Title: LOFAR
- Technologies and Applications of
- Wide Area, Time coherent Sensor Arrays
- an Integrated Project in FP6
- IST and AS thematic programmes
2Integrated Projects
- Integrated includes all of
- Vertical fundamental RD to applications
- Horizontal multi-disciplinary
- Activities management, including training
- Public-private PPPs including SMEs
- Financial multiple sources
- Critical mass to achieve ambitious goal
- Duration 3 5 years
- Participants
- management organization
- expertise centers
- potential users
- other stakeholders
3WATSA applications
- Generic passive (WA)TSA
- acoustic, sonar and seismic arrays
- radio, microwave, and optical imaging arrays and
- lightning location and monitoring arrays.
- Generic active (WA)TSA
- phased array weather radar and
- synthetic aperture radar.
- Research platform independent of type of sensor
- Signal transport network design and control
- Signal processing architecture
4WATSA Integrated Project
- Combines multinational and FP6 financing
- multinational financing for testbed
infrastructure - FP6 financing for RD in IST and AS themes
- essential to achieve required critical mass
- Ambitious goals
- very high capacity network design
- very high performance, adaptive signal processor
design - reconfigurable WATSA research platform
- research on distributed, autonomously adaptive
sensor arrays - additional application areas
- radio astronomy (LOFAR)
- geophysics 3D active and passive seismic
imaging - advanced active/passive radar
- atmospheric, climate research
- astroparticle physics ( ? 1018 eV)
5Evolution of wide area telescope arrays
Parabolic dishes connected by mail
6Evolution of wide area telescope arrays
Parabolic dishes connected by optical fiber
7Evolution of wide area telescope arrays
104 all-sky RF sensors spread over 400 km
connected by optical fibers
Replace mechanical signal processing with fully
electronic processing
8Evolution of wide area telescope arrays
Integrated panels radio telescope of the future
9ICT comparisons
10LOFAR Radio Telescope
10 240 MHz frequency range
Central processor
Antenna cluster (Station)
High speed data transport
11LOFAR a distributed, on-line facility
12Adaptive Beamforming
1 element pattern
2-element subarray pattern
4-element subarray pattern
1-element signals
2-element signals
4-element signal
- Sensitivity pattern narrows with larger subarray
- Deep nulls can be aimed as desired
Synthesized beams
Station antenna patterns
Element antenna pattern
Copies of signals processed separately to give
multiple beams
14A day in the life of LOFAR
15Actual and interested participants - 1
- Netherlands
- ASTRON Institute, Dwingeloo
- Project management, Technology development, Radio
astronomy -
- Research Institute of Mathematics and Computing
Science, Groningen - Complex software systems, Self-test and
self-healing -
- Information and Technology Systems, Delft
Technical University - Complex adaptive systems
- Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Sciences
- Adaptive processing, Low-power and reconfigurable
processors, software radio technologies -
- Center for Mathematics and Information Sciences,
Amserdam - Algorithms for data compression, visualization,
adaptive systems -
- Informatics Institute, Univ. Amsterdam
- Virtual reality and GRID technologies
- Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, Groningen
- European procurement law
- Cluster of Business Development, Univ. Groningen
- On-line business models
- Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory
and Methodologies, Groningen - Sociology of on-line communities, On-line
enviroment design -
- Dutch Space bv
- System engineering, simulation, GRID technologies
- Lucent Technologies Nederland
- Very high capacity digital network design
16Actual and interested participants - 2
- KPN Research
- Operational control of digital networks
- Ordina UTM Communications Solutions
- Control and monitoring of complex systems
- RohdeSchwarz Nederland
- Low cost, smart, integrated antenna design
- Royal Dutch Shell Research
- Seismic imaging
- Astronomical Institute 'Anton Pannekoek',
Amsterdam - Pulsars, Transient radio sources
- Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen
- Cosmology, Education and outreach
- Sterrewacht Leiden
- High Energy Physics Institute, Nijmegen
- Radio astrophysics, Cosmic particle physics
- Center for Technical Geosciences, Delft
- Geophysics, seismic imaging
- Astronomical Institute Utrecht
- Pulsars, Education and outreach
- Sweden
- IT Kronoberg, Växjö
- Project coordination, Sweden
- Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF), Uppsala
- Space/Ionospheric physics, Simulation, Digital
radio, radar -
- Uppsala University
- Solar physics, High-performance database
management, Radio antennas, Signals and systems
17Actual and interested participants - 3
- Lund University
- Elctromagnetic fields and antennas
- Växjö University
- Telecom, antennas, IT, Dynamic software
architecture, Modeling -
- Linköping U./National Supercomputer Centre
- Simulations, Visualisation
- RemSpace Group, Linköping
- Multi-station design and operation
- AerotechTelub AB, Växjö
- Computer systems, antennas, microwave
electronics, and - spacecraft subsystems
- Ericsson Research, Stockholm/Kista
- Wireless/radio telecom RTD
- Germany
- Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, Lindau
- Radar solar physics, Planetary physics
- Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn
- Cosmic particles, Radiophysics
- Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische
Physik, Garching - Extraterrestrial physics
- Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik,
Potsdam - Radio physics of gravitational collapse
- Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam
- Solar radiophysics, Heliographics
- International University of Bremen
- General space/astrophysics
18Actual and interested participants - 4
- University of Oldenburg
- Space physics
- Forschungzentrum Karlruhe
- Astroparticle physics
- Radioastronomisches Institut der Universität Bonn
- Radio astronomy
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Theoretical space and astrophysics
- Siemens
- High capacity networks, processor design,
adaptive antennas -
- Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication IMK,
Sankt Augustin - Control of complex networks, visualization
- Russia
- Astro-Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute,
Pushchino - Space physics, Radio astronomy, Interplanetary
Scintillation -
- Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.
Petersburg - Radio and radar space physics, Anthropogenic
effects -
- Radiophysical Research Institute, Nizhniy
Novgorod - Ionospheric HF radio interactions, Radar, Solar
radio physics -
- State University of Nizhniy Novgorod
- Space radio physics, Solar physics
19Actual and interested participants - 5
- Finland
- Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Space weather
- Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory
- Ionospheric and magnetospheric radar, Aeronomy
- Norway
- EISCAT, Tromsö
- Ionospheric, magnetospheric radar, Ionospheric HF
radio interactions -
- University of Oslo
- Astrophysics, Solar physics
- Denmark
- Danish Space Research Institute
- Space and planetary physics
- Danish Meteorological Institute
- Copenhagen University
- Solar atmosphere, Simulations
- University of Århus
- Radio science
- France
- Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
- Solar radio astronomy, Array design
- LPCE/CNRS, Orléans
- Space radio and radar research
- Italy
- Institute of Radio Astronomy, Bologna
- Radio astronomy, Technology development
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Florence
- Astronomy, space, solar physics
20Actual and interested participants - 6
- United Kingdom
- University of Warwick
- Solar and astro plasma physics, Simulations
- University of Leicester
- Ionosphere, space radiophysics
- University of Wales, Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth
- Interplanetary scintillations
- Greece
- University of Crete
- Upper atmospheric radar, Astrophysics and space
physics - Poland
- Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw - Space physics, ionospheric radio
- Austria
- Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of
Sciences, Graz - Planetary radio research
- Switzerland
- ETH, Zurich
- Solar radar, Plasma astrophysics