Operating System Architectures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Operating System Architectures


OS kernel is very small supports process management, not much else. ... a proof-of-concept exokernel called Aegis and ExOS, a library operating system. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Operating System Architectures

Operating System Architectures
  • Kernel Design

Kernel Architectures
  • MicroKernels
  • Extensible Operating Systems

  • Original concept due to Per Brinch-Hansen
  • RC 4000 Multiprogramming System, 1969
  • Poor performance, due partly to the IPC overhead.
  • Nevertheless, the concept remained popular.

Basic Idea
  • OS kernel is very small supports process
    management, not much else.
  • Other OS functions provided at user level by
    trusted servers.
  • Windows, later versions of Mach, are examples of
    systems that use modified microkernels.
  • L4 is a publicly available, pure microkernel

Major Advantages - Claim
  • Modularity
  • Flexibility (easy to replace modules)
  • Safety (each server is protected by the OS from
    other servers)
  • Correctness (easier to verify a small kernel)

Major Disadvantagesof Early Microkernels
  • Slow based on cross-domain information
  • Server-to-OS, OS-to-server communication involves
    mode switches.
  • Much faster to communicate between two modules
    that are both in OS
  • Other problems cost of creating new processes
    whenever a server is activated,

Can MicroKernels Perform Well?
  • Jochen Liedtke argued that microkernels can give
    the same level of performance as a traditional
    OS, and conducted experiments using his µ-kernel
    (L4) to prove his claim.
  • Liedtke argued that 1st generation µ-kernels
    just werent small enough.

  • Highly tuned, small, very efficient
  • Kernel implements threads, address spaces, very
    efficient thread communication, and simple
  • Other operating systems can be configured to run
    as servers on top of L4

Extensible Operating Systems
  • L4 and other microkernels popularized small
    kernels and the idea of OS flexibility
  • Extensible operating systems build on this idea

Hierarchy of Communication Mechanisms (Fastest to
  • Procedure calls within same process
  • Switch between user-level threads
  • System calls (mode switch)
  • Switch between kernel-level threads
  • Shared memory between processes
  • Context Switch (process switch)
  • IPC between processes (message passing, on the
    same or different machines)

Extensible Operating Systems
  • Specializing General Purpose Operating Systems

Extensible Operating Systems
  • Motivation
  • Exokernel
  • SPIN

Motivation for New OS Designs
  • Desire to make operating systems more responsive
    to applications needs e.g.,
  • Do your own scheduling
  • Choose your own page replacement algorithm
  • Similar to micro-kernel motivation

Traditional General Purpose OS
  • Provides various abstractions of system resources
    (virtual address spaces, processes, files, etc.)
  • Provides general-purpose resource management
  • Able to handle most applications, but handles no
    applications perfectly because theres no easy
    way to specialize the OS to individual needs.

  • Microkernels provide one kind of extensibility,
    SPIN and exokernel architectures take somewhat
    different approaches.
  • Exokernel a very small kernel allocates raw
    resources to applications. Resource management
    is done by untrusted user level code, in the form
    of library operating systems.
  • SPIN provides a basic set of services
    applications modify/extend the services by
    linking code into the kernel (extension model).

  • Extensibility, Safety and Performance in the
    SPIN Operating System
  • Brian N. Bershad, et. al.

SPIN Motivation
  • SPIN is motivated by the need to support
    applications that present demands poorly matched
    by an operating systems implementation or
  • Implementation what the system does its
  • Interface how an application accesses the system

Implementation and Interfaces
  • OS implementation decisions (file system design,
    page replacement algorithm, etc.) may not be a
    good fit for some applications
  • Interface design limits how we can use the
    functionality of the operating system.

SPINs Goal
  • To build an operating system that provides
    extensibility, safety, and performance.
  • Extensibility the ability of an application to
    change/extend basic system services,
  • Safety but no application can interfere with any
    other application
  • Performance and it cant be slow - guarantee low
    overhead communication between OS and application

  • Extensibility comes from letting app.s access
    low-level kernel primitives and compose them into
    larger abstractions.
  • Modify/replace
  • The kernel provides fine-grained interface to
    system services. Something that would be a large
    module in a traditional OS (e.g. the paging
    system) is broken down into smaller modules
    each with its own interface. (See figure 3 in the

  • Safety is provided by a trusted compiler.
  • Written in Modula-3, the compiler is trusted to
    generate safe code.
  • It allows one module to access another only
    through the defined interface.
  • It provides type safety, which among other
    things always checks for array indexing errors
    and prevents pointers from referencing objects of
    the wrong type

  • Applications modify the system by writing
    extensions, code that changes the way in which a
    system provides service.
  • Extensions are linked directly to kernel code
    when they are needed. Because they run in kernel
    space, communication between OS code and
    extension code is fast no system calls

Fundamental Techniques
  • The success of SPIN is based in large part on the
    following techniques, implemented by the language
    and its runtime environment
  • Co-location
  • Enforced modularity
  • Logical protection domains
  • Dynamic call binding

  • Refers to the linking of extension code and
    system code, which results in low overhead
  • This process is done dynamically an extension
    is linked in only when the application needs it.

Enforced Modularity
  • Extensions are written as Modula-3 modules with
    well-defined interfaces enforced by the compiler.
  • Access to memory or privileged instructions only
    through explicitly granted interfaces.
  • Compiler-enforced modularity ensures low cost
    isolation between modules.

Logical Protection Domains
  • Protection domain an abstract notion to provide
    access control on resources, both hardware and
  • A protection domain specifies (by name) the
    resources a process may access.
  • SPIN domains contain code exported interfaces
    to system resources/core services

Protection Domains
  • An extension exists within a specific domain and
    can reference anything in the domain
  • A dynamic linker in the kernel links code in
    separate domains with proper permission
  • Once this is done, domains can share resources at
    memory speed.

Protection Domains Capabilities
  • Capability an unforgeable reference to a
    resource think of it as a key
  • When a process is granted access to a resource it
    receives a capability
  • SPIN implements capabilities as pointers
  • the compiler can prevent them from being forged,
    or dereferenced incorrectly.
  • this is done at compile-time, which is fast

Dynamic Call Binding
  • Events activate the execution of an extension
    (think of interrupt processing or exception
  • Applications are allowed to define handlers for
    the event.
  • Procedures that process the event.
  • Extensions are registered with a central
    dispatcher and can be executed with the overhead
    of a procedure call.

SPIN versus Other Systems
  • The authors claim that microkernels are also
    extensible, but that they are too slow (kernel
  • So less incentive to provide fine-grained
    interaction with the kernel.
  • They also claim that compared to other systems
    that allow insertions into the kernel SPIN is
    more flexible and safer.

  • SPIN enables extensibility without compromising
    safety or performance
  • SPIN provides a set of core services for managing
    system resources
  • Extensions allow applications to modify or
    replace the core services
  • Extension are supported by co-location, enforced
    modularity, logical protection domains, and
    dynamic call binding.

  • Exokernel An Operating System Architecture for
    Application-Level Resource Management
  • By
  • Dawson R. Engler, M. Frans Kaashoek, and James
    OToole Jr 1995.

  • Exokernel is not the name of a particular
    operating system it designates a type of
    operating system architecture, much like a
    microkernel is an OS architecture.
  • An exokernel-based system consists of a very
    small kernel (the exokernel) and one or more
    library operating systems.
  • The paper describes a proof-of-concept exokernel
    called Aegis and ExOS, a library operating system.

Exokernel Motivation
  • Motivated by the belief that the OS should not
    provide high-level abstractions upon which
    applications are built
  • Instead, the OS should manage physical resources
    and allow applications to develop abstractions
    which match the requirements of the application
  • Ex The authors cite measurements showing that
    application-controlled file caching can reduce
    run time by up to 45.

Premise Goal
  • The basic premise of exokernel architectures is
    the lower the level of a primitive, the more
    efficiently it can be implemented.
  • Its goal is to separate resource protection from
    resource management.
  • The goal is achieved by providing kernel
    interfaces at the lowest possible level if
    possible, directly to the hardware.

Goal Statement
  • In another paper, Engler et.al. state that The
    exokernels only function is to allocate,
    deallocate, and multiplex physical resources in a
    secure way. Resource access is controlled
    through 64-bit capabilities. The resources
    include physical memory (in pages), the CPU (in
    time-slices), the TLB, context-identifiers, and
    disk memory (divided into blocks).

Basic Principles
  • Resource protection is the function of the
    kernel, and is applied to raw resources (e.g. a
    section of physical memory) rather than to an
    abstraction (e.g., a virtual address space).
  • Resource management can be left to the
    application (untrusted)
  • The exokernel will forward exceptions (e.g., a
    page fault) to the application for processing.
  • Compare to SPIN event handling

  • Claim OS use of high-level abstractions hides
    info that applications could use to manage their
    own resources. For example
  • Database systems may be forced to build
    random-access files on top of the OS file system
    instead of being able to interact directly with
    the disk using raw I/O statements
  • Claim a large, unmodifiable OS cant easily
    incorporate new research developments.

Library Operating Systems
  • Untrusted - Built on top of an exokernel
  • Can be tailored to a set of applications with
    similar requirements.
  • Run in user space fewer system calls to the
    exokernel gt enhanced performance.
  • Applications can interact with a library OS or
    interface directly to the exokernel.
  • Possible to provide a standard interface (e.g.
    POSIX) for a familiar look.

Design Principles
  • The interface between the exokernel and library
    OSs is defined by the exokernel according to
    these principles
  • Securely expose hardware
  • Expose allocation
  • Expose names
  • Expose revocation
  • In this context expose means to make visible to
    the application or library OS that interfaces to
    the kernel

Design Principle 1Expose Hardware
  • The kernel aims to export very low-level hardware
    resources such as privileged instructions, as
    well as more abstract resources such as
  • The library OS must be free to use the resources
    as it desires.
  • Exported resources are accessed via system calls
    that verify the callers permission to use the

Design Principle 2Expose Allocation
  • The library OS should be allowed to ask for
    specific physical resources.
  • For example access time to files that are always
    used together may be improved by storing them
    close together on the disk. If the library OS can
    request specific disk blocks, it may be able to
    get better performance.

Design Principle 3Expose Names
  • Physical names are things like page numbers and
    disk block addresses.
  • It is more efficient to have the physical address
    so no translation is needed.
  • Names of system data structures which contain
    info such as disk arm positions or TLB contents
    should also be made available to the application

Design Principle 4Expose Revocation
  • Provide details under which resources are
    revoked, so library OS can manage its resources
  • When a page fault occurs the library OS (not the
    kernel) will decide which page to replace. Since
    it knows the actual physical names of pages, it
    can do this easily.

Secure Bindings
  • decouple authorization from the actual use of a
  • Secure bindings are implemented in such a way
    that the kernel can perform access- checking
    quickly when the access is performed.
  • Binding takes place when the resource is
  • Access checking is thus quick e.g., a capability

  • Exokernels are responsible for resource
    allocation/protection, user applications are
    responsible for resource management.
  • Exokernel primitives can be implemented
    efficiently because they are simple
  • Low-level multiplexing of hardware is fast.
  • Library OSs enable applications to create
    appropriate abstractions.
  • Secure bindings provide protections

End-to-end Argument
  • The end-to-end argument argues that (high-level)
    applications know their own needs best. Services
    provided by low-level system components (the OS,
    for example) are often expensive and redundant
    (they will need to be done again, correctly, at a
  • Exokernel authors use this argument to support
    their claim that OS should give applications
    almost total control over high-level
  • SPIN has a similar philosophy.
  • End-To-End Arguments In System Design, by
    Jerome H. Saltzer, David P. Reed, David D. Clark,
    ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Nov., 1984.

  • Think about similarities and differences between
    SPIN and Exokernel architectures.
  • Basic philosophy
  • Motivation
  • Approach
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