Title: Freshwater Biological Diversity in Ireland
1Freshwater Biological Diversity in Ireland
- Dr Jim Bowman
- Programme Manager
2Outline of presentation
- 1 Overview of freshwater biological diversity
- 2 Protecting Legislation
- 3 Water Framework Directive
- 4 The Future
3Part 1
- 1 Overview of freshwater biological diversity
- 2 Protecting Legislation
- 3 Water Framework Directive
- 4 The Future
4What diversity is there here?
5You would be amazed by what you find in there!!
6Recording biological diversity in Ireland
- Recording information on the overall biological
diversity in Ireland has not been done
systematically in the past. Diversity maps
frequently reflect the distribution of collectors
rather than the true distribution of the species
being described. - Also such endeavours can reflect the area of
expertise of the collector. - The National Biodiversity Data Centre has now
commenced this task and has an important Role to
play in improving the situation.
7Impovrished Flora and Fauna
- As a result of Ireland being covered by ice
during the period 100000 to 13000 years ago our
floral and faunal communities were nearly, if
not, completely eliminated. - We are still in a re-colonisation phase and the
Flora Fauna of the country are diminished in
comparison with our neighbours. Being an island
does not help.
8Glaciation 100,000 to 10,000 years ago
During the last ice age the entire country was
covered by ice except for possibly a small area
in west Limerick and north Kerry. The ice was up
to 1,000m thick in places.
Warren and Ashley, 1994
9The Principal Groups of Aquatic Organisms
- Planktonic algae and bacteria
- Macrophytes and macro-algae
- Zooplankton and invertebrates
- Fish
- Amphibians
- Birds
- Mammals
- All combine to form the Irish aquatic community
10How a Freshwater Community Interlinksor A
General Aquatic Energy Flow Diagram
Man Terrestrial Aquatic Animals
Big Fish
Little fish
Little fish
Zooplankton spp. Invertebrates spp.
Algae ssp. Bacteria ssp. Macrophytes ssp.
Water (H2O) Calcium Carbon Nutrients (N
P) trace elements
11Role of the species
- Each species has a specific and critical role to
play in the correct functioning of the aquatic
community. - If even one species is missing the system is not
operating effectively. - Thus, in order for the aquatic community to
function effectively it is necessary to have the
full diversity of organisms present.
12Freshwater Phytoplankton and Bacteria
- Occur mostly in lakes.
- Planktonic forms 1000 ???
- True plankton lt500
- Maumwee 250 species 40 per sampling occasion
- Ramor 51 species 15-20 per sampling
occasion -
- Difficulties
- Uncertainty with Taxonomy
- Too few taxonomists
13Freshwater macrophytes
- Charaphytes 26 species
- Pteridophytes 5 species
- Mosses and Liverworts 24 species
- Angiosperms 123 species-
- 11 Floating-leaved forms,
- 8 Free Floating forms,
- 8 Isoetid forms,
- 45 Elodeid forms,
- 51 Emergent forms
14Freshwater Zooplankton
Rotifera 45 species Cladocera 52
species Copepoda 30 species Chydorids 41
species Ostracods 59 species
15Freshwater Invertebrates
- 1900 aquatic invertebrates species in Ireland
- Ephemeroptera 33 (48)
- Plecoptera 20 (34)
- Trichoptera 147 (195)
- Diptera 929 (1525)
- Mollusca 53 (65)
16Freshwater Fish
- Europe 215 species
- Britain 55 Species
- Ireland 29 Species
- Eleven native species
17Our Eleven Native Species
AllisTwaite shad local Lamprey local
Salmonids widespread Arctic Char
local Pollan local Smelt local 3 10 spined
stickleback Eel widespread
More tidal than fresh
18Irish Amphibians
- Three species of amphibian occur in Ireland
- Rana temporaria Common Frog Very common
- Bufo calamita Natterjack toad Limited
distribution - Triturus vulgaris Smooth newt Widespread
19Aquatic Birds
21Introduced new species and invasive alien species
- Introduced new species
- Birds White-tailed Sea and Golden eagle
- Invasive alien species
- Fish 18 species Pike, Roach, Rudd, Dace and so
on - Macrophytes Lagarosiphon major
- Invertebrates Zebra mussel
- Mammals Mink
- Climate change?
- Little egret
- Most likely a natural extension of their
22Aquatic Communities
- These organisms combine to form communities in
our various water categories. - These communities are not casual collections of
organisms. - The community composition will depend on
- The waterbody category river, lake estuary
- The depth, size and altitude of waterbody
- The waterbody hardness
- The waterbody background nutrient status
Waterbody types
23General Observation on freshwater diversity
- Good Quality Water Degraded Water
- Good diversity of taxa Reduced diversity
- Low density of organism within taxa High density
of organism - (Low number of organisms (High number of
organisms - per taxa) per taxa). In extreme cases you
can have a monoculture (e.g. Proules R.)
24Outline of presentation
- 1 Overview of freshwater biological diversity
- 2 Protecting Legislation
- 3 Water Framework Directive
- 4 The Future
25Protecting Freshwater Diversity - Legislation
- Some limited improvement in water quality and
species protection was achieved during the 1970s
by the setting of quality objectives through - Dangerous Substances Directive (76/464/EEC),
- Fresh Water Fish Directive (78/659/EEC)
- Quality of Shellfish Waters Directive
(79/923/EEC) - And later
- Groundwater Directive (80/68/EC),
- IPPC Directive (91/61/EC),
- Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC
) - Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC)
- Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC)
- Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Directive
(96/61/EC). - However, conspicuous gaps still remained in the
legislation enacted to protect Europes water and
the quality standard approach proved to be
inadequate in protecting Community waters. -
26 A New Approach
- The European Commission encouraged by the
European Parliament and Council of Environment
Ministers and acknowledging the increasing
concerns of its citizens about water quality,
commenced a process of widespread consultation on
water matters. - This process culminated with the proposal for a
Water Framework Directive (WFD), which was
adopted in 2000, to establish a legal framework
to protect and restore water quality.
27Outline of presentation
- 1 Overview of freshwater biological diversity
- 2 Protecting Legislation
- 3 Water Framework Directive
- 4 The Future
28What is different about the Water Framework
- EU Directives in the past have required the
achievement of chemical standards in surface
waters that were calculated to ensure that a
healthy fauna and flora was sustained in our
surface waters. - The Water Framework Directive has now put the
emphasis on clearly demonstrating the presence of
a healthy fauna and flora in these waters.
29Is it important?
- The most significant piece of legislation to date
- or that we are likely to see in our lifetime
dealing with water quality and quantity.
30What is the Water Framwork Directive
- It is a Framework for the protection of the
chemistry, biology and natural form of all
surface and groundwaters and dependent
31Objective of the Directive
- Prevent deterioration of and to protect high
status where it exists. - Restore the status of bodies of water with the
aim of achieving good surface water status and
good groundwater status by 2015. - No deterioration in existing biological/ecologica
l, physico-chemical and hydromorphological
status. - There are provisions for derrogations and
deferred objectives
33The Strategic Process
- Mapping of River Basin Districts in GIS Format
- Characterisation of water bodies
- Mapping of water bodies
- Listing of pressures
- Detailed risks that may cause failure to meet
objectives by 2015 - Economic analysis of water use Data
Gathering - Monitoring programme
- Implement monitoring programme
- Establish chemical standards and Biological
- classification systems
- Determine Water Body Status Linking
- Set Objectives Measures for Water bodies
- Management Plans Actions Planning
- Implementing Plans
34Status Assessment Surface Waters
- Large amounts of Chemical and Biological data
gathered. - Ecological Status Chemical Status
- Biology Phytoplankton List of 41
Chemicals - Macrophytes
- Invertebrates
- Fish
- Physico-Chemistry Nutrients
- Oxygen Temp
- Acidification
- Relevant Pollutants
- Other pollutants
- Hydromorphology Continuity
- Hydrology
- Morphology
35BIOLOGICAL Element Descriptor (parameter)
- Biological Element Element Descriptors
- Phytoplankton Composition Abundance
Biomass (3) - Macrophytes/
- Phytobenthos Composition Abundance (2)
- Invertebrates Composition Abundance (2)
- Fish Composition Abundance Age structure
36Reference Conditions
- The highest quality unimpacted sites for each
waterbody type in each water category, where
there are no pressure influences, have been
chosen and their biology examined. - These sites are referred to as being in Reference
condition. - The status of waterbodies in the monitoring
programme will be determined by expressing
deviation from the particular Reference condition
for that waterbody
37Biological Classification
38Ecological Status for Surface Waters
- The objective of the WFD is to achieve good or
high status biological communities. - Means achieving a high level of biological
diversity - Preservation of the aquatic community is the
preservation of its biological diversity
40Outline of presentation
- 1 Overview of freshwater biological diversity
- 2 Protecting Legislation
- 3 Water Framework Directive
- 4 The Future
41Future Actions
- Making the First River Basin Management Plans
- Purpose to meet objectives of WFD
- Who is doing it Local Authorities and Public
Authorities - Draft plans completed 2008
- Final plan to be ready Autumn 2009
- Implement in period 2009 - 2015
42Climate Change
- Prediction increased temperature, wetter
winters, drier summers and more extreme weather
events. - Response is species dependent and complex
- Opportunities for invasive species may increase.
- Many ecological systems may suffer increased
stresses in heat waves. - Vulnerability of native species, e.g. Arctic
char, smelt and salmon, and Atlantic salmon. - There is evidence of mismatches or asynchrony
between plants, birds and insects.
43Strictly Enforced
- The strategy that will implement the Directive
has milestones and dates for achieving them. - If we fail the EU Commission will imediately
initiate legal action against the Member State.
Actions have already commenced against some
states. - But most importantly
- If we fail it will be a great opportunity lost to
protect our aquatic biology in a meaningful way.
44The end
45(No Transcript)
46Ecological Status Classification Process
47Incorporates existing legislation
- The Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC)
- The Birds Directive (79/409/EEC)
- The Drinking Water Directive (80/778/EEC) as
amended by Directive (98/83/EC) - The Major Accidents (Seveso) Directive
(96/82/EC) - The Environmental Impact Assessment Directive
(85/337/EEC) - The Sewage Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC)
- The Urban Waste-water Treatment Directive
(91/271/EEC) - The Plant Protection Products Directive
(91/414/EEC) - The Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC)
- The Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC)
- The Integrated Pollution Prevention Control
Directive (96/61/EC).
48River Basin Districts (RBD)
- RBD comprises of the river catchments lying
within specified Hydrometric Areas and lakes,
estuaries coastal waters and groundwaters
associated with all these areas. - An International River Basin District (IRBD) is
the combined RBD areas in the State in Northern
Ireland. - The island of Ireland has been divided into 8
RBDs - 4 entirely in the Republic,
- 3 IRBDs, and
- 1 entirely in Northern Ireland.
- e.g. The SERBD comprises HAs 11-17
- Slaney, Barrow, Nore and Suir.
- It involves 13 relevant LAs.
49Involving the Public
- EU Commission putting great emphasis on
- Public participation
- Public consultation
- Transparency