Title: Operating in Conflict and Disaster Areas
1 Operating in Conflict and Disaster Areas
- March 16th
- Ambassador Elisabeth Dahlin
2We are not asking corporations to do something
different from their normal business we are
asking them to do this normal business
UNSG Kofi Annan
3Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR
- One concept many definitions...
- Minimize the negative and maximize the positive
effects of companies activities - Not philanthropy core activities
4Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility
- Globalization
- Increased trade and investment in developing
countries - Greater opportunities increasing demands - focus
on the social and environmental effects of
companies activities - Demands from consumers, employees, investors,
shareholders, business partners, media,
non-governmental organizations, trade unions - race to the bottom vs. race to the top
5Four Main Areas
- of CSR recognized by the UN and the OECD
6Human Rights
8Labour Standards
9Anti -Corruption
10Universal Instruments
- Public policy
- OECDs Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- The Principles of the UN Global Compact
11ResponsesEU processes National Law policy
(France, GBR, Belgium etc)
- A jungle of private initiatives.
- Amnesty Business group, ICC Business in Society,
ISO 26 000, Global Reporting Initiative,
Transparency International, WEF on Corruption,
WBCSD, - Multistakeholder
- Yes, but how?
12Introduction 2 universal tools for Operating in
Conflict Areas
- OECD Risk Awareness Tool for Multinational
Enterprises in Weak Governance Zones - UN Global Compact Business Guide for Impact
Assessment and Risk Management
13The various stages of company development
- 1. Charity and Sponsoring
- 2. Defensive CSR Protection of the trademark
- 3. Offensive CSR- recognised as a world leader in
this area - 4. An actor for development and poverty
alleviation - make a contribution where
governments fail to do so - 5. Global problem-solvers - together with other
actors -new solutions to acute global problems.
14How is it done?
- Top management Importance of leadership
- Identifying relevant responsibility issues
- - Risk Analysis Sector/location
- Identifying company's stakeholders
- -Who has an influence and who is influenced
- Operationalization of values and ethical policy
at all levels of the company - Transparency, measurability and external reports
- From World Economic Forum
15The OECD Risk Awareness Tool for Multinational
- Helps governments that are unwilling or unable to
assume their responsibilities - Addresses risks and ethical dilemmas in weak
governance zones
- Aim Durable exit from poverty
- Process follow up of the OECD Guidelines
- Basis input from business, trade unions and
civil society
17The Risk Awareness Tool
- Obeying the law and observing international
instruments - Heightened managerial care
- Political activities
- Knowing clients and business partners
- Speaking out about wrongdoing
- Business roles in weak governance societies a
broadened view of self interest
18How it can be used
- Does not create new obligations on companies
- NCP and interested parties can use it as a
complementary source of information
19The UN Global Compact
- The Business Guide addresses the following
topics - Human Rights
- International Humanitarian Law
- Labour
- Environment
- Transparency
20Other tools from UN GC
21Role of the Private Sector in Zones of Conflict
- Rule of Law necessary foundation for businesses
and society to flourish - Private sector and other parts of society can
contribute to positive development - Dynamic forum for Policy Dialogue between
stakeholders - Case studies and relevant examples in online
22The Guide A new type of risk assessment and
management tool
- Bolsters the business case for sustainability in
difficult environments - Practical Guide for companies
- Focus on asking the right questions on Human
Rights, International Humanitarian Law, Core
Labours Standards and Environment -
23Environmental Impact Assessment and Management
- Meeting the Global Compcat Commitments?
- Identifuing the Contexts and Potential Risks?
- Managing Company Operations in weak zones?
- Implications for Companys Environmental
24Environmental Risks Management a few examples
- Risk spreading eg storage management
- Prevention eg integral part of planning
- Mitigation eg contingency planning
- Dialogue Awareness and Preparedness, together
with local stakeholders to reduce risks, improve
effectiveness of responses to emergencies
25Business UNusual
- Business not as a problem but part of the
solution to global problems - Fulfilling the Millennium Goals
- Infusing Private Sector management and thinking
- New innovative solutions
26Thank you for your attention