specialisation as the basis for trade. absolute advantage. comparative advantage ... The limits to specialisation and trade. The terms of trade. The Gains from Trade ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
the gains from trade based on comparative advantage
3 Production possibilities for two countries 4 The Gains from Trade
The law of comparative advantage
specialisation as the basis for trade
absolute advantage
comparative advantage
the gains from trade based on comparative advantage
The limits to specialisation and trade
5 The Gains from Trade
The law of comparative advantage
specialisation as the basis for trade
absolute advantage
comparative advantage
the gains from trade based on comparative advantage
The limits to specialisation and trade
The terms of trade
6 The Gains from Trade
The law of comparative advantage
specialisation as the basis for trade
absolute advantage
comparative advantage
the gains from trade based on comparative advantage
The limits to specialisation and trade
The terms of trade
7 The Gains from Trade
Other reasons for gains from trade
decreasing costs
differences in demand
increased competition
trade as an engine of growth
non-economic advantages
8 Arguments for Restricting Trade
Methods of restricting trade
administrative barriers
Arguments for restricting trade
infant industry argument
changing comparative advantage
to prevent dumping
9 Arguments for Restricting Trade
Arguments for restricting trade (cont.)
to prevent establishment of a foreign-based monopoly
to spread risks
pursuing national interests (but against world interests)
exploiting monopoly power
protecting declining industries
non-economic arguments
10 Arguments for Restricting Trade
Problems with protection
protection as second best
world multiplier effects
cushions inefficiency
11 World Attitudes towardsTrade and Protection
History of protection
Pre-war growth in protection
Post-war reduction in protection and the role of GATT
the growth in world trade
12 Growth in real GDP and in real exports of goodsand services total OECD countries 13 Growth in real GDP and in real exports of goodsand services total OECD countries Growth in GDP 14 Growth in real GDP and in real exports of goodsand services total OECD countries Growth in GDP 15 Growth in real GDP and in real exports of goodsand services total OECD countries Growth in exports of goods and services Growth in GDP 16 Growth in real GDP and in real exports of goodsand services total OECD countries Growth in exports of goods and services Growth in GDP 17 World Attitudes towardsTrade and Protection
History of protection
Pre-war growth in protection
Post-war reduction in protection and the role of GATT
the growth in world trade
Re-emergence of protectionism in the 1980s
18 World Attitudes towardsTrade and Protection
History of protection
Pre-war growth in protection
Post-war reduction in protection and the role of GATT
the growth in world trade
Re-emergence of protectionism in the 1980s
the use of non-tariff barriers
19 World Attitudes towardsTrade and Protection
History of protection
Pre-war growth in protection
Post-war reduction in protection and the role of GATT
the growth in world trade
Re-emergence of protectionism in the 1980s
the use of non-tariff barriers
The Uruguay Round
20 World Attitudes towardsTrade and Protection
History of protection
Pre-war growth in protection
Post-war reduction in protection and the role of GATT
the growth in world trade
Re-emergence of protectionism in the 1980s
the use of non-tariff barriers
The Uruguay Round
aims of the Uruguay round negotiations
21 World Attitudes towardsTrade and Protection
The Uruguay Round settlement and the creation of the WTO
problems in reaching agreement
the agreement
the work of the WTO
dispute settlement
conflicting interests in trade disputes
efficiency in trade versus environmental and social interests
international protests
22 Trading Blocs
Types of preferential trading arrangement
free trade areas
customs unions
common markets
features of a full common market
Direct effects of a customs union
trade creation
trade diversion
23 Trading Blocs
Long-term effects of a customs union
longer-term advantages
internal economies of scale
external economies of scale
better terms of trade
increased competition between members
longer-term disadvantages
certain regions of the union may suffer
possibility of oligopolistic collusion
administrative costs
24 Trading Blocs
Preferential trading in practice
the EU
differences between the EU and NAFTA
other examples
25 The European Union
Historical background
From customs union to common market
Common Agricultural Policy
regional policy
competition policy
tax harmonisation
social policy
26 The European Union
The single market
historical background
the Single European Act
completing the single market
benefits of the single market
trade creation
reduction in the direct costs of barriers
economies of scale
greater competition
27 The European Union
The single market (cont.)
criticisms of the single market
radical economic change is costly
adverse regional multiplier effects
development of monopoly/oligopoly power
trade diversion
the future of the EU
effect of new members
28 Trade and Developing Countries
Trade strategies
primary outward looking
secondary inward looking
import-substituting industrialisation (ISI)
secondary outward looking
possibly complemented by primary inward looking
29 Trade and Developing Countries
Approach 1 exporting primaries
justification for exporting primaries
exploits comparative advantage
a 'vent for surplus'
an 'engine for growth'
problems with traditional trade theory
comparative costs change over time
benefits may not flow to nationals
trade my lead to greater inequality
externalities from mines and plantations
30 Trade and Developing Countries
Exporting primaries (cont.)
long-term problems for primary exporting countries
low income elasticity of demand
protection in advanced countries
technological developments
synthetic substitutes
rapid growth in imports
adverse movements in terms of trade
31 Trade and Developing Countries
Approach 2 ISI
problems of primary exporting
dynamic potential in manufacturing
infant industries
rapid technological advance
patterns of protection
selecting industries for protection
tariff and quota escalation
attracting multinational investment
32 Trade and Developing Countries
Approach 2 ISI (cont.)
adverse effects of ISI
often counter to comparative advantage
tends to cushion inefficiency
encourages establishment of monopolies
artificially low interest rates
use of capital-intensive techniques
encourages ruralurban migration
adverse effects on rural sector
leads to greater inequality
environmental problems
limit to home market
33 Trade and Developing Countries
Approach 3 exporting manufactures
transition from inward-looking to outward-looking industrialisation
a neutral trade approach
active promotion of manufactured exports
benefits from exporting manufactures
conforms with comparative advantage
increased competition
increased investment
more employment and greater equality
faster growth
34 Growth rates and export performance of selected secondary outward-looking countries 35 Trade and Developing Countries
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