Title: Using Learning Styles in the Integration of Technology
1 Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
- Presented By
- Demetria White
- Field Coordinator
- CREATE for Mississippi
- Define educational learning styles
- Discuss the importance of considering students'
learning styles when designing lessons and
integrating technology - State strategies for teaching students in each
learning style - State technology strategies that are focused on
each learning style - Evaluate the learning style of your students
- Appraise interactive websites based on student
learning styles - Design technology integrated lessons that take
into account differences in students' learning
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
3Why Is It Important to Consider Students
Learning Styles?
- Students process information differently
- If educators teach exclusively to one style
students comfort level may be diminished - If only taught in one style students may lose
mental dexterity to think in different ways - Meet the learning needs of all students
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
4Determine Student and Teacher Learning Styles
- Observation of students in class and response to
assignments - Several tests on-line
- http//www.vark-learn.com/english/page.asp?pyoung
er - http//www.rrcc-online.com/psych/LSInventory.html
- http//www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.htm
l - http//www.chaminade.org/inspire/learnstl.htm
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
5Learning StylesAnalytic vs. Global Learners
- Analytical Learners
- Left-brained
- Words
- Numbers
- Parts
- Sequential
- Linear
- Detail
- Verbal
- Punctual
- Organized
- Global Learners
- Right-brained
- Images
- Patterns
- Wholes
- Simultaneous
- Whole picture
- Non-verbal
- Without sense of time
- Creative
- Intuitive
- Spontaneous
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
6Teaching Analytic Learners
- Plan and organize their work
- Focus on details
- Logical
- Phonetic readers
- Prefer to work independently on activity sheets
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
7Teaching Analytic Learners
- Present information in sequential steps
- Lessons structured and teacher-directed
- Goals are clear
- Requirements spelled out
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
8Technology Strategies for Teaching Analytical
- Drill and Practice Games or Software
- PowerPoint Presentation with Voice
- Excel Project with Graphs and Charts
- Cooperative Group Technology Project such as the
creation of a travel brochure or Animal Names
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
9Useful Websites for Teaching Analytical Learners
- Harcourt Brace http//www.harcourtschool.com/index
.html Houghton Mifflin - http//www.eduplace.com
- Dositey step by step lesson
- http//dositey.com/muldiv/divml1.htm
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
10Teaching Global Learners
- Spontaneous and intuitive
- Dont like to be bored
- Information in interesting manner using
attractive materials - Cooperative learning strategies
- Holistic reading methods
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
11Teaching Global Learners
- Choral reading
- Recorded books
- Story writing
- Computer programs
- Games
- Group activities
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
12Technology Strategies forTeaching Global Learners
- Digital Imaging Project
- http//oswego.org/staff/mbullard/funphotos/
- Online Crime Investigation
- http//www.cyberbee.com/whodunnit/crime.html
- Westward Ho
- http//www.cyberbee.com/wwho/index.html
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
13Useful Websites for Teaching Global Learners
- Sunshine Games
- http//www.sunshine.co.nz/nz/index.html
- Reading Matrix Online Reading Resources
- http//www.readingmatrix.com/directory/pages/
- Paragraph Punch
- http//www.paragraphpunch.com/
- Incorporate with MS Word
- Noun Dunk
- http//www.harcourtschool.com/menus/preview/esl/ac
tivity/noun_dunk/noundunk_splash.html -
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
14Learning StylesSensory Learning Modalities
- VISUAL - (learn by seeing and writing)
- 40 of learners
- Can be verbal (sees words) or pictorial (sees
pictures) - Remembers faces but not names
- Vivid imaginations
- Think in pictures
- Facial expression tells what their emotions are
- Uses color
- Caution TV, Movies, Nintendo can be addicting
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
15Teaching Visual Learners
- Able to recall what they see
- Prefer written instructions
- Better sight readers-prefer silent reading
- Present information on videos
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
16Teaching Visual Learners
- Computer graphics
- Maps, graphs, charts
- Cartoons
- Posters/bulletin boards
- Diagrams
- Graph organizers
- Texts with lots of pictures
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
17Technology Strategies for teaching Visual Learners
- Webquests
- http//www.macomb.k12.mi.us/wq/webqindx.htm
- Virtual Field Trips
- http//www.oswego.org/Staff/CCHAMBER/webdesign/vir
tual_fieldtrips.htm - Interactive PowerPoint Activities
- http//projects.coe.uga.edu/lrieber/wwild/search/P
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
18Useful Websites for Teaching Visual Learners
- Science and Math Games
- http//education.jlab.org/indexpages/elementgames.
html - Color Books Online
- http//www.learningpage.com/pages/ewe_books/eweboo
ks_color.html - Exploratium
- http//www.exploratorium.edu/
- MAGNOLIA References
- http//library.msstate.edu/magnolia/index.htm
- Storm Video
- http//www.stormvideo.com
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
19Learning StylesSensory Learning Modalities
- AUDITORY - (learn by listening)
- 30 of learners
- Learn from verbal instruction
- Need phonics
- Enjoy plays
- Write lightly and it is not always legible
- Remember names and forget faces
- Distracted by noise
- Remember by listening, especially with music
- Games and pictures are annoying and distracting
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
20Teaching Auditory Learners
- Recall what they hear
- Prefer oral instructions
- Learn by listening and speaking
- Enjoy talking and interviewing
- Phonetic readers oral reading-listening to
recorded books
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
21Teaching Auditory Learners
- Interviewing/debating
- Participating on a panel
- Giving oral reports
- Discussing written materials
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
22Technology Strategies for TeachingAuditory
- PowerPoint presentation module with voice
- Oral PowerPoint Presentation
- Video Interview Project
- Online Encyclopedia where students can read an
listen to speeches - Talking Word Processor
- Streaming Videos
- http//www.digitalCurriculum.com
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
23Useful Website for Teaching Auditory Learners
- Starfall Im Reading Books
- http//www.starfall.com/n/level-c/index/play.htm?f
- USA Today Education
- http//www.usatoday.com/educate/home.htm
- Game Goo
- http//www.cogcon.com/gamegoo/gooey.html
- Gamequarium
- http//www.gamequarium.com
- Read Quarium
- http//www.gamequarium.com/readquarium/index.html
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
24Learning StylesSensory Learning Modalities
- KINESTHETIC - (large motor, whole body learning)
- Learn by doing
- Not avid reader
- Poor spellers
- Remember what was done
- Doesn't "hear" things as well
- Touch is important
- Attacks things physically - fight, hit, pound
- Impulsive
- Needs math and science manipulatives
- Loves games
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
25Teaching Kinesthetic Learners
- Learn by touching or manipulating
- Involve their whole body
- Remember best what they act out
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
26Technology Strategies for TeachingKinesthetic
- Creation of Powerpoint
- Creation of Graphics
- Magnetic Words
- http//www.worldvillage.com/kidz/puzzles/scramble.
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
27Useful Website for TeachingKinesthetic Learner
- Sign Language Dictionary
- http//wings.avkids.com/Book/Signing/index.html
- Leap Frog Games
- http//www.leapfrog.com/do/findpage?pageKeygames_
homeCIDKNC-CROSSQ4 - Build it or Bust it
- http//library.thinkquest.org/11686/
- Frog Guts
- http//www.froguts.com
- Interactive Chemistry
- http//serendip.brynmawr.edu/sci_edu/chemsites.htm
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
28Learning StylesSensory Learning Modalities
- TACTILE - (small motor learning)
- Most of the same traits as kinesthetic
- Note Kinesthetic and tactile learners have the
most difficulty learning to read. - Note All children are very kinesthetic to age 6.
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
29Teaching Tactile Learners
- Learn best by touching
- Understand directions they write
- Like manipulative
- Whole language approach to reading
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
30Teaching Tactile Learners
- Drawing
- Playing board games
- Making dioramas
- Making models
- Follow instructions to make something
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
31Technology Strategies for TeachingTactile
- Online Problem Solving
- Digital Diorama
- http//drscavanaugh.org/digitalcamera/diorama/dior
ama_panorama.htm - http//www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/online_field_jo
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
32Useful Websites for Teaching Tactile Learners
- Interactive Calculator
- http//www.mathgoodies.com/calculators/calculator.
html - Webmath
- http//www.webmath.com/index.html
- Quia Games
- http//www.quia.com/shared/index_top.html
- The Free Dictionary
- http//www.thefreedictionary.com/
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
33How do we develop technology integrated lessons
that consider learning styles?
- Develop lesson to suit teachers learning style
and add diverse activities - Vary assessment activities
- Include the use of as many learning styles as
possible - Use a variety of teaching techniques
- Offer alternative paths
- Type of feedback given
- Variety of instructional materials
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
34Interactive Websites
- Teacher Interactive Games
- http//www.oswego.org/staff/cchamber/techno/games.
htm - Going Digital In the Classroom
- http//www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/sbeck/digital/goingdi
gital.htm - Using a Scanner in the Classroom
- http//mciu.org/7Etech/ITS/ProfDev/webpage-scanni
ng/scanning.html - GameQuarium
- http//www.gamequarium.com
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
35Interactive Website, Con,t.
- High School Ace
- http//highschoolace.com/ace/ace.cfm
- Interactive Games and Activities Hotlist
- http//eduscapes.com/tap/topic86.htm
- Discovery School Homework Helper
- http//school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbe
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
36Questions Answers
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
- Website Information
- http//jc-schools.net/tutorials/interactive.htm
- Go to Teacher tools for more websites
- Dr. Jacqualine Deeds - Learning Styles Definition
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of
38Contact Information
- Demetria White
- CREATE for Mississippi
- http//www.create4ms.org
- P.O. Box 9662
- Mississippi State, MS 39762
- 662-325-3381 desk
- 662-325-5009 office
- Demetria_at_cett.msstate.edu
- CreateLMS_Dw2003_at_yahoo.com
Thank You for your participation in this session.
Using Learning Styles in the Integration of