Title: Section 508 for Beginners
1Section 508 for Beginners
2What is Section 508?
- Part of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, as amended in
1998 - Provides comparable access to those with
disabilities as to those without - Includes any Electronic Information Technology
(EIT) that is developed, procured, maintained or
used by the Federal Government and the US Postal
Service - Law with teethGovernment can be sued
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
3Why Enforce the Law?
- Obviously, It Is a Law
- It is the right thing to do
- An agency can be sued and systems can be pulled
out of production - Supports Federal and State initiatives
- Presidents Management Agenda
- New Freedom Initiative
- You have a vested interest
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
4Why Enforce the Law?
- Do you have problems with?
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
5Why Enforce the Law?
- Do you have one or more of the conditions
- listed on the previous slide?
- what about family members?
- or your friends?
- or your co-workers?
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
6U.S. Census Data 2006
- These numbers are approximate as of the American
Community Survey, 2006 - 41.3 million people with some type of
long-lasting condition or disability - 11.8 million people with sensory disability
- 25.7 million people with some type of physical
disability - 15.9 million people with mental disability
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
7Dissecting the Law
- Law consists of three subparts
- Subpart B - Technical standards for six
categories of products - Subpart C Functional performance criteria
- Subpart D - Information and documentation
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
8Dissecting the Law
- Subpart B consists of standards for
- Software applications/operating systems
- Web-based information and applications
- Telecommunication products
- Video and multimedia products
- Self-contained, closed products
- Desktop and portable computers
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
9Dissecting the Law
- Subpart C
- Technologies or components for which there is no
specific requirement under the technical
standards in Subpart B - Covers operation, including input and control
functions, operation of mechanisms, and access to
visual and audible information
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
10Dissecting the Law
- Subpart D
- Consists of information, documentation and
support - Requires manufacturer upon request, to provide
compliant electronic text for all documentation
associated with the product
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
11Dissecting the Law
- When determining the appropriate standards to
use - More than one category of standards may apply
- Not all the standards in a category are
necessarily applicable
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
12Dissecting the Law
- Technical Requirements drive the procurement, not
Section 508 - Legal liability only pertains to the Procurement
of IT, Services and Maintenance - Federal Government is liable for non-compliance,
not the contractor or manufacturer
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
13An Example of a Best Practice
- US Patent and Trade Office
- Their Process
- Their Program
- Their Training
- Common Requirements
- Hardware and COTS
14USPTO 508 Processes
- USPTO has processes for the following
- Purchase of IT Hardware and COTS Products
- Credit card Purchases of IT Products
- Development and Maintenance of IT Software
Systems - Creating or Maintaining Web Products
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
15USPTOs Section 508 Program
- Staff available to help at any time
- Features include
- Assistance with procurement
- Consultation and testing during all phases of
product development - Testing before product deployment
- Training classes
- Evaluation of latest technologies
16USPTO Section 508 Training
- Training classes offered at USPTO include
- Writing accessible documents
- Authoring Section 508 compliant web pages and
applications - Developing compliant software
- New and emerging technologies including AJAX and
17Common Requirements
- Person buying or creating a product signs a
checklist certifying compliance - USPTO interpretation of Section 508 is based on
the Letter of the Law, not the spirit of the law
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
18Common Requirements
- Check-and-balance
- Non-compliant products will be pulled from the
internet/intranet or stopped from going into
production or returned to the vendor - Only Section 508 Coordinator can authorize
exemptions or waivers
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
19Hardware and COTS
- Includes IT Hardware and COTS products and
services - Product Purchaser is responsible for compliance
- Of vendors who meet the functional requirements,
determine who best meets the applicable Section
508 standards
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
20Appendix USPTO Forms
- The following slides contain samples of
- forms used by the USPTOs Section 508
- program.
21EIT Procurement Checklist
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
22Purchase Card Pre-Purchase Worksheet
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
23AIS Checklist
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
24USPTO Accessibility Office Information
- In the USPTO, the Accessibility Office is
responsible for all EIT 504 and 508-related
actions plus product evaluation and determining
compliance - If you would like more information about the
USPTO Section 508 Program you can contact - Joyce Miller
- joyce.miller_at_uspto.gov
- 571-272-5422
25What is Market Research?
- The act of collecting and analyzing information
about capabilities within the marketplace to
satisfy agency needs
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
26Why Conduct Market Research?
- FAR Requirement
- Used to gauge the state of the EIT industry in
meeting your requirements with products and
services - Method for identifying products that meet Section
508 requirements
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
27Market Research
- Requiring Officials determine technical
requirements - Identify products that meet those
functional/technical requirements - Send appropriate 508 checklist to vendors who
have the products - Take the stand that only vendors who provide
completed checklist are eligible for contract
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
28Informal Market Survey
- Vendor Internet site
- Review of similar procurements by other agencies
- Catalogs, product literature
- Scientific journals
- Business publications
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
29Formal Market Survey Techniques
- Using a published vehicle
- Sources-sought announcements in the Federal
Business Opportunities (www.FedBizOpps.gov) - RFI (Requests for Information) for planning
purposes to gather appropriate technical
information, approximate cost, and schedule
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
30What is the Buy Accessible Wizard?
- The Buy Accessible Wizard is a web-based tool
that - Guides users through the acquisition process,
gathering data and providing information about
electronic and information technology (EIT) and
Section 508 compliance - Compiles a running summary documenting the
process and its results - The Buy Accessible Products and Services
Directory - Access to vendor provided accessibility
information - The Buy Accessible System makes compliance with
the requirements of Section 508 as easy and
thorough as possible
31Who Should Use the Wizard?
- Micro purchasers (IT) with government purchase
cards - Program technical specialists (IT) that determine
acquisition requirements - Program requirements officer responsible for
program requirements documentation development,
consolidation - Contract officers that specify (IT) requirements
on behalf of agency programs
32(No Transcript)
33How Can the Wizard Help Your Agency?
- Standardize the process you use for each
acquisition. - Document your procedures to demonstrate due
diligence - Maximize market research. Use vendor-supplied
accessibility information about the commercial
availability of accessible EIT products and
services prior to solicitation. - Tailor your solicitations. Ensure there is
specific Section 508 language in each
solicitation that includes EIT. - Require accessibility information.
- Document accessibility as a factor in source
selection - Document accessibility as a factor in inspection
and acceptance
34Be Our Guest for a Test Drive
- We invite you to test drive the Buy Accessible
Wizard Release 3 - To access the Buy Accessible Wizard Release 3 go
to http//www.buyaccessible.gov/ and use the
Guest User login
35The VPAT and Market Research
- Voluntary Product Accessibility Template
- Completed by the Vendor
- Information on how a product or service conforms
to the Section 508 Access Board standards - Optionally, posted on their vendor site and
linked to Buy Accessible Wizard Tool - Vendors are not required to complete a VPAT
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
36 37Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 VPAT
- Date 3/30/2007
- Name of product Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
- http//www.adobe.com/resources/accessibility/tools
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
38Mozilla Firefox 3.0 VPAT
- Date 06/10/2008
- Name of Product Firefox 3.0
- General Comments Information in this VPAT is
relevant to Firefox 3.0 running on a Windows
2000, Server 2003, XP, or Vista operating system.
Additional developer tools exist in this product
that are not installed by default. These optional
tools have not been tested. - http//www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/vpat-3.html
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
39Sample Source of VPAT InformationUsed by the
- http//www.evengrounds.com/resources/vpat-director
y - Contains a concise list of companies with VPATs
- Companies can be added to the list
- Further information on what is needed in a VPAT
40Tips for Selecting a Vendor
- Review vendors checklist
- All standards are equal in importance
- Do NOT accept yes, a checkmark, or meets
standards - Need more information to make informed decision
- If unsure, ask vendor for more information
- Since vendor claimed compliance, they should have
information readily available
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
41Tips for Selecting a Vendor
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
42Tips for Selecting a Vendor
- Review Possible exemptions
- Check with the agencys appointed authority
- Exemptions include
- Back Office - Equipment or software which resides
in a data center or communication closet that
cannot be readily accessed or accessed remotely - Fundamental Alteration - altering design and/or
alteration of the function of the device or
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
43Tips for Selecting a Vendor
- Review Possible exemptions
- Commercially non-available at time of buy
- Support Maintenance agreements
- USPTO Position - There is No Such Creature called
Undue Burden or Deferred
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
44Tips for Selecting a Vendor
- Complete processing procurement request
- Consider a Sole Source purchase
- Buyer completes checklist and signs it,
certifying Section 508 compliance
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
45Tips for Selecting a Vendor
- Complete processing procurement request
- Section 508 Coordinator reviews and initials
procurement checklist - Buyer processes request with the checklist and
supporting documents - Market Research
- Most Compliant Vendor
- Sole Source Justification
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
46Micro-Purchase and Section 508Purchase Card
- Effective April 1, 2005 all purchases of
electronic information technology (EIT) products
must comply with Section 508 requirements - This includes (1) GSA schedule purchases, (2)
open market purchases and (3) buys that cost
3,000 or less
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
47Requiring Official's Responsibilities
- Understanding the Section 508 requirements and
requesting products that are Section 508
compliant - If a product does not conform with Section 508,
it still may be purchased, but the file must be
documented in accordance with the exceptions
listings for Section 508 requirements
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
48Approving Officials Responsibilities
- Ensure that the purchasing cardholders within
their organization are complying with the Section
508 requirement - Review any documentation that has been provided
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
49Purchase Cardholders Responsibilities
- Ensure all necessary documentation has been
reviewed and completed before purchasing any EIT
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
50Developing Software
- Writing the code for a new or revised system,
makes it difficult to claim any type of exemption - Retrofitting a system for compliance is extremely
expensive - A system should not go into production if it has
Section 508 deficiencies
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
51Developing Software
- Most Section 508 standards are simply good old
coding practices - Always code to the standards and not the
accessibility tools (e.g., JAWS, Dragon Naturally
Speaking) - Currently, there are no tools designed to
evaluate software automatically
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
52Developing Software
- If JAWS can read a program, that is no guarantee
that it is compliant - If JAWS cannot read a program, that is no
guarantee that it has deficiencies - Few sighted people have sufficient expertise with
JAWS to use it as an evaluation tool
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
53Developing Software
- Allow sufficient time to correct 508 deficiencies
and still meet the schedule for production - Remember the Contracting Officer is the only
person who can authorize changes to a contract - Contractor is responsible for ensuring compliance
until the Government accepts the system
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
54Developing Software
- All software task orders should have a section
that requires the product to be 508 compliant - Depending on the type of contract, a contractor
is responsible for correcting any deficiency at
their cost
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
55USPTO Process Initial Steps
- Define requirements - They drive the development
of the system - SDM (Software Development Manager) signs the
checklist certifying that the system will be 508
compliant - Coordinator reviews the system and initials the
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
56Initial Steps
- Checklist becomes part of the requirement
documentation - Developer determines the applicable standards
- Developer provides the applicable standards to
testing organization - There should be testing criteria for each
standard and that is what the testers use for
determining compliance
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
57Initial Steps
- Developer provides the applicable standards to
testing organization - There should be testing criteria for each
standard and that is what the testers use for
determining compliance
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
58Web Development
- Most visible 508 areaboth internally and with
customers - The more complex and fancy a site, the more
difficult it may be to make compliant - This does not imply that you have to dummy down
the site
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
59Web Development
- Web products must comply not only with Section
508, but also any other standards and formats
prescribed by the agencys webmaster - No matter what the requirements are to post a web
document, Section 508 has priority since it is a
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
60Web Development
- Several tools exist for web evaluations, although
differing tools sometimes yield differing results - Do not rely on the tools as the final determining
factor for compliance - Always use at least two different evaluation
tools, one of which should be the tool that the
Webmaster uses
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
61Web Development Tool Examples
- Wave 4.0
- http//wave.webaim.org/
- Web Developer toolbar for Mozilla Firefox
- https//addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/60
- HiSoftware
- http//www.hisoftware.com/
- Critical area since many requirements for
promotion and skills are based on IT training
media. People get testy when they miss out on
promotions - Secondary issue is training site that must
support assistive technologies
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
- Frequent training problems
- PowerPoint slides
- Problems when Informative Animations, Images, and
Diagrams are used without text equivalents - Use the Notes section to provide information
- Interactivity - Providing a text version of the
training is not the same as interactivity
Section 508 ? USPTO Process ? Hardware and COTS ?
Micro-Purchase ? Software ? Web ?Training
64State policies regarding adoption of Section 508
- Several states have also adopted policies
modeled after Section 508 regarding - Accessibility of web sites,
- Application development,
- And IT procurement
wAtGlance.php February, 2006
65States adopting Section 508
- Alabama Maine Oregon
- Arizona Maryland Pennsylvania
- Arkansas Massachusetts Rhode Island
- California Michigan South Carolina
- Colorado Minnesota South Dakota
- Connecticut Mississippi Tennessee
- Delaware Missouri Texas
- Florida Montana Utah
- Georgia Nebraska Vermont
- Hawaii Nevada Virginia
- Idaho New Hampshire Washington
- Illinois New Mexico Washington, DC
- Indiana New York West Virginia
- Iowa North Carolina Wisconsin
- Kentucky North Dakota Wyoming
- Louisiana Oklahoma
66Section 508 Refresh is on the Way!
- Current Section 508 standards published December
2000 - 2008 - Advisory Committee created to review and
update Section 508 standards and
Telecommunication Act guidelines - First update since 2000 of standards and
guidelines - Advisory committee presented report of
recommendations to the US Access Board on April
3, 2008
67Section 508 Refresh is on the Way!
- Eight subcommittees were created by the Access
Board - General interface requirements and functional
performance criteria - Software, Web, and Content
- Telecommunications
- Audio/Video
- Self contained, closed products
- Desktops, portables, peripherals, and other
computer hardware - Section 508 Subpart A (Purpose, Application,
General Exceptions, Definitions, Equivalent
Facilitation) - Documentation and technical support
- Information about the refresh can be found at
- http//www.access-board.gov/sec508/update-index.ht
68Further resources
- More information on Section 508 can be
- found at
- http//www.section508.gov
- http//www.access-board.gov/508.htm
- http//www.buyaccessible.gov/
69Section 508 government programs
- Several examples of Section 508 programs at
- http//www.uspto.gov/web/offices/cio/s508/
- http//www.section508.va.gov/
- http//www.ssa.gov/oag/acq/oagacq_508.htm
70Thank you
- Contact Information for Section 508 and the Buy
Accessible Wizard (BAW) - Terry Weaver, Director terry.weaver_at_gsa.gov
- Helen Chamberlain, Section 508 Program Director
helen.chamberlain_at_gsa.gov - Bill Hetzner, BAW Team bill.hetzner_at_newvectors.net
- Jim Kindrick, BAW Team jim.kindrick_at_newvectors.net
- Mike Stebbins, BAW Program Manager
- Mike.stebbins_at_aticorp.org