Handling%20Exceptions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to use try blocks. How to catch exceptions ... If the try block is unsuccessful, then userValue holds the assigned dummy value ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Handling%20Exceptions

Handling Exceptions
Lecture 11
  • COSC 1567
  • C Programming

  • In this lecture, you will learn
  • About the limitations of traditional
    error-handling methods
  • How to throw exceptions
  • How to use try blocks
  • How to catch exceptions
  • How to use multiple throw statements and multiple
    catch blocks
  • How to throw objects
  • How to use the default exception handler
  • How to use exception specifications
  • About unwinding the stack
  • How to handle memory allocation exceptions

Understanding the Limitations of Traditional
Error Handling
  • Many C programs contain code similar to the
    code in Figure 12-1
  • The program uses the exit() function, which
    forces the program to end
  • When you use the exit() function, the program
    ends abruptly
  • If the program is a spreadsheet or a game, the
    user might become annoyed that the program has
    prematurely stopped working

Understanding the Limitations of Traditional
Error Handling
  • A slightly better alternative to exit() involves
    using the atexit() function
  • The atexit() function requires a function name as
    its argument this function is then registered
    with atexit(), which means the named function is
    called automatically whenever the exit() function

Understanding the Limitations of Traditional
Error Handling
  • A general rule of modular programming is that a
    function should be able to determine an error
    situation but not necessarily take action on it
  • The function in Figure 12-4 returns a 1 if the
    dataEntryRoutine() function detects an error, and
    a 0 if it does not

Understanding the Limitations of Traditional
Error Handling
  • The calling main() function checks the return
    value of the function and takes appropriate
    action, printing an error message or not
  • However, this error-handling technique has at
    least two drawbacks based on the following rules
  • A function can return, at most, only one value
  • When a function returns a value, it must return
    only the type indicated as its return type
  • In the example in Figure 12-4, you could work
    around the problem of losing one of the values by
    rewriting the dataEntryRoutine() function so that
    sometimes it returns the userEntry, and sometimes
    it returns the error code

Program that Uses dataEntryRoutine() with Error
Understanding the Limitations of Traditional
Error Handling
  • As another remedy, you could write the
    dataEntryRoutine() function so it accepts the
    address of the userEntry variable from main()
  • However, allowing functions to access and alter
    passed variable values violates the general
    principle of encapsulation, and increases the
    data coupling of the function
  • Second, any error code returned by a function
    must be the same type as the functions return

Throwing Exceptions
  • A function can contain code to check for errors,
    and send a message when it detects an error
  • In object-oriented terminology, an exception is a
    message (an object) that is passed from the place
    where a problem occurs to another place that will
    handle the problem
  • The general principle underlying good
    object-oriented error handling is that any called
    function should check for errors, but should not
    be required to handle an error if one is found

Throwing Exceptions
  • When an object-oriented program detects an error
    within a function, the function should send an
    error message to the calling function, or throw
    an exception
  • A throw resembles a return statement in a
    function, except that the execution of the
    program does not continue from where the function
    was called

Throwing Exceptions
  • You throw an exception by using the keyword throw
    followed by any C object, including an object
    that is a built-in scalar type, such as an int or
    a double a nonscalar type, such as a string or
    numeric array or even a programmer-defined
  • A function can make more than one throw

Throwing Exceptions
  • When you use the version of the dataEntry()
    function shown in Figure 12-7, if the user enters
    a value between 0 and 12 inclusive, the actual
    value is returned to the calling function when
    the function ends

Using Try Blocks
  • A try block consists of one or more statements
    that the program attempts to execute, but that
    might result in thrown exceptions
  • A try block includes the following components
  • The keyword try
  • An opening curly brace
  • The code that is tried
  • A closing curly brace

A main() Function Containing a Try Block
Using Try Blocks
  • In Figure 12-8, the call to the dataEntry()
    function occurs within the highlighted try block
  • When dataEntry() executes, if the userEntry is
    valid, then no exception is thrown, and main()
    executes to the end, using the valid value
    returned by the dataEntry() function
  • If the dataEntry() function is called from a try
    block, as in Figure 12-8, then you can deal with
    the error situation more elegantly and less
    abruptly than with an exit() call
  • You handle the thrown exception by catching it

Catching Exceptions
  • To handle a thrown object, you include one or
    more catch blocks in your program immediately
    following a try block
  • A catch block includes the following components
  • The keyword catch
  • A single argument in parentheses
  • An opening curly brace
  • One or more statements that describe the
    exception action to be taken
  • A closing curly brace
  • Figure 12-9 shows a dataEntry() function that
    throws a string error message if the user enters
    a negative number

Catching Exceptions
Catching Exceptions
  • After executing the catch block, the main()
    program continues
  • The value shown is garbage because in the
    program, userValue is assigned a valid value only
    when dataEntry() is completed

Catching Exceptions
  • To avoid seeing this garbage value, you could
    take one of several actions
  • Initialize userValue when it is declared in the
    main() function its value will change only if
    the try block is successful
  • Assign a dummy value to userValue within the
    catch block, as well as within the try block. If
    the try block is successful, then userValue holds
    the value entered by the user. If the try block
    is unsuccessful, then userValue holds the
    assigned dummy value
  • Declare a flag variable set to 0, then set it to
    1 within the catch block to indicate an exception
    was thrown.

Catching Exceptions
  • If you want a catch block to execute, it must
    catch the correct type of argument thrown from a
    try block
  • In the steps reviewed on pages 455 to 456 of the
    textbook, you create a passwordEntry() function
    that asks a user to supply a password

Catching Exceptions
Using Multiple Throw Statements and Multiple
Catch Blocks
  • You can write a function to throw any number of
    exceptions, and you can provide multiple catch
    blocks to react appropriately to each type of
    exception that is thrown
  • You can create a dataEntry() function that throws
    a string message when the user enters a negative
    number, but throws an invalid value when the user
    enters a number that is more than 12
  • When you run the program in Figure 12-14, if no
    exception is thrown, the program bypasses both
    catch blocks and prints the valid value, as shown
    in Figure 12-15

A dataEntry() Function that Throws Two Types of
Using Multiple Throw Statements and Multiple
Catch Blocks
Throwing Objects
  • Just as simple variables such as doubles,
    integers, and strings can be thrown via
    exception-handling techniques, programmer-defined
    class objects also can be thrown
  • This approach is particularly useful in two types
    of situations
  • If a class object contains errors, you may want
    to throw the entire object, rather than just one
    data member or a string message
  • Whenever you want to throw two or more values,
    you can encapsulate them into a class object so
    that they can be thrown together

Throwing Standard Class Objects
  • Figure 12-19 shows an Employee class with two
    data fields, empNum and hourlyRate
  • The insertion operator is overloaded in the same
    way you have seen it coded in many other classes,
    but in this Employee class, the extraction
    operator has been overloaded to throw an
  • Any program that uses the Employee class can
    catch the thrown Employee object and handle it
    appropriately for the application

The Employee Class
Throwing Standard Class Objects
  • A few possibilities include
  • A program might assign default values to any
    Employee whose data entry resulted in an
  • A program that tests the accuracy of data entry
    operators might store caught exceptions just as
    they are entered and count them
  • A program that is used when hiring Employees for
    a special assignment that pays more than the
    usual maximum might ignore the high-end salary
  • A program might refuse to accept an Employee with
    an exception, and force the user to re-enter the
    values, as in the main() program shown in Figure

A main() Program that Instantiates Three Employee
Throwing Standard Class Objects
  • The program in Figure 12-20 declares an array of
    three Employee objects
  • When you include multiple catch blocks in a
    program, the first catch block that can accept a
    thrown object is the one that will execute

Throwing Exception Objects
  • You can create a class that represents an
  • Figure 12-22 shows a Customer class that is
    similar to many classes you already have worked
  • Each Customer holds data fields for a customer
    number and a balance due, and has access to
    overloaded extraction and insertion operators
    that you can use for input and output

The Customer Class
Throwing Exception Objects
  • Figure 12-23 shows the CustomerException class
  • Its data members include a Customer object and a
    string message, and its constructor requires
    values for both

Throwing Exception Objects
  • Figure 12-24 shows a main() program that declares
    an array of four Customer objects
  • In this program a loop contains four calls to the
    overloaded operator gtgt() function
  • Figure 12-25 shows the output of a typical
    execution of the program in which some of the
    Customers exceed the credit limit and others do

Program that Instantiates Four Customers
Output of Typical Execution of the
CustomerException Program
Using the Default Exception Handler
  • When any object is thrown with a throw statement,
    then a subsequent catch block has a usable match
    if one of the following conditions is true
  • The type of the thrown object and the type of the
    catch argument are identical (for example, int
    and int)
  • The type of the thrown object and the type of the
    catch argument are the same, except the catch
    contains the const qualifier, a reference
    qualifier, or both (for example, int can be
    caught by const int, int, or const int)
  • The catch argument type is a parent class of the
    thrown argument

Using the Default Exception Handler
  • If you throw an argument and no catch block
    exists with an acceptable argument type, then the
    program terminates
  • To avoid termination, you can code a default
    exception handler that catches any type of object
    not previously caught
  • Ex11-7.cpp demonstrate that a default catch block
    works as expected
  • You create an Order class whose data entry
    function accepts several values and throws a
    variety of exception types

Unwinding the Stack
  • When you write a function, you can try a function
    call and, if the function you call throws an
    exception, you can catch the exception
  • However, if your function that calls the
    exception-throwing function doesnt catch the
    exception, then a function that calls your
    function can still catch the exception
  • A simpler way to say this is that if function A
    calls function B, and function B calls function
    C, and function C throws an exception, then if B
    does not catch the exception, function A can

Unwinding the Stack
  • If no function catches the exception, then the
    program terminates
  • This process is called unwinding the stack,
    because each time you call a function, the
    address of the place to which the program should
    return is stored in a memory location called the
  • Figure 12-28 shows a KennelReservation class that
    holds information about boarding a Do
  • Each KennelReservation includes a kennel number,
    a month and day for the reservation, and a Dog

The Dog Class
The KennelReservation Class
Unwinding the Stack
  • Within the KennelReservation function in Figure
    12-28, both highlighted exception specifications
    could be deleted, and the class still would
    function properly
  • Figure 12-29 shows a main() function that
    instantiates a KennelReservation object, and
    Figure 12-30 shows a typical execution

Unwinding the Stack
  • A popular traditional way to handle error
    situations was to terminate the program
  • A superior alternative to traditional
    error-handling techniques is called exception
  • The general principle underlying good
    object-oriented error handling is that any
    function that is called should check for errors,
    but should not be required to handle an error if
    it finds one
  • When a function might cause an exception, and
    therefore includes a throw statement to handle
    errors, the call to potentially offending
    functions should be placed within a try block

  • To handle a thrown object, you include one or
    more catch blocks in your program immediately
    following a try block
  • If you want a catch block to execute, it must
    catch the correct type of argument thrown from a
    try block
  • You can write a function to throw any number of
    exceptions, and you can provide multiple catch
    blocks to react appropriately to each type of
    exception that is thrown

  • Just as simple variables such as doubles,
    integers, and strings can be thrown via
    exception-handling techniques, so can
    programmer-defined class objects
  • You can create a class that represents an
  • The class is instantiated only when an exception

  • If you throw an argument and no catch block
    exists with an acceptable argument type, then the
    program terminates
  • You can explicitly indicate the exception that a
    function can possibly throw by writing an
    exception specification, which is a declaration
    of a functions possible throw types
  • When you allocate memory, it is always possible
    that there is not enough memory available, so the
    creators of C have created an out of memory
    exception handler for you called set_new_handler()
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