Title: The nervous system
1The nervous system
- Regulatory systems basic concepts
- Feedback positive and negative
- The nervous system neuron structure
- Signal transmission
- Increasing conduction velocity
- Talking to other neurons The synapse
2About the exam
- Medium length (Four point) questions 2
- Question 2 was worth 4 points TOTAL
- Mistakenly graded as 4 points for 2b and 2 points
for 2a. - Everyone had a grade scratched out and changed
- 4 became 2
- 3 became 1.5
- 2 became 1 etc
- Colligative antifreeze was worth only 1 pt.
3Longer format questions
- These questions test your command of a concept
- Can you explain it coherently and furnish
examples? - Can you apply it to novel questions?
- Theyre not about how smart you are or whether
you understand when something is explained to
you. - They ARE harder, but theyre less random
- Life is not multiple choice!
4Regulatory systems
- Nervous system ( 2 classes)
- Endocrine system (2 classes)
5Operate through feedback
- Components of a regulatory system
- Some controlled variable (e.g. body temperature,
blood sugar) - A set point (e.g. 37ºC, 190 mg glucose /dl blood)
- One or more detectors
- One or more control mechanisms
- comparing variable of interest with the
setpoint, adjust control systems accordingly. - Negative feedback
- A deviation from the setpoint provokes a
corrective response in the other direction - Negative feedback promotes homeostasis!
- Positive feedback
- A deviation from the setpoint provokes a response
in the same direction - Positive feedback amplifies response to small
7Negative feedback - thermostat
- Temperature falls below setpoint
- Thermostat signals Boiler to turn on
- Boiler raises temperature to above setpoint
- Thermostat signals boiler to turn off
Thermometer (detector)
Thermostat (set point)
Boiler (on or off) - effector
8Negative feedback - thermostat
- Note that this type of simple negative feedback
system inherently produces oscillations around
the setpoint - Depends on threshhold sensitivity!
Too hot
Less sensitive thresholds
More sensitive thresholds
Too cold
9Antagonistic systems
- Many forms of negative feedback take place
through antagonistic systems - E.g., a house with both a heater and an air
conditioner active - Need to integrate these signals appropriately
(e.g., activating one response suppresses the
other) - Achieves a finer level of control than ON/OFF
10Neurons (More weird cells)
- Cell body (with nucleus)
- Dendrites
- Shorter, branching fibers (generally lt 1 mm)
- Bring incoming signals
- Axon
- Long fiber (can be several meters long!)
- These are like cables
- Take signal to next neuron
- Synaptic bulbs
- Contact points between neurons
- Space between contact points synapse
- These are like switching devices
11Anatomy of a neuron
Synaptic bulbs
12Neuron shapes
Processes from cell body?
Typically efferent outgoing signal
Typical of CNS interneurons
Typically afferent incoming sensory signal
Direction of signal
13Very basic functional map
(Central nervous system)
- Nerves are bundles of axons
- 100s 1000s of axons
- Cell bodies are aggregated into ganglia, or
centers of neuron connections - Axons synapses are directional!
- Like a one-way street only transmit impulses in
one direction - Nerves can have axons going in both directions
- Can both transmit and receive information
15How do neurons transmit signals?
We have the squid to thank for what we know!
Squids have giant axons in their mantles
Big enough to stick an electrode inside
- People have known for 100s of years that the
signal is electric - Has to do with changes in charge ratio (measured
as a voltage) across membranes action potentials
16Membrane potential
- Outside of cell Lots of Na, lots of Cl-
- Inside of cell Lots of K, lots of immoveable
anions (negatively charged residues on proteins,
e.g. carboxyl groups) - Net charge is slightly negative inside, slightly
positive outside - Neuronal membranes are relatively permeable to
K! - K tends to diffuse out of cell until it starts
to be repelled by charge - Balance of concentration potential and electric
membrane potential
17Balancing potentials
Hi K
Concentration potential
Low K
Outside cell
Inside cell
K flow
K flow
Resting potential of neuronal membrane is
-60mV (inside negative relative to outside)
18The Nernst Equation
- This predicts the resting potential based on one
ion (K) - R universal gas constant
- T temperature (kelvins)
- F charge constant (contained by 1 g. of ions)
- K potassium ion concentrations
- At room temperature, this simplifies to 58 log
10 (Ko/Ki) - In/out concentration ratio 1/20 predicts
resting potential of -75 mV
19The Goldman Equation
- Nernst Eqn doesnt quite get it right (-75mV
predicted, -60 mV actual) - Goldman equation predicts resting potential based
on all 3 major ions - Each ion concentration is weighted by membrane
permeability - This equation predicts potential exactly! Way to
go, Goldman!
20Na is NOT happy
- It wants to be inside the cell, based on BOTH
concentration and charge - Na would equilibrate at a membrane potential of
55 mV (Nernst eqn) - But alas, its desires are foiled by
- Na/K pump
- Impermeability of cell membrane to Na
- Neuron is capable of generating resting
potentials of -60 to 55 mV based solely on
membrane permeability to different ions
21Action potential
- An action potential is a wave of depolarization
and repolarization that moves across a cell
membrane - Cell membrane is studded with voltage gated Na
channels - When the membrane depolarizes beyond a threshold,
Na channels open - Rush of Na into cell membrane potential
changes to 55mV! - Slower K channels open when membrane potential
peaks, Na channels close - Rush of K out of cell returns membrane to
resting potential
221 resting potential 2 depolarizing stimulus
arrives 3 At threshhold polarity, Na channels
open 4 rapid Na entry 5 Na channels close, K
channels open 6 K rushes out 7 voltage
overshoot! 8 K channels close, cell returns to
resting P
brief refractory period
23Why doesnt cell fill up with Na?
- Changes in Na and K are
- Relatively small
- Highly local
- Quite rapid
- Cause a big effect in a very small area for a
very short time - A single AP changes the Na inside a squid
neuron by lt0.001 - a tiny amount. - Na/K pumps are always working (although more
slowly) to restore Na and K - However, even if Na/K pumps are disabled with
metabolic poison, squid neuron can generate 1000s
of action potentials
24APs work through postive feedback
25Refractory period
- Axons are refractory to further APs after one has
passed - Action potentials cannot go backwards!
- This causes APs to travel in one direction, away
from trigger point
26Conduction velocity
- Two major determinants of conduction velocity
- Neuron diameter
- Resistance of neuron membrane to current leak
- Several invertebrate examples of giant neurons
- Squids
- Earthworms
- These tend to be animals with relatively few
neurons! - Vertebrates have too many neurons for this
strategy - Instead focus on insulating membrane
Schwann cells A type of supporting cell glial
These wrap around an axon, forming a fatty sheath
Node of Ranvier
Myelin insulates cell membrane from extracellular
- Glial cells support neurons
- Schwann cells are a type of glial cell that forms
myelin - Wrap themselves around axons to form a sheath
- This prevents membrane from contacting
extracellular fluid - Exposed nodes between Schwann cells have normal
APs - APs jump from node to node through cytoplasm
- Speed of a myelinated neuron is equivalent to an
unmyelinated neuron that is 100 times larger! - If our optic nerves were unmyelinated, they would
have to be a foot wide to conduct impulses at the
same speed!