Title: Overview Class
1OverviewClass 6 (Tues, Feb 4)
- Begin deformable models!!
- Background on elasticity
- Elastostatics generalized 3D springs
- Boundary integral formulation of linear
elasticity (from ARTDEFO (SIGGRAPH 99))
2Equations of Elasticity
- Full equations of nonlinear elastodynamics
- Nonlinearities due to
- geometry (large deformation rotation of local
coord frame) - material (nonlinear stress-strain curve volume
preservation) - Simplification for small-strain (linear
geometry) - Dynamic and quasistatic cases useful in different
contexts - Very stiff almost rigid objects
- Haptics
- Animation style
3Deformation and Material Coordinates
- w undeformed world/body material coordinate
- xx(w) deformed material coordinate
- ux-w displacement vector of material point
Body Frame
4Green Cauchy Strain Tensors
- 3x3 matrix describing stretch (diagonal) and
shear (off-diagonal)
5Green Cauchy Strain Tensors
- 3x3 matrix describing stretch (diagonal) and
shear (off-diagonal)
6Stress Tensor
- Describes forces acting inside an object
dA (tiny area)
7Stress Tensor
- Describes forces acting inside an object
dA (tiny area)
8Body Forces
- Body forces follow by Greens theorem, i.e.,
related to divergence of stress tensor
9Body Forces
- Body forces follow by Greens theorem, i.e.,
related to divergence of stress tensor
10Newtons 2nd Law of Motion
- Simple (finite volume) discretization
11Newtons 2nd Law of Motion
- Simple (finite volume) discretization
12Stress-strain Relationship
- Still need to know this to compute anything
- An inherent material property
13Stress-strain Relationship
- Still need to know this to compute anything
- An inherent material property
14Strain Rate Tensor Damping
15Strain Rate Tensor Damping
16Naviers Eqn of Linear Elastostatics
- Linear Cauchy strain approx.
- Linear isotropic stress-strain approx.
- Time-independent equilibrium case
17Naviers Eqn of Linear Elastostatics
- Linear Cauchy strain approx.
- Linear isotropic stress-strain approx.
- Time-independent equilibrium case
18Material properties G,n provide easy way
to specify physical behavior
19Solution Techniques
- Many ways to approximation solutions to Naviers
(and full nonlinear) equations - Will return to this later.
- Detour ArtDefo paper
- ArtDefo - Accurate Real Time Deformable
ObjectsDoug L. James, Dinesh K. Pai.Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH 99. pp. 65-72. 1999.
20Boundary Conditions
Specify interaction with environment
- Types
- Displacements u on Gu(aka Dirichlet)
- Tractions (forces) p on Gp (aka Neumann)
- ? Boundary Value Problem (BVP)
21Boundary Integral Equation Form
Directly relates u and p on the boundary!
22Boundary Element Method (BEM)
H u G p
23Solving the BVP
H u G p H,G large dense
24BIE, BEM and Graphics
- No interior meshing
- Smaller (but dense) system matrices
- Sharp edges easy with constant elements
- Easy tractions (for haptics)
- Easy to handle mixed and changing BC
(interaction) - More difficult to handle complex inhomogeneity,
25ArtDefo Movie Preview