Title: Nutrition and Label Reading Portion Control
1 Nutrition and Label Reading/ Portion Control
2Understanding the Food Label
- Nutrition facts
- Serving size
- Total Fat
- Saturated Fat
- Trans Fat
- Cholesterol
- Sodium
- Total Carbohydrate
- Dietary Fiber
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Percent Daily Value
3Understanding the Food Label
- 1. Find the Nutrition Facts
- located on the food package
- 2. Find the Serving Size
- based on one serving
4Understanding the Food Label
- 3. Total Fat
- Aim for 30 of your calories
- to come from fat
5Understanding the Food Label
- 4. Saturated Fat
- Aim for less than 10 of
- total calories
- ? Animal products (meat)
- ? High fat milk (whole)
- ? Eggs, cheese, butter
6Understanding the Food Label
- 5. Trans Fat
- Limit to less than 2
- grams/day
- Man-made or processed fats
- Eat very little!
7Understanding the Food Label
- 6. Cholesterol
- 300 mg is the max/day
- ? Meat ? Eggs
- ? Milk ? Butter
- ? Cheese
8Understanding the Food Label
- Sodium
- American Heart Association recommends
no more than - 2300mg/day
- 1 tsp salt 2400mg
9Understanding the Food Label
- 8. Total Carbohydrate
- Should make up 50 of your
- total calories for the day
- ? Whole Grains
- ? Fruits
- ? Vegetables
10Understanding the Food Label
- 9. Dietary Fiber
- 25-35 grams/day
- ? Whole grains
- ? Fruits Vegetables
- ? Nuts, Beans, Legumes
11Understanding the Food Label
- 10. Vitamins and Minerals
- ? Vitamin A
- ? Vitamin C
- ? Calcium
- ? Iron
- Goal is to reach 100
12Understanding the Food Label
- 11. Percent () Daily Value
- Based on a 2000 calorie diet
- Consult your MD
13Common Food Label Terms
- Product contains under 5 calories
- 5 mg sodium Ā½ g sugar, fat or saturated fat 2
mg of cholesterol 2 g or less of saturated fat
per serving.
- Product Contains no more than
- 40 calories 140 mg sodium
- 3 grams fat 1 gram and 15
- total calories saturated fat 20 mg
cholesterol or less per serving. -
- Product is nutritionally altered containing 25
less of a specific nutrient (sugar, fat, sodium
or cholesterol) or 25 fewer calories than a
reference food.
- Product contains 25 less of a nutrient or 25
fewer calories than a reference food.
- This is an altered product containing 1/3 fewer
calories or 50 less fat per serving.
- Product such as a meat, poultry, seafood, meal
product or main dish contains less than 10 grams
fat, 4.5 grams saturated fat and 95 mg of
- Product such as a meat, poultry, seafood, meal
product or main dish contains less than 5 grams
fat, 2 grams saturated fat and 95 mg of
21Product Ingredient List
- Manufacturers list ingredients by weight
- Valuable resource
22 23Portion Sizes vs. Serving Sizes
- Portion size how much you eat
- Serving size how much on Nutrition
- facts
- Remember they dont always match!
24Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta Group
- 1 slice of bread
- 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal
- Ā½ cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta
- 6-11 servings/day
25Fruit Group
- 1 medium apple, banana, orange, pear
- Ā½ cup of cooked, or canned fruit
- Ā¾ cup of fruit juice
- 2 cups/day
- Choose a variety
26Vegetable Group
- 1 cup of raw leafy vegetables
- Ā½ cup of other vegetables (cooked or raw)
- Ā¾ cup of vegetable juice
- 2 Ā½ cups/day
27Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese Group
- 1 cup of milk or yogurt
- 1 Ā½ -2 ounces cheese
- 1 cup of soy-based beverage
- 3 servings/day
28Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, and Nut Group
- 2-3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry or fish
- Ā½ cup of cooked dry beans or Ā½ cup of tofu
- 2 Ā½ ounce soyburger or 1 egg
- 2 Tbs. peanut butter or 1/3 cup of nuts
- 2-3 servings/day
29Portion Control
- Refrain from Biggie sizing it
- Avoid buffet style restaurants
- Share a meal or get a to-go box
- Stop eating when you feel full
- Pack a cooler when traveling
- Monitor food labels
30Portion Control Cont
- Keep a Food Diary
- Avoid eating in front of TV
- Dont eat from bag or box
- Eat slowly
- Dont skip meals
- Keep your portion sensible