see two watching Ashley, two watching Mike,
    and one in the back watching you Ian. Yeah, Its
    time to go. Quita pointed out.
  • Freakn fruit cups! Kamrin yelled as he walked
    out of El Perfume De Union Station.
  • As they all walked trying to make the mood happy
    again Ashley thought she had just seen her
    grandfather pass by. A normal height chubby old
    man, gray hair with a bald spot on the top of his
    head.Just what you would suspect a grandfather to
    look like in a night time story. Mike looked down
    and was happy to see his sister smiling but
    aggravated because he didnt know why. There
    grandfather never really cared about what people
    said and always had time to listen to Ashleys
    point of view. She thought of all the times she
    could have been in trouble. But not once was she
    ever just because he sat down and listened.
    Papa! Papa! Im right here. Ashley
  • The man passed by again and this time Mike
    noticed also.It is him. Ashley then left her
  • Baby girl were are you going? Mike asked
    keeping quiet about his grandfather. He knew why
    he was there.
  • I know youve seen papa pass us three times
    already. Im going to say hi even if you wont.
    Ashley tried not to sound so unstable.

  • stood there and saw his smiling face turn very
    stern. He gripped tighter onto his cane and then
    said You can kill me but my grandchildren are in
    here and if you hurt them I dont think you
    understand the meaning of revenge.
  • Ashley stood there starring at the man looking at
    her grandfather. Tall in a leather coat, jeans,
    and had his dirty blonde hair in a pony tail. It
    disrved the name dirty blonde She looked at the
    riffle that everyone seemed to be stepping away
    from. Mike looked at Ashley knowing she was going
    to try and do something. She always saved someone
    somehow, in his eyes and she was to blind to see
    the beauty of it. Ashley then took her jacket
    off. Ian and Kamrin saw the daggers on her back.
    Mike didnt want her to do it but was too anxious
    to call out her name. Mike began to run to his
    sister and the tall man turned around to shoot at
    him but Ashley had already pulled her first
    dagger, aimed, and now it rests in the tall buff
    mans arm. Mike stood still.
  • Son of aCrocky Shelia youve got a feisty one
    fo(for) a granddaughter. What do ya call this
    here knife? He looked at her with the most
    perverted grin that made it seem like her stomach
    was eating itself and wasnt going to stop.
  • A dagger. My name is Ashley and if you touch
    anyone the next aim will be at your for- head and
    trust me I wont miss. Ashley stuck her hip to
    the side and put her hand on the next dagger.
  • Are you testing a professional Shelia? the
    man asked pointing the gun once again at her
    grandfather. The man if she could put before God
    without offending him she would.
  • I wouldnt consider you a professional. You
    dont have the mind frame. The mentality. Anyone
    can grab a gun and point it to someones head.
    Someone with an I.Q. of one can shoot someone. To
    really go up to some and torture them, harass
    them, abuse them, Ashley began to walk closer to
    the man Does it sound familiar? Or are you just
    a gunned professional?
  • Ashley waited for the answer as he gave her that
    sick twisted smile again.
  • How bout this one Shelia, for an answer that
  • The man looked at my grandfather and mouthed to
    him, Im going to rape your granddaughter and
    youll be dead. The man pulled the trigger
    Ashleys body went numb along with her sixty-four
    year old grandfather.
  • Mike looked at Ashley and tried to grab her but
    she moved. She pulled the thinnest dagger out
    and studied his frontalis.
  • Do it Ashley! he screamed to excite her, Dont
    lose focus Her eyes began to burn and her heart
    seemed too heavy.
  • Mike! Go to grandpa and hold him! DO IT RIGHT
    NOW! Ashley Started to shake.
  • Ian and Kamrin pulled out there knives. Quita
    stood there waiting for the cue. They stayed in
    the back waiting just in case Ashley wasnt
  • The man grabbed Ashley, picked her up and placed
    her on the balcony after he took her onto the
    third floor. He then slipped his hand under her
    spaghetti strapped shirt.
  • Ashley began to mouth something into the mans ear
    Born to fight.. she began to tremble Trained
    to Kill. She pushed his hand away. Ashley then
    whispered in his ear, Ready to die.. he smiled
    then put a knife up to her neck from his pocket
  • Ashleys last comment was, But never Will.
  • The Knife Ashley held in her hand slide across
    the mans throat. He looked at her in amazement.
    His death was fast and quiet. Ashley Just looked
    at him for a moment at his throat and how the
    body laid there. It was then she just to released
    all the pain screamed.
  • Mike ran upstairs and saw what Ashley had done.
    He picked her up and Brought her downstairs to
    see her grandfather.
  • Happy birthday little Ashley. Her grandfather
    choked out of his mouth.

Questions,Trials, and Tribulations
  • What if I told you that I was leaving? What if
    it was last minute, and I tried to stay? Would
    you still care for me the same way? What if I was
    trembling and crying when I said I will miss
    you? Would you think I was lying? What if the
    only way I could explain was by saying it wasnt
    your fault?Would you began to believe there was
    nothing between us at all?What would be your
    reply out of the two?I understand or Im used
    to the pain?
  •  God knows Im not used to it. I just want to
    hold you and never let go. But Im having
    trouble telling you, part of me is telling me you
    wouldnt care. If I told you it be ten years
    before I see you again? Would you think about
    me, when someone says the nameAshley! Would
    you look around just to make sure that they
    werent talking about the one you used to love?
  • After 10 years pass would you still remember the
    look you used to make towards me? What if there
    was a rock on my ring finger and the tension
    between us made us know you know we were meant to
    be? What if the babies name was ????? but not
    Jr.? What if he started abusing me? Would you
    come and pick me up or would you just let me be?
  • This isnt just about me leaving, its about
    what I want to be. Wanting to never leave you.
    But this is all hypothetical of course. Would
    you want to know or wait until 10 years to know?

Help Me to Freedom
  • White.
  • White walls
  • White beds
  • White sheets
  • White pillows
  • White shirts
  • White Shoes
  • White socks
  • White vents
  • White people
  • Blank.
  • Blank food
  • Blank eyes
  • Blank sights
  • Blank desks
  • Blank sheets of paper
  • Blank minds
  • Blank words
  • Blank hairstyles

  • Colors
  • Colored beds
  • Colored shirts
  • Colored shoes
  • Flavored food
  • Painted nails
  • Eye colors are noticed
  • Sky blue
  • Green grass
  • Clichéd red rose
  • Golden brown
  • Coffee
  • Violet
  • Full desks
  • Expressed pages
  • One mind frame
  • Thoughts are described
  • Mouths are opened
  • Sights of gates and concrete surround the tall

  • Ill give it to you bluntly.
  • There is a crisp emotional feeling
  • going on,
  • and I know what it is.
  • I know you know what it is.
  • In my body
  • That thing that thumps
  • Is filled with your name.
  • I know that yours thumps like
  • Mine.
  • I feel it when we hug so
  • Tightly that we turn to one.
  • It is true,
  • She tried to separate us,
  • By making me move.
  • Nothing but death
  • Can keep me from you.
  • The good Lord himself
  • Would have trouble keeping us out of our

Inhaling You
  • Ill give it to you bluntly.
  • There is a crisp emotional feeling
  • going on,
  • and I know what it is.
  • I know you know what it is.
  • In my body
  • That thing that thumps
  • Is filled with your name.
  • I know that yours thumps like
  • Mine.
  • I feel it when we hug so
  • Tightly that we turn to one.
  • It is true,
  • She tried to separate us,
  • By making me move.
  • Nothing but death
  • Can keep me from you.
  • The good Lord himself
  • Would have trouble keeping us out of our
  • Heavens.
  • I think of the many different
  • Things you could be doing
  • When Im down here
  • And
  • Youre way up there,
  • You always make the negative thoughts
  • Flee.
  • Youre the one calling me.
  • I test your patients and call
  • At random times
  • You always squeeze the doubts
  • And suffocate the excuses until
  • They die and decompose into the ground.
  • This brings more hell because just as she knows
  • I love you,
  • You find out too.

The Study of My mind
The Conclusion Of My Study
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