Title: Disease Outbreaks Steps of Investigation
1Disease OutbreaksSteps of Investigation
- Susan Chandler, R.N., MPH
- P. H. Nurse Consultant
- N. C. Immunization Branch
2Steps of Investigation
3Steps of Investigation
- Receiving Reports
- Confirming/Defining Cases
- Investigating
- Implementing Controls
- Managing Cases
- Managing Contacts
- Analyzing Effectiveness of Controls
- Reporting
4Step 1Receiving Reports
- Goals
- Protection
- Reduced exposure
- Limited spread
5What Illnesses are Reportable?
- Summary on N. C. Report Card
- Bold Italics
- Within 24 Hours
- All Others
- Within 7 Days
6Who Must Report?
- Physicians
- Medical and laboratory facilities
- Local health directors
- School principals and day care operators
7Immunity of Persons Who Report
- A person who makes a report pursuant to the
provisions of the law shall be immune from any
civil or criminal liability that might otherwise
be incurred or imposed as a result of making that
8Confidentiality of Records
- All information and records, whether publicly
or privately maintained, that identify a person
who has AIDS virus infection or who has or may
have a disease or condition required to be - reported pursuant to the provisions of the
law shall be strictly confidential...
9How Do You Insure that Reporting Occurs?
- Encourage communication within healthcare
community - Build relationships with local providers
- Educate, educate, educate!!!
10Example Reporting Pertussis
- Bold italics
- Reportable within 24 hours of diagnosis (even
suspicious of disease) .
11Step 2Confirming and Defining Cases
- Lab Confirmation
- Appropriate test
- Appropriate time
- Appropriate method
- Appropriate handling
12Confirming and Defining Cases
- Case Definition
- Clinically compatible case symptoms fit the
clinical presentation of disease - Confirmed case clinically compatible and either
lab confirmed or epi-linked - Probable case meets the clinical case
definition and is not lab confirmed or
13- Case Definition-continued
- Suspect case person whose medical history and
symptoms suggest infection - Lab-confirmed case one or more laboratory
diagnosis methods present positive results - Epi-linked case patient has had contact with a
diseased person
14Defining a Case
- Gather disease specific information
- Type of symptoms
- Duration of symptoms
- Exposure to someone with like symptoms
- Laboratory diagnostics
15Significance of Case Definition
- If you dont have lab results to confirm a case,
- use the case definition to see if the symptoms
rise to a level of suspicion or
16 - Or..
- If symptoms are intense and yet lab results show
(perhaps a false) negative, - you might still call it a case, based on case
definition standards having been met
17Example Pertussis...
- Clinical Case Definition Cough illness lasting
at least 2 weeks with one of the following - Paroxysms of coughing or
- Inspiratory whoop or
- Post-tussive vomiting
- And without other apparent cause (as reported by
health professional)
18Example Pertussis...
- Confirmed Case
- An acute cough illness of any duration
associate w/ B. pertussis isolation, or - A case that meets clinical case definition and
is confirmed by PCR, or - A case that meets clinical definition and is
epi-linked to a case confirmed by culture or PCR.
19Example Pertussis...
- Probable Case
- Meets clinical case definition,
- Is not lab confirmed, and
- Is not epi-linked to lab confirmed
- case.
20Step 3Investigation
- Local Health Director shall investigate...
- cases of communicable
- diseases and conditions
- reported to the local health director.
- Determine if illness warrants investigation
- Identify other similar cases previously or
currently reported - Determine if illness can be considered
transmissible person to person.
- Determine if reported case is one for which every
case will be investigated - Determine if reported case is similar to other
reported cases - Determine if reported case is in a special
high-risk population
- Determine if diagnosis of illness has been made
- Determine if reported case has appropriate
diagnostic labs, or meets case definition, or is
- Inform appropriate individuals and/or
organizations of investigation activities - Determine message to be relayed to individual
and/or organization
25Example Pertussis
- Disease transmits person to person
- Every case is to be investigated
- Have you had other recent cases? Is this case
epi-linked? - Is this case or are contacts a high risk group?
26High Risk for Pertussis
- Infants
- Close contact of infant
- Day care w/ young children
- Immunodeficient
- Health Care Worker-direct patient care
- Baby sitter
- Woman who is pregnant
27Step 4Implementing Controls
- The local health director
- has the authority and
- responsibility to
- implement control
- measures to prevent the
- spread of reportable
- communicable disease...
28The Local Health Director has...
- The authority to
- Isolate
- The authority to...
29All Persons...
- Shall comply with control measures, including
submission to examinations, and tests, prescribed
by the Commission subject to the limitations of
G. S. 130A-148 - Control of Communicable Diseases Manual (American
Public Health Association) is codified in N.C.
General Statutes as the requirements for control
30Do you really want to wait?
31Getting Started...
- Report in a timely manner
- All facilities - hospitals, doctors office,
school, college infirmary or child care nurse,
report to local health department immediately - Time is of the essence to interrupt the spread of
disease - Dont wait for Lab confirmation
32Your Local Health Director
- Involve the Health Director early
33An Epi Team
- Notify and involve early
- Many steps need to be taken in a short period of
time - Epi-Team is critical to meeting the needs
34Step 5Managing Cases
- Ensure that case is appropriately managed in
order to prevent transmission of illness
35Managing Cases
- Determine if still infectious-obtain lab
confirmation - While awaiting lab results, assume this is a case
if illness meets case definition - Follow guidelines in Control of CD Manual to
- Require personal practices to
- prevent transmission
- Require medical treatments to
- prevent transmission
36Example Pertussis
- Confirmatory Labs-
- DFA (smear)
- Culture
- PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
37Example Pertussis
- Isolate-remove from presence of young
children/infants until case receives 5 days of
minimum of 14-day Rx of antibiotic - Without Rx with antibiotic, isolate for 3 weeks
from cough on set
38Step 6Managing Contacts
- Identify individuals at risk of infection as a
result of exposure to known source - Ensure that contacts identified receive
appropriate preventive treatment and that
appropriate surveillance of contacts is conducted
39Managing Contacts
- Determine if contact is susceptible to infection
to which exposed - Identify nature and duration of exposure
- Determine if exposure is likely to have resulted
in transmission of agent
40Managing Contacts
- Determine if contact is currently in another
public health jurisdiction If so, inform
appropriate public health authority - Determine if contact is infected or ill. If so,
manage as case - Inform contact about a) exposure
- b) incubation period c) Signs/symptoms d) Seek
medical attention and contact public health
authority if becomes ill
41Managing Contacts-continued
- Determine if contact should be placed under
active surveillance - Follow guidelines for contact management in
Control of CD Manual - or current CDC recommendations
42Example Pertussis
- Inadequately immunized household contacts years should be excluded for 21 days after last
exposure or until received 5 days of 14 day
treatment of antibiotic - Immunize by guidelines
- A 14-day course of erythro. For household and
close contacts regardless of vaccine Hx and age
43Step 7Analyze Effectiveness of Controls
- Determine if there are any additional cases which
meet clinical and/lab criteria of case definition - If additional cases identified, determine if
onset occurred after last date cases should have
occurred-? controls
44Analyze Effectiveness of Controls
- If case occurred beyond last date cases should
have occurred, determine if case resulted from
exposure to or acquired from 1) original source
2) any original contacts - Assess application of controls
- Determine if changes in investigation or
management of cases or contacts should have
45Step 8Reporting the Event
- Call Regional Immunization Consultant as soon as
case reported to LHD - Complete surveillance form required for
reportable disease
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