Title: Measuring human development using composite Indices
1Measuring human development using composite
2The human development indices at the forefront
of HD measurement development
- The HDI (Human Development Index)
- - a summary measure of human development
- The GDI (Gender-related Development Index)
- - the HDI adjusted for gender inequality
- The GEM (Gender Empowerment Measure)
- - Measures gender equality in economic and
political - participation and decision making
- The HPI (Human Poverty Index)
- - Captures the level of human poverty
- Others
3What is a composite indicator?
- A simplistic presentation and comparison of
- performance in a given area to be used as
- a starting point for future analysis.
- - OECD, an information server on composite
indicators - provides a clue to a matter of larger
- significance or make perceptible a trend or
- phenomenon that is not immediately
- detectable.
- - Hammond et al, 1995
4Composite indicators a compromise
- Pros
- Summarize complex, multidimensional issues
- Facilitate comparisons based on big pictures
instead of many separate indicators - Attract public interest, support policy-makers
- Others?
- Cons
- Simplistic
- Could be misleading (assuming substitutability)
- Subjective choices
- Others?
5To be effective, a composite indicator should be
- Conceptually clear (core dimensions
relationships) - Policy relevant (priority areas)
- Components measurable
- Methodology simple and transparent.
6Why the HDI?
- The fundamental conceptual shift
- Human development is both an outcome and a
process of enlarging peoples choices to lead
lives they value - Economic growth is only a means, though an
important one, for human development. - Human development accounting breath vs focus
7The need for a summary measure -
- Give me a measure a single measure which is
as vulgar as GNP per capita, but not as
insensitive to broader aspects of human lives. - Mahbubul Haq
- An advocacy tool for new thinking
- To focus attention w/ simplicity
- Combination of economic and social factors
8Break away from the GDP dominance
HDR 2004
9(No Transcript)
10The success of the HDI
- Focus on the most basic dimension w/ universal
value (the more comprehensive, the weaker)
attracted attentions! - Though still contested by some of its validity,
widely accepted powerful advocate - Generate healthy competition and create
political will for change - Identify priority indicators for further
development and weakness in existing data
(Philippines official statistics) - Spur the construction of other indices
11The use of the HDI beyong advocacy
- Monitoring progress (but short-term change?
yearly change in global Report?) - Shift policy focus Philippines threshold level
for basic social services Bolivia Ministry for
HD - Basis for allocating resources (appropriate?)
Brazil Egypt India Mexico Merck HIV drug
discount - Others?
12The limitations of the HDI
- Not a comprehensive measure of HD (door to the
house, rescue HD from the HDI) - Not adequate for short-term impact of policy
changes - Hampered by lack of relevant data comparability
and reliability of data (existing measures
capture analytical concept?) - Others?
13Going beyond national averages
- In South Africa, HDI is 0.531 for Northern
Province compared to 0.712 for Gauteng - In India, HDI for untouchables (0.239) is
almost half - that for Brahmins (0.439)
- In the United States, HDI for White Americans
0.870 - African Americans 0.805 Hispanic Americans
- 0.756
- Powerful tool esp. when combining disaggregated
HDI and trend analyses - But how far do we go?
14Other innovations with HDI analytical/policy
- Selection of indicators
- E.g., India HDR2001
- Focus/extension of dimensions
- E.g., South Africa HDR 1998
- Arab HDR2002 AHDI
- Variations in weights
- E.g., India HDR2001
- Adjusting for inequality
- E.g., HDR 1993 Mexico NHDR 2002
15Way forward?