Title: IVDL Jeopardy
1IVDL Jeopardy
2Way To Go!
3Videoconferencing Terminology for 100
IVDL is short for
- Interpersonal Version of Direct Lessons
- Independent Values on Diversity in Learning
- Individual Values and Demands for Learning
- Interactive Vision for Descriptive Learning
- Interactive Video Distance Learning
4 Are you guessing?
5Videoconferencing Terminology for 200
A a museum, zoo or organization that provides
lessons or activities through videoconferencing
are referred to as
- A Content Provider
- A Content Expert
- A Virtual Performer
- A Virtual Coordinator
- A Lucky Find
6Hmmm, Thats not right
7Videoconferencing Terminology for 300
D.A.S or Das provides Ohios schools on the ATM
Video Network with technical support and bridging
between sites. What does D.A.S. stand for
- Direct and Accountable Services
- Darn I need Another System Re-boot
- Department of ATM and Securities
- Department of Administrative Services
8Back to the Drawing Board
9Videoconferencing Terminology for 400
Which is NOT a protocol for connecting video
- IP
- Satellite
- Beaming
10 Try again
11Videoconferencing Terminology for 500
The seven digit number assigned to each
videoconferencing system in an ATM network is
called a
- DID Number
- IP Number
- Video Phone Number
- DAS Number
12Back to the Drawing Board
13Videoconferencing Technology for 100
Which of the following is not a manufacturer of
videoconferencing technology
- Vtel
- Polycom
- Tandberg
- Sony
- Videoninics
14 Try again
15Videoconferencing Technology for 200
The technical term for the camera a looks like an
overhead used for displaying documents.
- Elmo
- Document Camera
- Electronic Presentation Board
- Video Light Board
16Give it another shot
17Videoconferencing Technology for 300
A video conference with two or more connections
is called
- Point to point connection
- Conference call
- Group call
- Multipoint connection
- ISDN call
18Back to the Drawing Board
19Videoconferencing Technology for 400
The Process by which multiple sites are connected
into one videoconference
- A lift
- An Intersection
- A Bridge
- A Tunnel
- A Network
20Hmmm, Thats not right
21Videoconferencing Technology for 500
Making a video connection to your own system is
call a.
- Point to Point connection
- Loop back connection
- Local connection
- A mistake
- Not possible
22 Are you guessing?
23Popular Content Providers for 100
This provider uses music to provide education
lessons for multiple core curricular area grades
- The Toledo Zoo
- Cosi Toledo
- The Cleveland Art Museum
- The Cleveland Institute of Music
- Virent Broadcasting
24 Try again
25Popular Content Providers for 200
Which of the following Ohio Zoos provide
videoconferencing programs (Choose the best
- The Cleveland Zoo
- The Columbus Zoo
- The Toledo Zoo
- The Cincinnati Zoo
- The Akron Zoo
- All the above
26Is that the best answer?
27Popular Content Providers for 300
This content provider out of Georgia uses
marionettes to provide content to classes of
multiple curricula for grades K-12.
- The Buffalo Museum of Science
- The Center for Puppetry Arts
- The Baseball Hall of Fame
- The Museum of Television and Radio
28Nice try, but wrong!
29Popular Content Providers for 400
This Ohio based content provider can take your
classes to the stars
- Cleveland Museum of Art
- Milwaukee Public Museum
- NASA Glenn
- The Buffalo Zoo
- Johnson Space Center
30 Are you guessing?
31Popular Content Providers for 500
Want to take your class underwater and explore
the Great Lakes? Try this content provider out of
- The Aquatic Research Institute
- Cosi Columbus
- The Conner Prairie 1836 Living Museum
- The Ohio Historical Society
32Give it another shot