Title: Neuroradiology Series: Brain Tumors Advanced Imaging Techniques
1RSNA 2007 Multisession Course VN31
Neuroradiology Series Brain Tumors Advanced
Imaging Techniques
Diffusion and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Aaron S. Field, MD, PhD Department of
Radiology University of WisconsinMadison
2Diffusion and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
- Principles
- Technical Caveats
- Applications and Limitations for Tumor Imaging
3Diffusion Brownian motion Random molecular
4Diffusion probes tissue microstructure
ADC Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
More barriers Fewer barriers ADC low
ADC high
5Barriers to diffusion in white matter results in
directional dependence (anisotropy)
Anisotropic diffusion
Isotropic diffusion
Fiber tract bundle
6Anisotropic Signal Attenuation
Diffusion gradient
c/o A. Alexander, UW-Madison
7The Diffusion Ellipsoid Model
Tensor ellipsoid model estimates the actual ADC
8The Diffusion Ellipsoid Model
Actual ADC profile (unknown)
Tensor ellipsoid model estimates the actual ADC
9The Tensor Matrix
Solve matrix equations
10Rotating the Coordinate Frame
- Diffusivity parallel to fibers D ?1
- Diffusivity perpendicular to fibers D? (?2
?3)/2 - Mean Diffusivity (ADC) (?1 ?2 ?3)/3
- Anisotropy S.D.(?1 , ?2 , ?3)
12Anisotropy Magnitude of Directionality
- Fractional Anisotropy (FA)
- Most common anisotropy measure
- Summarizes disparity of eigenvalues
13Tensor Orientation
Courtesy K. Hasan, UTMS-Houston
The major eigenvector (e1) can be mapped using
RGB color coding
14Tensor Orientation
Brightness FA
Brightness FA Color e1
15Fiber Tracking (Tractography)
c/o M. Lazar, UW-Madison
Fiber Assignment by Continuous Tracking FACT
(Mori et al)
Although computer graphical trajectories or
streamlines are typically called fibers they
do not correspond to actual nerve fibers!
16Stopping Criteria for Tractography
- Anisotropy below threshold not reliable
- e.g. stop if FA lt 0.2
- Excessively sharp turn not realistic
- e.g. stop if trajectory takes gt 60 turn
17Parsing Specific Tracts
1 ROI 2 ROIs
18Quantitative Fiber Tracking
Tract-specific Regions of Interest
c/o M. Lazar, UW-Madison
19Quantitative Fiber Tracking
Fiber Trajectory Count
Thomas et al, Brain 2005
20Quantitative Fiber Tracking
Fiber Density Index of trajectories per voxel
within ROI
(Roberts et al, AJNR 2005)
21Diffusion and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
- Principles
- Technical Caveats
- Applications and Limitations for Tumor Imaging
22Anisotropy is Mathematically Non-Specific
23Anisotropy is Mathematically Non-Specific
Anisotropy ? Tensor Shape!
Alexander et al, Magn Reson Med 2000
24Anisotropy is Mathematically Non-Specific
Anisotropy ? Tensor Shape!
Prolate Oblate
Westin et al, ISMRM 1997 Kindlmann et al, Vis
1999 Alexander et al MRM 2000
25Partial Volume Effects on Anisotropy
26Partial Volume Effects on Anisotropy
27Partial Volume Effects on Anisotropy
28Crossing Fibers Limit Tracking to Lateral Motor
29Number of trajectories depends on technique
and arbitrary stopping criteria
30Number of trajectories depends on technique
and arbitrary stopping criteria
FA gt 0.20
31Number of trajectories depends on technique
and arbitrary stopping criteria
FA gt 0.18
32False Positives (Spurious Tracts)
33Fiber count / density
Sensitive to disease both within and distant from
FDi 2
34Fiber count / density
Sensitive to disease both within and distant from
FDi 1
35Fiber count / density
Sensitive to disease both within and distant from
FDi 2
36Fiber count / density
Sensitive to disease both within and distant from
FDi 1
37Fiber count / density
FDi 2
38Fiber count / density
May be decreased despite no loss of tracts within
FDi 1
39Fiber count / density
May be normal despite reduced anisotropy within
FDi 2
40Small metastasis with extensive vasogenic edema
c/o A. Bizzi, Milan, Italy
41Diffusion and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
- Principles
- Technical Caveats
- Applications and Limitations for Tumor Imaging
42Applications of Diffusion and Diffusion
Tensor Imaging to Brain Tumors
- Tissue Characterization (DWI / DTI)
- Discriminate tumor from non-neoplastic lesions
- Estimate tumor histology and grade
- Monitor treatment response
- Discriminate edema from tumor infiltration (?)
- Localization / Mapping (DTI)
- Localize lesions to specific WM tracts
- Map WM tracts for pre-op planning intra-op
guidance - Assess integrity / relocation of WM tracts post-op
43Applications of Diffusion and Diffusion
Tensor Imaging to Brain Tumors
- Tissue Characterization (DWI / DTI)
- Discriminate tumor from non-neoplastic lesions
- Estimate tumor histology and grade
- Monitor treatment response
- Discriminate edema from tumor infiltration (?)
- Localization / Mapping (DTI)
- Localize lesions to specific WM tracts
- Map WM tracts for pre-op planning intra-op
guidance - Assess integrity / relocation of WM tracts post-op
Arachnoid cyst
46Counterexample GBM with ?ADC
47Counterexample Abscess without ?ADC
T1C T2
48ADC inversely correlated with tumor cellularity
Sugahara et al, JMRI 1999
Kono et al, AJNR 2001
49ADC discriminates pediatric posterior fossa tumors
Rumboldt et al. AJNR 2006
50ADC may discriminate high/low tumor grade
Sugahara et al, JMRI 1999
Sadeghi et al, AJR 2003
51Glioblastoma Multiforme
52Minimum ADC in Grade 3-4 gliomas predicts survival
Murakami, R. et al. Radiology 2007243493-499
53Minimum ADC in Grade 3-4 gliomas predicts survival
Murakami, R. et al. Radiology 2007243493-499
54Early treatment response reflected by ?ADC
Moffat et al, PNAS USA 2005
55Anisotropy Has High Sensitivity
FA identifies occult transcallosal glioma
Stieltjes et al. Neuroimage 2006
56Anisotropy Has High Sensitivity
FA (better than ADC) predicts tumor infiltration
Stadlbauer et al. Radiology 2006
57Anisotropy Has Poor Specificity
58Anisotropy is Pathologically Non-Specific
All of these reduce anisotropy
59Anisotropy is Pathologically Non-Specific
Tumor or Edema?
60Anisotropy is Pathologically Non-Specific
Tumor or Edema?
18 gliomas (WHO III-IV), 7 meningiomas, 5
mets ROIs in peritumoral T2 changes
Van Westen et al. Acta Radiol 2006
61Can directionally-encoded color maps discriminate
edema from tumor infiltration?
62Vasogenic Edema
Anisotropy Decreased Location / Direction
Jellison BJ et al, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004
63Infiltrating Glioma
Anisotropy Decreased Location /
Organization Abnormal
Jellison BJ et al, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2004
64Infiltrating Oligo(astro)cytoma (WHO Grade II)
T2 FLAIR Directional Fiber
65Infiltrating Oligoastrocytoma (WHO Grade II)
66Infiltrating Oligoastrocytoma (WHO Grade II)
fMRI Brocas Directional DTI
67Infiltrating Oligoastrocytoma (WHO Grade II)
fMRI Brocas Fiber Tracking
Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus
68Can directionally-encoded color maps discriminate
edema from tumor infiltration?
69Applications of Diffusion and Diffusion
Tensor Imaging to Brain Tumors
- Tissue Characterization (DWI / DTI)
- Discriminate tumor from non-neoplastic lesions
- Estimate tumor histology and grade
- Monitor treatment response
- Discriminate edema from tumor infiltration (?)
- Localization / Mapping (DTI)
- Localize lesions to specific WM tracts
- Map WM tracts for pre-op planning intra-op
guidance - Assess integrity / relocation of WM tracts post-op
70Lesion Localization
Preoperative Planning
72Preoperative Planning
73Preoperative Planning
Lazar et al, ISMRM 2004
74Preoperative Planning
Pilocytic Astrocytoma
75Brainstem Glioma
76Brainstem Glioma
77Intraoperative Guidance
DTI co-registered with 3D anatomical imaging in a
neurosurgical navigation system
Okada et al, Radiology 2006
78Nimsky et al, Neuroimage 2006
79Tractography and Intraoperative Subcortical
Kinoshita et al, Neuroimage 2005
80Comparison of DTI Fiber Tracking to Subcortical
Motor Stimulation
- Subcortical stimulation sites are
stereotactically identified on MR using a
surgical navigation system (Medtronic,
Broomfield, CO). - Distance between stimulation site and DTI fiber
tracks is measured.
Arm Motor Subcortical Stimulation
Average distance of 8.7 3.1 mm from subcortical
stimulation sites to DTI fiber tracks generated
81Intraoperative DTI reveals shifting of tracts
during tumor debulking
Nimsky et al, Radiology 2005
82Proximity of fiber tracts to infiltrating tumors
a function of FA threshold
Stadlbauer et al. Neuroimage 2007
83Take Home Points
- ADC correlates inversely with cellularity
(but ROI-dependent in
heterogeneous tumors!) - Positive treatment response suggested by early
?ADC - ADC may discriminate high / low grade
- FA decreases with any WM infiltration (tumor or
edema) and this critically affects tractography
results through stopping thresholds false
negatives or decreased reliability of direction
estimates (false positives) - Directional color maps and tractography do NOT
reliably discriminate infiltrating tumor from
edema - Tractography helpful for preop / intraop guidance
but there are pitfalls and validation still
needed -
UW-Madison Andrew Alexander Brian Jellison
Brian Laundre Mariana Lazar Yu-Chien Wu
Jeffrey Berman Alberto Bizzi Andrei Holodny
Meng Law Pratik Mukherjee John Ulmer