- Chris Llewellyn Smith
- Director UKAEA CulhamChairman Consultative
Committee for Euratom on Fusion
2Europe has a single/integrated fusion programme
based in many labs, and steered/coordinated by
EURATOM and EFDA (European Fusion Development
Agreement), and a range of excellent fusion
Tokamaks JET ASDEX-U MAST (ST) Torre
Supra TEXTOR TCV FTU Compass D (? Prague)
Stellarators W7X (under construction) test
facilities TJ2
3Introduction to the official description of the
Euratom Fusion Programme 2007-11 (more specific
details later)
- Fusion has the potential to make a major
contribution to the realisation of a sustainable
and secure energy supply for the EU - ITER lies at the heart of the present EU
strategy it must be accompanied by a strong and
focused European RD programme to prepare for
ITER and to develop the technologies and
knowledge base needed during its operation and
beyond. - Broader Approach projects (340M from Japan
340M from - Europe over ten years) to accelerate the
development of fusion energy. - The rapid development of fusion also requires a
wide industrial base to ensure a timely
deployment of fusion energy. - Overall objective of the programme
- To develop the knowledge base for, and to realise
ITER as the major step towards, the creation of
prototype reactors for power stations that are
safe, sustainable, environmentally responsible,
and economically viable.
- Work in laboratories approx. 75 National 25
Members ( size of national programmes) 12.5
UK - JET enhancements EURATOM
- ITER Construction 45.5 of total
(EURATOM/France 4/1) - Broader Approach France, Italy, Spain, Germany,
Switzerland - EFDA collective use of JET coordination of
physics emerging technologies training - European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the
Development of Fusion Energy ITER contributions
(RD was previously under EFDA) Broader
approach DEMO technology - Euratom funding for 2007- 2011 1947M
(including 1 billion for ITER construction) - National funding in last few years has been
300M /year
5Broader ApproachIFMIF EVEDA, JT60-SA,
International Fusion Energy Research Centre
(Super computer, DEMO studies,)
- EURATOM Programme
- Specific Activities in the 2007-11
- The realisation of ITER
- RD in preparation of ITER operation.
- assessment of specific key technologies for ITER
operation through the completion and exploitation
of the JET Enhancements (first wall, heating
systems, diagnostics) - exploration of ITER operating scenarios by means
of targeted experiments on JET and other
facilities, and coordinated modelling activities. - .
6JET is collectively used by EFDA Associates
More than 300 scientists from all over Europe
worked on JET during the 2006-2007 Campaigns
7JET ITER-like wall experiment
- 700m2 Beryllium first wall
- low Z
- Oxygen getter
- Optimise plasma performance
- But large erosion melting
- 100m2 Tungsten
- Low erosion
- high melting T
- Negligible T retention
- Optimise lifetime T- retention
- But high Z melting
- 50 m2 Graphite CFC
- Lowish Z
- No melting in transients
- Superior heat shock behaviour
- Optimise heat flux resistance
- But large erosion T retention
8Specific EURATOM Activities 2007-11 (continued)
- RD in preparation of ITER operation.
(continued) - At an early stage of the Framework Programme, a
review will be carried out of the facilities
examining the possibility of phasing out existing
facilities, and considering the need for new
devices in parallel to ITER exploitation. The
review will be used as a basis for the possible
support of new or upgraded devices . - Technology activities in preparation of DEMO.
- RD activities for the longer term .
- improved concepts for magnetic confinement
schemes - an experimental fusion physics programme
aimed at the optimisation of power station
design - theory and further modelling with the
ultimate aim of a comprehensive understanding of
reactor-grade fusion plasmas - studies of the sociological aspects and
economics of fusion power generation - Human resources, education and training
9 Reinforcing and Accelerating the Path to DEMO
- I was recently asked to convene a group to
provide input to the European Commissions
proposed Strategic Energy Technology Plan. The
following is my personal summary of the key input
made by the group, whose members are - C Llewellyn Smith1, E Bogusch2, M Gaube3,
- F Gnesotto4, G Marbach 5, J Pamela6, M Q Tran7,
- H Zohm8
- all participating as individuals, not as
representatives of their parent organisations - 1 UKAEA, 2 AREVA NP, 3 Tractebel
Engineering/SUEZ, 4 RFX Padua, 5 CEA, 6 EFDA, 7
EPFL Lausanne, 8 IPP Garching
10My personal summary of our input
- The EU has an excellent fusion RD programme,
based on a sound plan designed to lead
systematically to demonstration of electricity
production by fusion in 30 years (assuming no
political delays and no major adverse surprises).
We propose that - The plan should be strengthened by additional
investment in technology physics, and perhaps
also the construction of a European satellite
tokamak and/or a Component Test Facility, to
reduce the risk of delays, and bring forward the
subsequent deployment of reliable fusion power on
a large scale. -
- As soon as resources (money manpower) allow,
the EU should set up a DEMO design team with
substantial industrial involvement. The design
would guide the present RD plan and the ITER
programme. The team should consider whether to
move directly to a new paradigm of construction
of an early relatively low performance
DEMOnstrator Power Plant without waiting for
(full) results from ITER and IFMIF. - The group should also evaluate the potential of
a CTF, and if it seems desirable design a CTF.
11A possible early DEMO (EDEMO) What? Why?
- The canonical DEMO which would follow ITER and
IFMIF is supposed to demonstrate electricity
production, with performance (plasma,
availability, materials, cost/kW-hr) close to
that required for a commercial fusion power
station. - We suggest considering the less ambitious goal
of demonstrating electricity production as soon
as possible with plasma performance ITER and
known materials (ferritic steel) in a device that
might initially be pulsed ( 10 hours). Such a
device could (assuming design and a vigorous RD
programme start next year) demonstrate
electricity production in 20 years - We believe that, building on results from ITER,
IFMIF, JT60-SA, FDF,EDEMO could be followed by
high performance commercial fusion power
stations without an intermediate step
12- We think early/major involvement of industry is
needed to bring a stronger culture of design for
buildabilty, operability, reliability and
maintainability into fusion - The lesson of fission is that availability is
more important than any other parameter (except
the discount rate), and studies of fusion power
costs suggest that the same will be true of
fusion - Currently we are developing (or planning to
develop) - Plasma physics at existing devices, ITER,
JT-60-SA, - Materials in parallel at IFMIF
- Technology/reliability in a just in time/just
enough manner for ITER - Designing/Building EDEMO (with industry) would
put us on a parallel track in attacking all
three sets of problems
- Europe has an excellent fusion programme, but
- It could/should be strengthened.
- My group thinks we should bring industry into a
large (E)DEMO design team, as soon as possible,
and consider building a EDEMO. Whether EDEMO
would be justified will require a lot of detailed
work and debate. - Note the presentation of the argument is my
responsibility, our conclusions have not yet been
discussed outside the group, and are not official
EU policy
The fact that we can talk of demonstrating
electricity production by fusion in 30 (perhaps
20) years rests on the major progress made in
recent decades, to which General Atomics has been
an outstanding contributor