Title: PDSAs For Creatives
1PDSAs For Creatives
- Sara Pace Jones
- Director, Donor Program Development
2Thank you
- Mary Ganikos
- Ginny McBride
3Mad Lib
4Mad Lib
- The PE/PR ____________(people) of
__________(state) have __________(verb) PDSAs for
a long time. In fact, we used PDSAs before there
was a _____________(adjective) collaborative. We
have PLANNED ____________(pub ed activities), we
have studied _________________(adverb) and
__________(verb) best practices for a long time
in order to improve our practices. We have ACTED
_______________ (silly verb)
5- Well okay
- we have acted and continue to act quickly with
the information at hand to educate, inform, call
to action and bolster public trust in the
institution of donation.
6We are
- Masters at not re-creating the wheel
- Very good at communicating at the national level
- Focused on action
7But are we
- Great at measuring results?
- Great at halting what doesnt work.
- And, doing more of what does work?
8(No Transcript)
9Change is disturbing when it is done to us.
Change is exhilarating when it is done by
us. Rosebeth Kantor
10And we are changing
- Brainstorm a change in your practice generated by
this meeting. - Can you test it, before you implement it?
11We Know What Works
- Aim statement that can be tracked
- Evidence-based concepts to play with
- Implementation through rapid testable actions the
generate learning and results.
12We Know What Works contd
- Focused On Results
- Decisions Driven by Data
- Test ideas rather than creating the perfect from
scratch - Exhibit Team Work
- Unleash Team Members Creativity
- Build on Existing Knowledge
13We Know What Works contd
- Focused On Results
- Decisions Driven by Data
- Test ideas rather than creating the perfect from
scratch - Exhibit Team Work
- Unleash Team Members Creativity
- Build on Existing Knowledge
14Model for Improvement
15Create an Aim Statement
- What is your success headline?
- By October 2007, our team will have fulfilled
its dream! The new reality we created is
_______________ which has enhanced the donation
system by _______________.
16Lessons about Aim Statements
- Ambitious, stretch goals
- More specific, more likely to lead to improvement
- Time-specific and measurable
- Defines the specific population that will be
affected (i.e. donor families and transplant
17Lessons About Measurement
- Improvement, not judgment
- Helps us to know whether a change should be kept,
refined or rejected - Clarify the aim
- Best is the enemy of good
- Need just enough information to take the next
step in learning
18Measure Up To Your Aim
- What measures might show you are making progress
toward your aim? -
19What is Your Ideal Idea? for Achieving the Aim
of Increased Donor Designations
Find Promising Change Ideas
- Wouldnt it be nice if we
- could try _____________?
This is what were doing next
This is what we learned
This is what we did
This is what we want to do
21Insights About PDSAs
- Test changes in real-life settings
- Cycles of action then reflection
- Action
- Testing on a small scale
- What can I do by next Tuesday?
- Reflection
- What did we learn?
- How can we build on this?
22How can we test in small cycles?
- One mailing
- One poster
- One health fair
- One MVD office
- One target population
23Form for planning a PDSA cycle
24Benefits of Testing
- Increase the belief that the change will result
in improvement - Learn how to adapt the change to conditions in
the local environment - Evaluate costs and unintended effects of the
change - Create buy-in from members who will be affected
by the change - Credibility with administration, supporters,
legilators, media and more.
25Repeated Use of the PDSA Cycle
Changes That Result in Improvement
Where we want to end up
Hunches Theories Ideas
Where we start
26Repeated Use of the PDSA Cycle
Changes That Result in Improvement
We build a bridge with data and action.
Hunches Theories Ideas
27Repeated Use of the PDSA Cycle
Changes That Result in Improvement
Implementation of Change
Wide-Scale Tests of Change
Follow-up Tests
Hunches Theories Ideas
Rapid Testing!!
Very Small Scale Test
28PDSAs at work
- Kiosk Portals
- Does advertising drive registrations?
- Do locations matter?
- Do posters matter?
- What about employees / workplace?
- Coalition Pilot
29Dont assume a door is closed. Dont assume if
it was closed yesterday, that it is closed today.
It doesnt matter how many times you fall down,
it just matters how many times you get up.
- Marian Wright Edelman
- Founder President of the
- Childrens Defense Fund