Title: The Ultimate Supremacy:
1The Ultimate Supremacy The
Supremacy of Christ in our family
Colossians 318-21
2The first people to see the supremacy of Jesus
Christ in our lives should be the people in our
own families.
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8A wifes relationship to her husband
As is fitting in the Lord.
- Col. 318
9A wifes relationship to her husband
For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
- 1 Timothy 213
10A wifes relationship to her husband
Its a continual act of surrender to the
supremacy of Christ, that reveals itself in how
the wife respects the leadership of her husband.
11A wifes relationship to her husband
submit to one another out of reverence for
- Ephesians 521
12A husbands relationship with his wife
Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh
with them.
- Col. 319
13A husbands relationship with his wife
You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it
over them, and their great ones exercise
authority over them. It shall not be so among
you. But whoever would be great among you must be
your servant, and whoever would be first among
you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man
came not to be served but to serve, and to give
his life as a ransom for many.
- Matthew 2025 - 28
14A husbands relationship with his wife
15A husbands relationship with his wife
- A brotherly love
- A passionate love
16A husbands relationship with his wife
- A brotherly love
- A passionate love
- A supreme love (agape)
17A husbands relationship with his wife
- A brotherly love
- A passionate love
- A supreme love (agape)
- - Its an unconditional love that sacrifices
everything. -
- - Its a love that serves with no
expectation of repayment -
- - Its a selfless love that
- puts your wifes needs
- before your own.
18A husbands relationship with his wife
Do not be harsh with them
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20A husbands relationship with his wife
Husbands, the first people who see the supremacy
of Christ in our lives should be our wives.
21A childs relationship to their parents
22A childs relationship to their parents
In everything
23A childs relationship to their parents
- How is a child to obey?
- When is it OK for a child not to obey?
24A childs relationship to their parents
We must obey God rather than men.
- Acts 529
25A childs relationship to their parents
- How is a child to obey?
- When is it OK for a child not to obey?
- Why they should obey?
26A childs relationship to their parents
pleases the Lord
27A childs relationship to their parents
Your motivation to obey is based on the same
thing that motivates your mother to submit and
your father to loveThe supremacy
of Christ.
28A parents relationship to their children
What are some ways a parent can provoke their
29A parents relationship to their children
30A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
31A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
- Comparing them with children in other families
32A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
- Comparing them with children in other families
- Embarrassing them in front of others
33A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
- Comparing them with children in other families
- Embarrassing them in front of others
- Setting unreasonable expectations
34A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
- Comparing them with children in other families
- Embarrassing them in front of others
- Setting unreasonable expectations
- Making all of their decisions for them
35A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
- Comparing them with children in other families
- Embarrassing them in front of others
- Setting unreasonable expectations
- Making all of their decisions for them
- Confusing Biblical convictions
- with preferential standards
36A parents relationship to their children
- Showing favorites
- Not paying attention to them
- Comparing them with children in other families
- Embarrassing them in front of others
- Setting unreasonable expectations
- Making all of their decisions for them
- Confusing Biblical convictions
- with preferential standards
- Not showing interest in the things
- they are interested in
37Moms and Dadsour children should be the first
people to see the supremacy of Jesus Christ in
our lives.