Title: Glaciers and Mass Wasting Final Exam Review
1Glaciers and Mass Wasting Final Exam Review
- Mrs. Hutson
- Spring 2007
- Day II
2Alpine vs. Continental
- AKA Valley
- Carve/Accentuate Landscape
- U-Shaped Valleys!
- Found in mountains
- AKA Ice Sheets
- Subdue/Smooth Landscape
- Icebergs!
- Found in Antarctica and Greenland
3Four Regimen States of Glaciers
- Advancing The ice is advancing both internally
and externally. - Retreating Melting occurs faster than
nourishing. No external advancement.
- Equilibrium Balance of wastage and nourishment.
Moraines are formed. - Stagnation Little if any internal advance.
Calving occurs.
4Esker,Drumlin, Kettle, Moraine, Outwash Plain (no
5Alpine Glaciation (Wheres the fjord?)
6Isostatic Rebound
7Four Advances of the Ice Age
- Nebraskan
- Kansan
- Illinoisan
- Wisconsinan
8Driftless Area
9Illinoisan vs. Wisconsinan
- Covered 90 of state
- Swell and swale topography
- Slow, steady retreat
- Created flat till plains
- Mostly erased by WI episode
- Farthest south of all episodes
- Covered 50-60 of state
- Knob and basin topography
- Punctuated, pulsing retreats and readvances
created moraines - Last episode
10Indicator vs. Erratic
- Erratics are rocks that have been transported by
a glacier - Indicators are erratics for which the origin is
known and can tell us the direction of ice lobe
11Till vs. Outwash
- You will have to identify glacial polish,
striations, glacial deposits. Loess/Aeolian
deposits! (4 ID questions) - Remember,
- Till is dropped off haphazardly
- Outwash washes away from the glacier and is
sorted by size so you get layering
12Till, Till Plain, Outwash, Outwash Plain,
Erratic, Indicator, Glacial Polish, Striations,
13Mass Wasting
- Main Types You must ID
- Creep
- Slump
- Slide
- Flow
- Fall
- Avalanche
- Facts
- Mostly due to excessive water buildup in slope
- Slow buildup with sudden release typical
- Forces gravity, ice wedging, H2O
14Reducing Mass Wasting
- Vegetation
- Reduce Slope
- Build a Support (wall)
- Drain Water from Slope
- The opposite of these will cause Mass Wasting to
- Evidence tilted or curved poles and rock layers,
cracks, hockey-stick trees, potholes
- Most likely caused by ice wedging
- Be sure to look for the talus slope!
17Debris Flows
- Flows move very fast like water and end in wide
lobes often caused by excessive precipitation in
short amount of time in an arid location (name
18Translational vs. Rotational
- Translational travels downslope in one solid
piece and ends up looking the same at the bottom
of the hill - Rotational curves as it travels downhill like a
spoon (scarps) - Both result from too steep of a slope with little
vegetation - Usually soil, not rock
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