Title: Cleveland Area Rapid Transit
1Cleveland Area Rapid Transit
- Strategic Communication Presentation
- November 13, 2008
2Establish an Awareness
- As a public transportation provider, you must
make the public aware! - Get involved in civic groups, especially the
Chamber of Commerce - Meet with local business owners
- Attend all meetings where the public is involved
3Get Involved
- If you are invited, GO!
- From events such as Bike to Work Day to a moms
group organizing Touch-a-Truck, it is the perfect
way to show the community you careand to market
your system!
4CART in the News
- CART has been featured in the local newspapers
more than 75 times from 2006 to 2008, including
ten front-page stories in the Norman Transcript - Coverage ranged from special events and new
routes to milestones and feature stories
5Everyone Has a Story to Tell
- You and only you know what your story is!
- All employees have a story
- Milestones and records are newsworthy
- New services and routes need to be in the news
6Create News
- Garner news coverage by making news, by creating
7Try Transit DayOctober 2006
- CART waived fares on all routes and services
- Hideaway Pizza donated 1,000 slices of pizza,
which were gone in less than two hours - CART gave away four unlimited one-month passes
- Cost Loss of revenue
8Fill the TrolleyDecember 2007
- CART collected toys and household items from
local businesses, university departments and
student groups - CART was able to completely fill two trolleys,
donating the goods to the Cleveland County
Christmas Store - Cost Fuel, driver, Santa Claus costume
9Dump the PumpJune 2008
- Mayor and City Council proclaimed June 19, 2008,
Dump the Pump Day in Norman - CART waived fares on all services that day and
gave free t-shirt to all riders as well as hosted
a free concert at a local park - All major Oklahoma City news stations covered the
event - Ridership increased 100 on that day
- Sooner Express transported 145 passengers, a new
record - Cost T-shirts, band, print advertising, exterior
bus ads, loss of revenue
10How to Get Media Attention
- Each reporter at a publication is assigned a beat
- Find out who writes for transportation and meet
with that person, explaining to him or her
exactly what your agency does - Build a relationship with the reporter, a trust,
a rapport - Know what is newsworthy and what is not
11How to Get Media Attention (Continued)
- Do not inundate news outlets with press releases
- No more than one or two press releases per month
- Give reporter plenty of notice (several weeks)
- Be sure to educate the writer as to why your
story is relevant, why readers would care
12Employ Private Sector Marketing Tactics
- Print Advertising
- Promotional Items
- Discounts
- Coupons
13Print Advertising
- Very effective way to reach large audiences and
send the message YOU want to send - Make ads catchy, creative and most importantly,
memorable - Always include contact information and agency logo
14Promotional Items
- Promotional items allow you to put your logo on
something people will use - Promotional items are great to have on-hand for
attending events, such as information-sharing
fairs and childrens functions - Examples bookmarks, keychains, pencils, water
- Offer discounts or free rides at various times
- Couple the event with quirky or off-the-wall
days, such as Friday the 13th or April Fools - Have fun with the customers on these days
- Offer free-ride coupons in the newspaper or be
creative and include them in your citys utility
bill or other unique outlets - Have drivers collect coupons, recording route,
day and time, to use as market research
17Network With Other Public Transportation Providers
- STEAL!!!
- Network with your peers
- Ask questions
- Transit providers are more than willing to share
ideas as public transportation agencies are not
competing against each other