Title: Recommending Recommenders
1Recommending Recommenders
- A Comparison of Human and Automated Systems
- for Book and Movie Recommendations
Kirsten Swearingen December 13, 2000 Prof. Sinha
IS 271
- Designing a book recommendation service for
childrenresearching best practices - Looked at existing recommendation systems
- E-commerce
- Stand-alone
- Wanted to know
- How useful are they?
- How usable are they?
- How do their recommendations compare to those
provided by human beings?
3The Experiment Design
- 10 participants in experiment
- 5 tested 3 book recommender systems
- Amazon Recommendations Wizard
- Sleeper
- RatingZone Quick Picks
- 5 tested 3 movie recommender systems
- Amazon Recommendations Wizard
- MovieCritic
- Reel Videos Movie Matches
- Tasks
- Register and rate items
- Review recommendation set and evaluate
4So Whats a Useful Recommendation?
- Not previously read/viewed
- Interested in reading/viewing
- May or may not have heard of item
- Simple evaluationnot identifying specific degree
of interest
- Objective
- Time to register
- Time to find at least one useful recommendation
- Number of useful recommendations
- Subjective (participants opinions)
- How useful was system?
- How easy to use?
- How did interface elements affect experience?
- Would they use it again? Recommend it to someone
6The Human Element
- Each participant also received a set of 3
recommendations from 3 friends - As with systems, reviewed set and identified
useful recommendations
7A Few Problems
- Small number of participants
- Lack of information about participants reading
and viewing patterns - Might have been better predictor of system
usefulness than age, gender, Internet use - Fairly homogeneous test group
- 3 5 years Internet experience (90)
- Ages 25 34 (90)
- SIMS students (70 overall, 100 of book testers)
- Design used nominal scale for some evaluation
8The Bottom Line
9Systems vs. Friends
- Friends best on average highest of useful
- But in post-test interviews 50 of subjects said
a system gave them the best recommendations.
10Different Results for Books and Movies
- Systems fared slightly better in movie domain,
friends significantly worse
11One Book System Did Poorly
2 subjects found no useful recs at RatingZone
12Not Enough Information?
13Useful Recs Overall Heard of vs. Not Heard of
- Friends better in heard of category
- Most systems better for not heard of
14Did recommended items both read liked predict
useful recs?
15Time to find useful recs comparable for most
16but some time differences between systems.
17Interface Factors Books
Mostly Positive Effects
18Interface Factors Movies
Some Negative Effects
19Majority of systems rated useful or very useful
20and easy to use
21but not all are recommended.
- Sleeper and MovieCritic average highest
- Required the most ratings
- Split opinions on Amazon and Reel
- Required the fewest ratings
22Amazon vs. Amazon
- Books/movies about the same of useful recs
- Book system more likely to be used in future
- Book and movie domains differ
- Friends win overall, but systems are useful too
- Connection between reading/viewing patterns and
user satisfaction with systems - Requiring more initial ratings does not seem to
adversely affect user satisfaction (might even
increase it) - Information about item is key to usefulness of
24Future Steps
- Run study with larger, more diverse pool of
participants - Focus on one domain books
- Gather more specific information
- Degree of interest in recommended item
- Reason for interest
- System elements that help them decide whether
they are/arent interested in item - Follow-up study to see if rec. was a good match
25Thanks to all who participated!