Title: Cycladic Art and Minoan Crete
1Cycladic Art andMinoan Crete
- Geography of the region
- Chronology
- Cycladic art (briefly!)
- Old and New Palaces
- Mythology
- Basic Characteristics of Knossos
3Useful references
- Rutter, J. The Prehistoric Archaeology of the
Aegean (1998) ON-LINE ONLY http//projects.dartmou
th.edu/history/bronze_age/ - Doumas, C. The Wall Paintings of Thera (1992)
- Feuer, B. Mycenaean Civilization A Research
Guide (1996) - Immerwahr, S. Aegean Painting in the Bronze Age
(1990) - Marinatos, S. Crete and Mycenae (1960)
- Morgan, L. The miniature wall paintings of Thera
a study in Aegean culture and iconography (1988)
- Mediterranean and Aegean
- Cyclades
- Crete (Knossos and Phaistos)
- Athens and Mycenae
5Mediterranean Region
6Greece, Crete, and the Aegean
7A few of the islands in the Cyclades note Delos
and Santorini especially
8Relative and Absolute Chronologies
- Cycladic figurines 3200-2000 BCE
- Old Palace period on Crete starts c. 2000 (
Middle Minoan I and II) - New Palace period starts c. 1700 ( Middle
Minoan III, Late Minoan I) - Post-palace period starts c. 1500( late Minoan
II and III)
9Cycladic Figurines
- Date from 3200-2000 BCE
- Exact provenience often uncertain much looting
of Cycladic graves - Mostly females FAF type common
- Few males, some musicians, drinkers
- Fiddle figurines some of the earliest
- Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art
10Cycladic Folded Arm Figurine It is an abstract
representation of the female body with an
emphasis on slender forms and linear details. The
arms are typically folded above the belly which
seems swollen, perhaps as an indication of
pregnancy. An incised triangle marks the pubic
area. Such figurines were perhaps meant to
represent deities associated with fertility or
motherhood. Many were found in graves, so they
may have played a part in funerary rituals. --
Goulandris Museum
11Fiddle figurine
Frying Pan
12(No Transcript)
13Relative and Absolute Chronologies
- Cycladic figurines 3200-2000 BCE
- Old Palace period on Crete starts c. 2000 (
Middle Minoan I and II) - New Palace period starts c. 1700 ( Middle
Minoan III, Late Minoan I) - Post-palace period starts c. 1500( late Minoan
II and III)
14Arthur Evans worked at Knossos from 1900-1935
Evans, Arthur, Sir. The palace of Minos a
comparative account of the successive stages of
the early Cretan civilization as illustrated by
the discoveries at Knossos. 4 vols. London,
15Major Palaces at Knossos, Phaistos, Mallia,
Kato Zakro
16Phaistos(aerial view)
17(No Transcript)
18Central court at Phaistos
19Lustral basin and paved NW court at Phaistos
20Kamares Ware Pottery (Old Palace Period)
21Kamares Ware Pottery (Old Palace Period, MM
II 1900-1700)
22Kamares Ware Pottery (Old Palace Period, MM
II 1900-1700)
24Imaginative reconstruction of Knossos
25Old and New Palaces
- Common Characteristics
- Central courts, theatral spaces, roads
- Light wells and colonnades
- Storage magazines with giant pithoi
- Writing for administration of economy
- Linear A (MMII to LMI) Linear B (later)
- Mysterious symbols here and there
26Road leading to NW entrance steps at Knossos
27Road leading to NW entrance steps at Knossos
28Light well at Knossos (note inverted column)
29Pithoi (s. pithos) in a storage magazine at
- Minos and Pasiphae
- Pasiphae and Daedalus
- Ariadne and the Minotaur
- Daedalus and the Labyrinth
- Theseus, Ariadne, and Aegeus
31Pasiphae and Daedalus
Roman-era painting from Pompeii
32Pasiphae and the Minotaur
33Labyrinth the place of the labrys (-nthos and
ossos terminations indicate pre-Indo-european
place names)
34(No Transcript)
35Theseus killing the Minotaur
(Attic black figure vase paintings)
36Representative Minoan Art
- Pottery
- Kamares Ware (Old Palace)
- Marine Style (LM I)
- Floral Style (LM I)
- Murals
- Cat and Bird Fresco
- Lilies from Amnisos
- Bull leaping
- Dancing Girl
37Marine Style (LM I 1500-1450) Pilgrims Flask
(water jug or canteen)
38Floral Style (LM I)
39Cat and Bird fresco from Hagia Triada. Late
Minoan IA, c. 1550 BC
40Lilies from Amnisos (a port of Knossos, c.
- Bulls and bull-leaping at Knossos
- Minoan women and Minoan religion
- Thera (Akrotiri)