Title: Wonwoo Lee
1Projective geometry and Transformations of 3D
- Wonwoo Lee
- 2006.01.03
- GIST U-VR Lab.
- Gwangju 500-712, S. Korea
- http//uvr.gist.ac.kr
- Point and projective Transformation
- Planes in P3
- Points and a plane
- Plane at infinity
- Absolute conic
3Point and projective Transform.
- A point in P3 in homogeneous coord.
- If X40 ? point at infinity
- Projective transformation on P3
- Represented as 4x4 matrix H
- 15 degrees of freedom
4Planes in P3
Homogeneous representation of a plane
The point X is on the plane
Normal vector of the plane
5Points and a plane
- Suppose three points X1, X2, X3 are incident with
the plane, then
- For mxn matrix
- Null space and row space are sub-spaces of Rn
- Left null space and column space are sub-spaces
of Rm
- X1, X2, X3 are linearly independent in general.
- Dimension of null space 4 3 1
- The solution is unique. (up to scale)
6Points and a plane
A plane which passes three points, X1, X2, X3
7Planes and a point
- Three planes define a point
- Dual to the case three points defining a plane.
- Intersection point of three planes
The point X is null space of 3x4 matrix
- Parameterized points on a plane
- Null-space and span representation
- A line is a pencil of collinear points
- A line is the axis of a pencil of planes
- A line as the span of two vectors
A, B Two points in space
- The span of WT is the pencil of points
- The span of the 2-dimensional right null-space of
W is the pencil of planes with the line as axis
9Quadrics and dual quadrics
- Quadrics
- A surface in P3 defined by the equation
(Q 4x4 symmetric matrix)
- 9 DOF, 9 points define a quadric
- A surface in P3 defined by the equation
- Det(Q) 0 ?? degenerate quadric
- The plane is the polar plane of X
wrt. Q - Intersection btw a quadric and a plane is a conic
- Projective transformation
- Dual of a quadric is also a quadric
10Classification of quadrics
Projectively equivalent to sphere
hyperboloid of two sheets
11Hierarchy of transformations
12Hierarchy of transformations
13Plane at infinity
- Corresponding to the line at infinity in P2
- Two planes are parallel if, and only if their
line of intersection is on a plane at infinity - A line is parallel to another line or to a plane,
if the point of intersection is on a plane at
infinity - The plane at infinity is a fixed plane under the
affine transformation
Line at infinity
Plane at infinity
14Absolute conic
- A conic is a curve described by a 2nd degree
equation in a plane - Absolute conic ??8 on the plane at infinity
- For the points on the plane at infinity
- A conic of purely imaginary points on ??8
15Absolute conic
- Properties
- ??8 is fixed as a set by a general similarity
transformation, not pointwise - All circles intersect ??8 in two points
- All spheres intersect ??8 in ??8
- Metric properties
d1, d2 intersection with ??8
d1, d2 line directions