Introduction to Recommender Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Recommender Systems


When there are 100.000.000 of options it is obvious we need tools for searching, ... this predicted rating a set of top N products are recommended. 31. Nearest ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Recommender Systems

Introduction to Recommender Systems
  • Adapted from
  • eCommerce and Tourism Research Laboratory
  • Automated Reasoning Systems Division
  • ITC-irst
  • Trento Italy

What movie should I see?
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) provides
information about actors, films, television
shows, television stars, video games and
production crew personnel. Owned by
since 1998, as of June 21, 2006 IMDb featured
796,328 titles and 2,127,371 people.
What travel should I do ?
  • I would like to escape from this ugly an tedious
    work life and relax for two weeks in a sunny
    place. I am fed up with these crowded and noisy
    places just the sand and the sea and some
  • I would like to bring my wife and my children on
    a holiday it should not be to expensive. I
    prefer mountainous places not to far from home.
    Children parks, easy paths and good cuisine are a
  • I want to experience the contact with a
    completely different culture. I would like to be
    fascinated by the people and learn to look at my
    life in a totally different way.

What book should I buy?
What news should I read?
What paper should I read ?
A Solution
Information Overload
  • Internet information overload, i.e., the state
    of having too much information to make a decision
    or remain informed about a topic
  • Information retrieval technologies can assist a
    user to locate content if the user knows exactly
    what he is looking for (with some difficulties!)
  • The user must be able to say yes this is what I
    need when presented with the right result
  • But in many information search task, e.g.,
    product selection, the user is
  • not aware of the range of available options
  • may not know what to search
  • if presented with some results may not be able to

  • When there are 100.000.000 of options it is
    obvious we need tools for searching, filtering,
    ranking options
  • But even when there are a few dozen of options we
    need support
  • Examples
  • Where to go for dinner tonight?
  • What flight for going to London?
  • What Digital SLR camera should I buy?

Non-personalized tools
  • A printed catalogue of products, e.g., of books
    or clothes or travels
  • A shop window
  • A car exhibition in a cars shop
  • A movie finder data base (search by title or
  • A Podcast directory

Personalized tools
  • A printed catalogue of products, e.g., of books
    or clothes or travels
  • A shop window
  • A car exhibition in a cars shop
  • A movie finder data base (search by title or
  • A Podcast directory

  • Personalization is the ability to provide
    content and services tailored to individuals
    based on knowledge about their preferences and
  • Personalization is the capability to customize
    customer communication based on knowledge
    preferences and behaviors at the time of
    interaction with the customer
  • Personalization is about building customer
    loyalty by building a meaningful one-to-one
    relationship by understanding the needs of each
    individual and helping satisfy a goal that
    efficiently and knowledgeably addresses each
    individuals need in a given context

Personalization Goals
  • Provide the users with what they want or need
    without requiring them to ask explicitly
  • Not a fully automated process
  • Different approaches require different levels of
    user involvement and human computer interactivity
  • Personalization techniques try to leverage all
    available information about users to deliver a
    personal experience

  • Context
  • pre-travel vs. during travel
  • on-the-net, on-the-move, on-the-tour
  • traveling, wandering and visiting
  • environment in the hotel, train, car, airplane,
    at the conference
  • Time/Space coordinates
  • Business vs. Fun

User Knowledge, experience, budget, travel party,
cognitive capabilities, motivations (security,
variety, fun, etc.), age, language, disabilities
  • Need
  • Buy a complete travel package,
  • choose a restaurant,
  • collect information on a location,
  • find the route,
  • find the transportation mean
  • communicate with other travelers

Device/Capabilities Personal computer, PDA, smart
phone, phone payment, movies, broadcast,
instant messaging, email, position, etc.
Suppliers Motivations
  • Making interactions faster and easier.
    Personalization increases usability, i.e., how
    well a web site allows people to achieve their
  • Increasing customer loyalty. A user should be
    loyal to a web site which, when is visited,
    recognizes the old customer and treats him as a
    valuable visitor.
  • Increasing likelihood of repeated visits. The
    longer the user interacts with the site, the
    more refined his user model maintained by the
    system becomes, and the more the web site can be
    effectively customized to match user
  • Maximize look-to-buy ratio. It turns out to be
    look-to-book ratio in the travel and tourism
    industry, which is actually the essential
    indicator of personalization objectives in this

Recommender Systems
  • A recommender system helps to make choices
    without sufficient personal experience of the
  • To suggest products to their customers
  • To provide consumers with information to help
    them decide which products to purchase
  • They are based on a number of technologies
    information filtering, machine learning, adaptive
    and personalized system, user modeling,

  • Some examples found in the Web
  • looks in the user past buying
    history, and recommends product bought by a user
    with similar buying behavior
  • - Quoting product reviews of a
    community of users
  • make questions about
    searched benefits to reduce the number of
    candidate products
  • make questions and exploits to
    constraint the search (exploit standardized
  • Smarter Kids self selection of a user profile
    classification of products in user profiles

Core Recommendation Techniques
U is a set of users I is a set of items/products
Evaluating Recommender Systems
  • The majority focused on systems accuracy in
    supporting the find good items users task
  • Assumption if a user could examine all items
    available, he could place them in a ordering of
  • Measure how well is the system in predicting the
    exact rating value (value comparison)
  • Measure how well the system can predict whether
    the item is relevant or not (relevant vs. not
  • Measure how close the predicted ranking of items
    is to the users true ranking (ordering

How Has Been Measured
  • Split the available data (so you need to collect
    data first!), i.e., the user-item ratings into
    two sets training and test
  • Build a model on the training data
  • For instance, in a nearest neighbor
    (memory-based) CF simply put the ratings in the
    training in a separate set
  • Compare the predicted rating on each test item
    (user-item combination) with the actual rating
    stored in the test set
  • You need a metric to compare the predicted and
    true rating

Accuracy Comparing Values
  • Measure how close the recommender systems
    predicted ratings are to the true user ratings
    (for all the ratings in the test set).
  • Predictive accuracy (rating) Mean Absolute Error
    (MAE), pi is the predicted rating and ri is the
    true one
  • Variation 1 Mean Squared Error (take the square
    of the differences), root mean squared error (and
    then take the square root). These emphasize large
  • Variation 2 Normalized MAE MAE divided by the
    range of possible ratings allowing comparing
    results on different data sets, having different
    rating scales.

Precision and Recall
  • Precision is the ratio of relevant items selected
    by the recommender to the number of items
    selected (Nrs/Ns)
  • Recall is the ratio of relevant items selected to
    the number of relevant (Nrs/Nr)
  • Precision and recall are the most popular metrics
    for evaluating information retrieval systems.

Precision and Recall Example
  • We assume to know the relevance of all the items
    in the catalogue for a given user
  • The orange portion is that recommended by the

P4/70.57 R4/90.44
Rank Accuracy Metrics
  • Rank is the position in the sorted list
  • Spearmans rank correlation (ui and vi are the
    ranks of item i in the user and system order)
  • Kendalls Tau (C is the number of concordant
    pairs pairs in the same order in both ranked
    lists D is the number of discordant pairs, TR
    tied pairs (same ranking) in the user order, TP
    tied pair in the predicted order

Core Recommendation Techniques
U is a set of users I is a set of items/products
Movie Lens
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The CF Ingredients
  • List of m Users and a list of n Items
  • Each user has a list of items he/she expressed
    their opinion about (can be a null set)
  • Explicit opinion - a rating score (numerical
  • Sometime the rating is implicitly purchase
  • Active user for whom the CF prediction task is
  • A metric for measuring similarity between users
  • A method for selecting a subset of neighbors for
  • A method for predicting a rating for items not
    currently rated by the active user.

Collaborative-Based Filtering
  • The collaborative based filtering recommendation
    techniques proceeds in these steps
  • For a target/active user (the user to whom a
    recommendation has to be produced) the set of his
    ratings is identified
  • The users more similar to the target/active user
    (according to a similarity function) are
    identified (neighborhood formation)
  • The products bought by these similar users are
  • For each one of these products a prediction - of
    the rating that would be given by the target user
    to the product - is generated
  • Based on this predicted rating a set of top N
    products are recommended.

Nearest Neighbor Collaborative-Based Filtering
User Model interaction history
Collaborative-Based Filtering
  • A collection of user ui, i1, n and a collection
    of products pj, j1, , m
  • A n m matrix of ratings vij , with vij ? if
    user i did not rate product j
  • Prediction for user i and product j is computed
  • Correlation factor can be computed by
  • The sum (and average) are over j s.t. vij and vkj
    are not ?

Collaborative-Based Filtering
  • Pros require minimal knowledge engineering
    efforts (knowledge poor)
  • Users and products are symbols without any
    internal structure or characteristics
  • Cons
  • Requires a large number of explicit and reliable
    rates to bootstrap
  • Requires products to be standardized (users
    should have bought exactly the same product)
  • Assumes that prior behavior determines current
    behavior without taking into account contextual
    knowledge (session-level)
  • Does not provide information about products or
    explanations for the recommendations
  • Does not support sequential decision making or
    recommendation of good bundling, e.g., a travel

Problems of CF Sparsity
  • Typically we have large product sets and user
    ratings for a small percentage of them
  • Example Amazon millions of books and a user may
    have bought hundreds of books
  • the probability that two users that have bought
    100 books have a common book (in a catalogue of 1
    million books) is 0.01 (with 50 and 10 millions
    is 0.0002).
  • We must have a number of users comparable to one
    tenth of the size of the product catalogue

Problems of CF Scalability
  • Nearest neighbor algorithms require computations
    that grows with both the number of customers and
  • With millions of customers and products a
    web-based recommender will suffer serious
    scalability problems
  • The worst case complexity is O(mn) (m customers
    and n products)
  • But in practice the complexity is O(m n) since
    for each customer only a small number of products
    are considered (one loop on the customers to
    compute similarity and one on the products to
    compute the prediction)

Personalised vs Non-Personalised CF
  • Collaborative-based recommendations are
    personalized since the prediction is based on
    the ratings (for a given item) expressed by
    similar users
  • A non-personalized collaborative-based
    recommendation can be generated by averaging the
    recommendations of ALL the users
  • How the two approaches would compare?

Personalised vs Non-Personalised CF
Not much difference indeed!
vij is the rating of user i for product j and vj
is the average rating for product j
Core Recommendation Techniques
U is a set of users I is a set of items/products
Content-Based Recommendation
  • In content-based recommendations, the system
    tries to recommend items similar to those a given
    user has liked in the past
  • In contrast with collaborative recommendation
    where the system identifies users whose tastes
    are similar to those of the given user and
    recommends items they have liked
  • A pure content-based recommender system makes
    recommendations for a user based solely on the
    profile built up by analyzing the content of
    items which that user has rated in the past.

Content-Based Recommender
  • It is mainly used for recommending text-based
    products (web pages, usenet news messages, )
  • The items to recommend are described by their
    associated features (e.g. keywords)
  • The User Model can be structured in a similar
    way as the content for instance the
    features/keywords more likely to occur in the
    preferred documents (lazy approach)
  • Then, text documents can be recommended based on
    a comparison between their content (words
    appearing in the text) and a user model (a set of
    preferred words)
  • The user model can also be a classifier based on
    whatever technique (Neural Networks, Naïve Bayes,
    C4.5, )

Syskill Webert
  • Assisting a person to find information that
    satisfies long-term, recurring goals (e.g.
    digital photography)
  • Feedbacks on the interestingness of a set of
    previously visited sites is used to learn a
  • The profile is used to predict interestingness of
    unseen sites.

Supported Interaction
  • The user identifies a topic (e.g. Biomedical) and
    a page with many links to other pages on the
    selected topic (index page)
  • The user can then explore the Web with a browser
    that in addition to showing a page
  • Offers a tool for collecting user ratings on
    displayed pages
  • Suggests which links on the current page are
    (estimated) interesting.

Syskill Webert User Interface
The user indicated interest in
The user indicated no interest in
System Prediction
  • A document (HTML page) is described as a set of
    Boolean features (a word is present or not)
  • They used a Bayesian classifier (for each user),
    where the probability that a document w1v1, ,
    wnvn (e.g. car1, story0, , price1) belongs
    to a class (cold or hot) is
  • Both P(wj vjChot) (i.e., the probability that
    in the set of the documents liked by a user the
    word wjis present or not) and P(Chot) is
    estimated from the training data
  • After training on 30/40 examples it can predict
    hot/cold with an accuracy between 70 and 80

Problems of Content-Based Recommenders
  • A very shallow analysis of certain kinds of
    content can be supplied
  • Some kind of items are not amenable to any
    feature extraction methods with current
    technologies (e.g. movies, music)
  • Even for texts (as Web pages), the IR techniques
    cannot consider multimedia information, aesthetic
    qualities, download time
  • Hence if you rate positively a page it could be
    not related to the presence of certain keywords!

Problems of Content-Based Recommenders
  • Over-specialization the system can only
    recommend items scoring high against a users
    profile the user is recommended with items
    similar to those already rated
  • Requires user feed-backs the pure content-based
    approach (similarly to CF) requires user feedback
    on items in order to provide meaningful
  • It tends to recommend expected items this tends
    to increase trust but could make the
    recommendation not much useful (no serendipity)
  • Works better in those situations where the
    products are generated dynamically (news,
    email, events, etc.) and there is the need to
    check if these items are relevant or not.

Core Recommendation Techniques
U is a set of users I is a set of items/products
Demographic Methods
  • Aim to categorize the user based on personal
    attributes and make recommendation based on
    demographic classes
  • Demographic groups can come from marketing
    research hence experts decided how to model the
  • Demographic techniques form people-to-people

Demographic-based personalization
Demographic-based personalization
Demographic Methods (more sophisticated)
  • Demographic features in general are asked
  • But can also induced by classifying a user using
    other user descriptions (e.g. the home page)
    you need some user for which you know the class
    (e.g. male/female)
  • Prediction can use whatever learning mechanism we
    like (nearest neighbor, naïve classifier, etc.)

Core Recommendation Techniques
U is a set of users I is a set of items/products
Utility methods
  • A utility function is a map from a state onto a
    real number, which describes the associated
    degree of happiness
  • Can build a long term utility function but more
    often the systems using such an approach try to
    acquire a short term utility function
  • They must acquire the user utility function, or
    the parameters defining such a function

Utility related information
  • The item is described by a list of attributes
    (numerical) p1, pm, e.g., number of rooms,
    square meters, levels, (MaxCost Cost),
  • It is generally assumed that higher values of the
    attribute correspond to higher utilities
  • The user is modeled with a set of weights, u1, ,
    um (in 0,1) on the same attributes
  • The objective is to find (retrieve) the products
    with larger utility (maximal)
  • The problem is the elicitation or learning of
    user model u1, , um

Utility and similarity
  • If the user has some preferred values for the
    attributes, e.g, q1, , qm, one can substitute
    to the value of the product a local similarity
    function sim(qj, pj)
  • A typical local similarity function is (1-qj
    pj/rangei), where rangei is the difference
    between the max and min value of the attribute i.
  • A utility-based recommender become a similarity
    maximization recommender (or a nearest neighbor

Core Recommendation Techniques
U is a set of users I is a set of items/products
Knowledge Based Recommender
  • Suggests products based on inferences about a
    users needs and preferences
  • Functional knowledge about how a particular item
    meets a particular user need
  • The user model can be any knowledge structure
    that supports this inference
  • A query
  • A case (in a case-based reasoning system)
  • An adapted similarity metric (for matching)
  • A part of an ontology
  • There is a large use of domain knowledge encoded
    in a knowledge representation language/approach.

Hybrid Methods
  • Try to address the shortcomings of several
    approaches, and produce recommendations using a
    combination of those techniques
  • There is a large variability on these hybrid
    methods there is no standard hybrid method
  • We shall present some of them here but many will
    come later

Fab System
  • The user profile is based on content analysis
  • Two user profiles are compared to determine
    similar users
  • Then a collaborative based recommendation is
  • User receive items both when they score highly
    against their own profile and when rated highly
    by a user with a similar profile
  • This is a mixed approach

Fab Architecture
  • Collection agents find pages relevant for a
    specific topic
  • Selection agent find pages for a specific user
  • Central router forwards pages on to those users
    whose profiles they match above some threshold.

User Feedback
  • When the user has requested, received, and looked
    over the recommendations, they are required to
    assign a rating (7-point scale)
  • Ratings are store in the personal agent profile
  • Ratings are sent to the collection agents for
    adapting the user profiles (stored by him)
  • Highly rated pages are sent to similar users

Collaboration via Content
  • Problem addressed in a collaborative-based
    recommender, products rated by pair of users may
    be very few correlation between two users is
    not reliable
  • In collaboration via content the content-based
    profile of each user is exploited to detect
    similarities among users.

  • Contentbased recommendation is done with Bayes
  • Collaborative is standard using Pearson
  • Collaboration via content uses the content-based
    user profiles

Averaged on 44 users Precision is computed in the
top 3 recommendations ( of plus in the
recommendation list)/3
Hybridization Methods
  • The score of a recommended item is computed from
    the results of all of the available
    recommendation techniques present in the system
  • Example 1 a linear combination of recommendation
  • Example 2 treats the output of each recommender
    (collaborative, content-based and demographic) as
    a set of votes, which are then combined in a
    consensus scheme
  • The implicit assumption in this technique is that
    the relative value of the different techniques is
    more or less uniform across the space of possible
  • Not true in general e.g. a collaborative
    recommender will be weaker for those items with a
    small number of raters.

  • The system uses some criterion to switch between
    recommendation techniques
  • Example The DailyLearner system uses a
    content-collaborative hybrid in which a
    content-based recommendation method is employed
  • If the content-based system cannot make a
    recommendation with sufficient confidence, then a
    collaborative recommendation is attempted
  • This switching hybrid does not completely avoid
    the ramp-up problem, since both the collaborative
    and the content-based systems have the new user
  • The main problem of this technique is to identify
    a GOOD switching condition.

  • Recommendations from more than one technique are
    presented together
  • The mixed hybrid avoids the new item start-up
  • It does not get around the new user start-up
    problem, since both the content and collaborative
    methods need some data about user preferences to
    start up.

Feature Combination
  • Achieves the content-collaborative merger
    treating collaborative information (ratings of
    users) as simply additional feature data
    associated with each example and use
    content-based techniques over this augmented data
  • The feature combination hybrid lets the system
    consider collaborative data without relying on it
    exclusively, so it reduces the sensitivity of the
    system to the number of users who have rated an
  • The system have information about the inherent
    similarity of items that are otherwise opaque to
    a collaborative system.

  • One recommendation technique is employed first to
    produce a coarse ranking of candidates and a
    second technique refines the recommendation from
    among the candidate set
  • Example EntreeC uses its knowledge of
    restaurants to make recommendations based on the
    users stated interests. The recommendations are
    placed in buckets of equal preference, and the
    collaborative technique is employed to break ties
  • Cascading allows the system to avoid employing
    the second, lower-priority, technique on items
    that are already well-differentiated by the first
  • But requires a meaningful and constant ordering
    of the techniques.

Feature Augmentation
  • Produce a rating or classification of an item and
    that information is then incorporated into the
    processing of the next recommendation technique
  • Example Libra system makes content-based
    recommendations of books based on data found in, using a naive Bayes text classifier
  • In the text data used by the system is included
    related authors and related titles
    information that Amazon generates using its
    internal collaborative systems
  • Very similar to the feature combination method
  • Here the output of a recommender system is used
    for a second RS
  • In feature combination the representations used
    by two systems are combined.

  • Using the model generated by one as the input for
  • Example FAB
  • user-specific selection agents perform
    content-based filtering using Rocchios method to
    maintain a term vector model that describes the
    users area of interest
  • Collection agents, which gather new pages from
    the web, use the models from all users in their
    gathering operations.
  • Documents are first collected on the basis of
    their interest to the community as a whole and
    then distributed to particular users
  • Example collaboration via content the model
    generated by the content-based approach is used
    for representing the users in a collaborative
    filtering approach.

  • Collaborative-based method is one of the most
  • Suffers from bootstrapping problems
  • Content-based methods are well rooted in
    information retrieval
  • Demographic methods are very simple and could
    provide limited personalization (sometime can be
  • Utility-based methods go to the root of the
    decision problem how to acquire the utility
  • Hybrid methods are the most powerful and popular
    right now there are plenty of options for

New User Problem
  • Personalization systems can work only if some
    information about the target user is available
  • No User Model No personalization
  • If the required user model data are not available
    then try to arrive to them with a shortcut
  • Web of trust to identify similar users in a CF
  • Mining publications of a user and its similar
    users help in defining the topics that are
    interesting for a target user
  • The output is always a sort of similarity

New Item Problem
  • Not much a problem for content-based filtering
    it is the main advantage of content-based
  • Critical problem for user-user and item-item
    collaborative filtering
  • Solution exploit similar items
  • Example NutKing/Dietorecs ranking based on
    double similarity an implicit rating for a
    similar item is considered to be assigned to the
    target item

Recommendation and User Context
  • All RS should adapt to the context of search of
    the user but some methods cannot cope with that
    easily (e.g. CF)
  • It depends on the definition of context but in
    practice this includes
  • Short term preferences (tomorrow I want )
  • Information related to the specific space-time
    position of the user
  • Motivations of the search (a present to my
  • Circumstances (Ive some time to spend here)
  • Emotions (I feel adventure)
  • Availability of data

  • Recommender systems are based on user information
  • There are laws that impose restrictions on the
    usage and distribution of information about
  • RS must cope with these limitations e.g.
    distributed recommender systems exchanging user
    profiles could be impossible for legal reasons!
  • RS must be developed in such a way to limit the
    possibility that an attacker could learn personal
    data on some users
  • There is the need to develop techniques that
    limit the number and type of personal data used
    in a RS.

  • The recommender should be robust against attacks
    aiming at modifying the system such that it will
    recommend a product more often than others
  • Shilling
  • Nuking
  • Some algorithms may be more robust than others
  • Content based methods are not influenced at all
    by false ratings

  • Generic user models (multiple products and tasks)
  • Generic recommender systems (multiple products
    and tasks)
  • Distributed recommender system (users and
    products data are distributed)
  • Portable recommender systems (user data stored at
    user side)
  • (user) Configurable recommender systems
  • Multi strategy adapted to the user
  • Privacy protecting RS
  • Context dependent RS
  • Emotional and values aware RS
  • Trust and recommendations
  • Persuasion technologies
  • Easily deployable RS
  • Group recommendations

  • Interactive Recommendations sequential decision
  • Hybrid recommendation technologies
  • Consumer Behavior and Recommender Systems
  • Complex Products recommendations
  • Mobile Recommendations
  • Business Models for Recommender Systems
  • High risk and value recommender systems
  • Recommendation and negotiation
  • Recommendation and information search
  • Recommendation and configuration
  • Listening customers
  • Recommender systems and ontologies

Thank you for your patience!
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