Title: Impact of Governors Proposal on MDUSD Budget
1Impact of Governors Proposal on MDUSD Budget
- Presented byGary McHenry, SuperintendentMarch
2Mid-Year Actions Under Proposition 58
- The Governor has declared a fiscal emergency
under Proposition 58, triggering the following - The Legislature is now called into Special
Session to deal with the Budget crisis - The Governor must submit a plan to address the
Budget imbalance - The Legislature must adopt a plan to address the
problem by March 15 (that is, within 45 days of
the declaration) otherwise it may not act on any
other legislation and it may not adjourn - The plan must be adopted by a two-thirds vote of
the Legislature, allowing the savings to take
effect immediately
Source SSC, January 2008
3State Budget Summary
- Compared with full funding for COLA and growth
for programs in 2008-09, the Governors proposal
cuts K-12 education by 4.4 billion - These cuts average about 740 per ADA from
2008-09 full funding levels
- Saying it another way . . .
- Governors proposal is for 2008-09 funding to be
about 1.8 billion less than current year, equal
to average cuts of - 129 per ADA from Revenue Limits
- 30 per ADA from Special Education
- 146 per ADA from Categoricals
- ? Total loss of about 305 per ADA from current
year levels!
Source SSC, January 2008
42008-09 K-12 Revenue Limits
- Caution Impact of deficit depends on
district-specific revenue limit
Assumes mid-year cuts are absorbed by other means
Source SSC, January 2008
5Unrestricted Revenue Limit with Fully Funded COLAs
Source MDUSD Fiscal Services, March 2008
6Updated MDUSD Revenue Projections(Numbers in
- 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
- January 8 292.1 301.7 307.6
- Governors Budget 291.1 284.4 291.2
- Loss 1.0 17.3 16.4
7MDUSD BudgetMoney is in job positions
8MDUSD Updated Unappropriated BalanceIncludes
Board Reductions through February 25, 2008(No
salary increases)
- 2007-2008 8,494,916
- 2008-2009 2,691,116
- 2009-2010 ( 3,530,112)
9Employee Units
- CSEA California School Employees
AssociationClassroom Assistants, Campus
Supervisors, Licensed Vocational Nurses - DMA Diablo Managers AssociationPrincipals,
vice principals, student services coordinators,
curriculum and program specialists, directors,
classified managers, Confidential staff - Local One, CST Clerical, Secretarial, Technical
School secretaries, registrars, attendance
clerks, personnel assistants, accountants,
computer operators - Local One, MO Maintenance and
OperationsCraftsmen, painters, carpenters,
mechanics, custodians, landscapers, bus drivers - MDEA Mt. Diablo Education AssociationTeachers,
librarians, nurses, speech pathologists - MDSPA Mt. Diablo School Psychologists
AssociationSchool psychologists - SupervisoryCustodial and Food Service supervisors
10How do we begin?v Start with criteria
11Criteria for Budget Reductions
- I recommend the following priority order
- Insure campuses are safe for students and staff
- Honor collective bargaining contracts and comply
with local, state and federal mandates - Maintain programs for students
- Analyze program effectiveness
- Eliminate programs that are ineffective
- Maintain programs that are effective
- Protect as many positions as possible
- Honor our commitments and our promises to the
publice.g. Measure A and Measure C, Kindergarten
Class Size Reduction - Affect expenditure reductions across all programs
- Health and Safety supervision of students
- Cleanliness
- Shift expenditures to grants and other funding
source where possible
12Steps Balancing the Budget
- Determine the amount to be reduced
- Apply the methodology
- Comply with budget reduction criteria
- Amount to be reducedCost of 1 for all units
- Cost of 1 x Reduction Factor Amount to
be reduced/unit - Cost per Unit Average cost per
Reduction Factor
of Positions to be Reduced
14MethodologyExample Impact of 14 Million on
MDEA unit
- Amount to be reducedCost of 1 for all units
- Cost of 1 for unit x Reduction Factor
Amount to be reduced/unit - Cost per Unit Average cost per
14,000,000 2,199,189 6.4
Reduction Factor
1,311,912 x 6.4
of Positions to be Reduced
8,396,23655,290 152 positions
15Amount to be reduced 14 million
16Example 12 million
17Example 10 million
18Example 8 million
19How do we begin? Some Critical Questions
- How much is budgeted in particular departments?
- What programs and services are provided?
- Which programs and services are legally required?
20Departments Affected
- District Operations
- Educational Services
- Alternative Education
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Student Services
- Special Education
- School Sites
- Fiscal Services
- Maintenance and Operations
- Custodial and Landscape
- Personnel
- Research and Evaluation
- Technology and Information Services
21Possible Programs/Services Impacted
- Athletics
- Budget Development
- Campus Cleanliness
- Campus Safety
- Class Size Reduction
- Clerical Support
- Curriculum Development
- Recruitment, Hiring, Retention
- School Site Support
- Services to Students with Special Needs
- Student Services
- Testing and Assessment
- Textbook Adoption
- Visual and Performing Arts
22Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 4,255,146.32 22.572
- Special Education 909,204.56 1.067
- Special Projects 8,183,502.16 19.616
- Total 13,347,583.04 43.255
- Continuation High Schools
- Home Study
- Independent Study
- Small but Necessary High Schools
- Special Education Extended Year Program
- Spring/Summer Intervention
- Transitional Learning Programs
- Work Experience
24Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 5,513,939.00 66.51
- Special Projects 19,836,459.36 98.32
- Total 25,350,398.36 164.83
- 4th and 5th grade PE prep
- All categorical programs, e.g. GATE, Title I
- Beginning Teacher Support, Peer Assistance and
Review - Curriculum development
- Elementary instrumental and choral music
- English as a second language
- Instructional administration
- Library processing and services
- Principals training
- School Improvement
- Teacher training and professional development
- Textbook adoption
26Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 5,522,003.95 17.000
- Special Projects 1,439,662.26 27.729
- Total 6,961,666.21 44.279
- Certificated and Classified Employee Recruitment
- Certificated and Classified Substitutes
- Classified Employee Training and Professional
Development - Credential and No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Monitoring and Compliance - Employment Services
- Labor Relations and Contract Management
Negotiations - Personnel Services
- Post Retirement Contracts
- Professional Development
28Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 497,084.22 4.75
- Special Projects 175,467.71
- Total 672,551.93 4.75
- Enrollment Projections
- Facilities Study
- Program Evaluation
- Research and Evaluation
- School Boundaries
- Testing and Assessment
30Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 2,407,711.44 24.725
- Special Education 52,361.41
- Special Projects 4,849,479.47 46.465
- Total 7,309,552.32 71.190
- AB1113 School Safety and Violence
- Attendance Accounting
- Career Center
- Child Welfare and Attendance
- Community Day School
- District Wide Home and Hospital
- Drop Out Prevention and Recovery
- Foster Youth
- Health and Nursing
- High School Counseling and Supplemental
Counseling - Opportunity Program
- Safe and Drug Free Schools
- Saturday School
- Services for Section 504 Students
- Student Services
- Suspensions and Expulsions
- Title I Neglected
- Title IV
32Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 70,913.74 1.0
- Special Education 57,494,265.32 600.02
- Special Projects 8,077,531.06 126.63
- Total 65,642,710.12 727.65
- Assessment services
- Assistive technology
- Behavioral services
- Counseling
- Free and appropriate public education (FAPE)
- In-house Mental Health Collaborative and mental
health services - Managing students Individual Education Plans
- Non-public schools and agencies
- Nursing and psychological services
- Occupational and physical therapy
- Parent Liaison services
- Preschool for students with disabilities
- Special Education Consent Decree
- Speech language therapy
- Students with special needs
- Teaching
- Testing and assessment
34Review of General Fund Budget
- Program Budget
FTE - General Purpose 21,138,513.94 191.20
- Special Projects 764,746.19 0.5
- Restricted Maintenanceand Transportation 12,993,9
81.20 149.38 - Total 34,897,241.43 341.08
- ADA compliance
- Building security
- Building trades
- Capital outlay and facility work
- Custodial administration
- Facility acquisition and construction
- Heating, ventilation, air conditioning
- Landscape
- Maintenance and repair
- Measure A construction
- Measure C construction
- Mechanical trades
- Mobile maintenance
- Playground equipment
- Plumbing and electrical
- Restroom renovation
- Transportation