CGCM2 Monsoon - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CGCM2 Monsoon


It was first used by Arab sailors to describe the seasonal winds that blow ... Cumulus - Prognostic Arakawa-Schubert type. PBL - Mellor and Yamada level 2 (1974) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CGCM2 Monsoon

Modeling of present-day monsoon and ENSO Akio
KITOH Meteorological Research Institute, Japan
Meteorological Agency
1 Climate model 2 Simulation of monsoon 3
Simulation of ENSO
  • Definition of Monsoon
  • Originated from ancient Arabian word mausim
    which means a season. It was first used by Arab
    sailors to describe the seasonal winds that blow
    across the Arabian Sea.
  • Original definition based on Ramage (1972) is
    most often applied to the seasonal reversals of
    the wind direction.
  • The zone of maximum rain shifts from around 10S
    in winter to north of 10N in summer. The maximum
    northward shift in rainbelt is over the
    Asia-Pacific .
  • The red box denotes monsoonal regions as defined
    by Ramage.
  • The rainbelt over this region is in fact a part
    of the planetary scale TCZ and occurs due to its
    variation with the season.

Low pressure over the Asian continent forcing
large-scale convergence of moist air across
surrounding oceans.
Introduction Monsoon
As monsoons have come to be better understood,
the definition has been broadened to include
almost all of the phenomena associated with the
annual weather cycle over the affected regions
Seasonality in wind and precipitation.
  • Regions experiencing a seasonal surface wind
    shift of at least 120 with a frequency of
    prevailing octant gt40

Asian Summer Monsoon
South Asian Monsoon
Southeast Asian Monsoon
  • Asian summer monsoon region A part of the
    monsoon region including adjacent regions with
    predominant rainy season occurring during boreal
  • Two major components of Asian monsoon South
    Asian and Southeast Asian monsoon (1) Indo-China
    region (between), (2) equatorial Indian Ocean and
    (3) western North Pacific (adjacent).


Seasonal Mean Major features of Indian Summer
Mean observed Rainfall and OLR (Proxy for deep
convection over tropics) during the peak monsoon
months of July-August.
It has been widely studied for the last few
decades and found to have multiple preferred
locations for the seasonal TCZ to occur.
  • I the monsoon rainbelt stretching from the
    head Bay of Bengal westwards across central India
    (corresponds to seasonal mean position of monsoon
    trough). Variation in the intensity and location
    of this rainbelt gives rise to fluctuations in
    ISMR ,i.e., active and weak spells (eventually
    results in dry and wet seasons). A realistic
    simulation of rainbelt I is a prerequisite for a
    model to be useful in predicting Indian monsoon
    its variability.
  • II secondary rainbelt over the equatorial
    Indian Ocean
  • III IV due to the orography of the Himalayas
    and Western Ghats (west coast).

Climate Model
  • AGCM
  • MRI/JMA98
  • T42 (2.8x2.8), L30 (top at 0.4 hPa)
  • Longwave radiation - Shibata and Aoki (1989)
  • Shortwave radiation - Shibata and Uchiyama (1992)
  • Cumulus - Prognostic Arakawa-Schubert type
  • PBL - Mellor and Yamada level 2 (1974)
  • Land Surface - L3SiB or MRI/JMA_SiB
  • OGCM
  • Resolution 2.5x(0.5-2.0), 23layers
  • Eddy mixing Isopycnal mixing, GM
  • Seaice Mellor and Kantha (1989)
  • Coupling
  • Time interval 24hours
  • Flux adjustment without in this experiment

Observed SST, Precip, Wind (JJA)
Observed SST, Precip, Wind (DJF)
Koppen climate
Koppen climate
Wet-Day Frequency
precipitation gt 1 mm/day
Simulation of Monsoon
  • JJAS Mean Rainfall 850 hPa Wind Field
  • Realistic Features
  • Rainbelts over parts of India, Indo-China, South
    China Sea through Philippine Sea
  • Zonal rainbelt from Indonesian region to
  • The rainbelt associated with Meiyu-Baiu front.
  • Deficiency
  • Southward shift of rainbelt over Bay of Bengal
  • Deficit of rainfall over the equator

Seasonal Variation of pentad mean precipitation
over India
  • Onset to around 10N in late May/early June.
  • The equatorial rainbelt is active throughout the
    year and the continental rainbelt is centered
    around 15N and extends beyond 25N.
  • Onset occurs around late May as a quick
  • Persistent heavy rainfall throughout the season
    ? longer duration of monsoon
  • The oceanic rainbelt is weaker, the northward
    extent of continental rainbelt is limited within
  • The two rainbelts are connected by very weak
    intraseasonal northward propagations.

  • Over 120E-140E
  • Observation shows disappearance of dry region
    over the Philippine Sea in early May and a
    northward shift of rainbelt from 20N in May to
    35N in July.
  • This northward shift and late June Baiu rainfall
    peak are well reproduced by the model.
  • The model simulates revival of rainbelt in late
    August/September with a slightly early peak.

Mean Evolution of Monsoon Strength of monsoon
extent of domain
Monsoon annual range? difference between maximum
May-Sep. pentad mean rainfall Jan. mean
rainfall ("maximum of relative climatological
pentad mean rainfall").
  • Contour 4 mm/day delineates monsoon domain.
  • Simulation is close to observation.

Kang et al. (2002)
The Monsoon Domains observed and simulated by 10
AGCMs. (Kang et al., 2002, CD)
CLIVAR/GCM Monsoon Intercomparison Project COLA,
Smoothed annual cycle defined as the sum of
annual mean plus first 12 harmonics of the
climatological pentad mean rainfall.
Onset of Monsoon on Indian Landmass
Mean Onset Date
After Rao (1976)
  • Gradual northwestward progression of monsoon
    from Bay of Bengal.
  • Monsoon establishes over the subcontinent by
    the middle of July.

Onset Pentad the Julian pentad in which the
relative climatological pentad mean rainfall rate
exceeds 4 mm/day.
  • Indian region
  • Northeastward progression over AS and the
    northwestward progression over the Bay of Bengal
    are well reproduced.
  • East Asia
  • The model simulates earlier monsoon onset over
    southeast Asia.
  • Onset over Indochina in early May, the mid-May
    onset over the SCS later northward progression
    due to Meiyu/Baiu rainband are all simulated,
    although the precise timings differ slightly.
  • In northern China, onset is earlier and
    precipitation is heavier.

Mean Evolution of Monsoon Peak Rainfall Pentad
  • The peak pentad is realistic over most of the
    Indian region, except for the late peak rainfall
    over northwest India.
  • Over most of the west Pacific region model peak
    rainfall timing realistic

Mean Evolution of Monsoon Monsoon withdrawal
Withdrawal Pentad the transitional pentad in
which rainfall drops below 4 mm/day.
  • Observation shows
  • southward retreat of monsoon over India,
    southeast Asia and Western north Pacific
  • northward retreat over East Asia.

Simulation close to observation.
  • The Role of Air-Sea Interaction Local Coupled

The role of air-sea interaction Local coupled
LCC between anomalies of area averaged SST and
precipitation (mm/day), surface shortwave,
longwave, sensible heat and evaporative fluxes
(Wm-2) and magnitude of surface wind stress
(Nm-2). Correlation significant at 95 level is
Highest SST leads maximum Convection (5 days)
SST Warming Phase (negative lags) SST
SST Cooling Phase (positive lags) SST
Low surface wind stress (6 days lead) Low
Evaporation (9 days lead) increased stability
Enhanced wind stress (5-6 days lag) Increased
Evaporation (4-5 days lag) Reduced stability
Increased convection Enhanced cloudiness
Reduced Convection Reduced cloudiness
High SWsfc (4-5 days lead) Reduced Evaporative
Reduced SWsfc (6 days lag) Increased evaporative
Cooler SST
Warmer SST
  • During SST warming phase, reduced evaporation,
    weak surface wind stress and increased net
    surface shortwave flux are associated with
    reduced convection.
  • Once the convection is established due to
    increased instability of the lower atmosphere
    associated with SST warming, the enhanced surface
    wind convergence results in further enhancement
    of convection. Increased cloudiness by enhanced
    convection results in reduction of surface
    shortwave flux. Increased surface winds and
    decreased insolation in turn lead to the cooling
    of SSTs.
  • Coupling in the model produces strong SST
    convection feedback with significant correlation
    between the fluxes and SST implying the dominance
    of the SST-wind-evaporation- feedback.
  • This is consistent with proposed MJO mechanism
    but with closer lags between peaks of SST and
    precipitation/surface fluxes in the model.

SST-Wind-Evaporation Feedback
Enhanced Convection Enhanced evaporative cooling
(Increased wind driven mixing Reduced SWsfc
due to cloudiness)
Cool Dry Air
Surface Wind
Warm SST
Cold SST
SST Gradient
Cool Dry Air
Higher Evaporation
Stronger Surface Wind
Larger SST Gradient
Warmer SST
Cold SST
  • The increased advection of cool dry air towards
    a warmer SST region along the initial SST
    gradient produces stronger winds and higher
    evaporation, higher moisture convergence.
    Enhanced atmospheric instability leads to
    increased convection which in turn further
    increases the surface convergence, winds and
  • This results in increased evaporative cooling of
    the SST. Increased wind driven mixing and
    reduction in surface shortwave flux due to the
    impact of increased cloudiness also contribute to
    cooling the SST .

ENSO and ENSO-monsoon relationship
ENSO and its effect on climate
ENSO 1997/98
Rainfall anomalies during November 1997-April 1998
BAMS (1999)
from M.Latif
from M.Latif
Monsoon - ENSO Connections
The three components of the monsoon system are
tied to the heated land, the tropical warm pools
and the cold winter ocean and land areas. All of
these produce the strongest heating gradients on
the globe. There are three major circulation
associated with the boreal and austral summer
monsoons. These form a simplified but integrated
view of the Monsoon ENSO atmospheric circulations
in the Indo-Pacific Region.
SST-EOF1 with vs without flux adjustment
with flux adjustment
without flux adjustment
Surface air temperature
Control run global SST EOF1 and regressions
SST-EOF1 and its regressions (MRI-CGCM2 control)
spectrum of SST-NINO3 (Global Wavelet)
Model tends to shift towards higher frequency
than observed
ENSO - Monsoon Relationship
(No Transcript)
The role of air-sea interaction Remote SST
Impact on ISMR
Significant remote SST impact on Indian monsoon
is the inverse relationship between ISMR and ENSO
Standardized indices of model ISMR, DMI (a
measure of the monsoon strength in terms of the
zonal wind shear between 850 and 200 hPa over
40E-110E, 5N-20N) and NINO3 SST (over
150W-90W,5S-5N) . The correlation between ISMR
and DMI is 0.69 because DMI is a measure of the
large-scale monsoon circulation and does not
necessarily correspond to the regional rainfall
variation represented by ISMR. The correlation
between ISMR and NINO3 SST is -0.73 much larger
than observed value of -0.46 (which suggests
NINO3 SST is only one of the modulators of
monsoon). The correlation between DMI and NINO3
SST is also high -0.86. Both correlations are
negative consistent with the tendency for below
(above) normal monsoon during ENSO years but
imply a much stronger impact of NINO3 SST on ISMR
in the model.
Remote SST Impact on ISMR
  • LCC from -2 years to 2 years of equatorial
    monthly SSTs against JJAS mean NINO34
    (160E-90W,7.5S-7.5N) SST.
  • Observation
  • High positive correlations for about one and a
    half years beginning from around Jan (0) to
    around July (1) in the central and eastern
    equatorial Pacific.
  • Simultaneously, there are negative correlations
    over the West Pacific and positive correlations
    over the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
  • Model
  • A small amplitude QBO appears to be dominant in
    the model.
  • Strong positive correlations (0.75) extending
    over the whole of Indian Ocean during JJAS season
    at lag (0). indicates the strong connection
    between Pacific SST and equatorial Indian Ocean
    SST in the model.

Remote SST Impact on ISMR
  • LCC from -2 years to 2 years of equatorial
    monthly 850 hPa zonal wind against JJAS mean
    NINO34 (160E-90W,7.5S-7.5N) SST.
  • Observation
  • Zonal wind anomalies propagates eastward from IO
    to the WP
  • Model
  • Wind anomalies also propagate eastwards but with
    a slightly faster speed. This difference in phase
    speed corresponds well with the simulated QBO
    time scale. (In the equatorial Pacific, simulated
    SST and the wind anomalies extended further
    westward with slightly narrower meridional
    extend. Consequently, the travel time of wind
    forced oceanic Rossby waves to reach the western
    boundary is shorter compared to observation. This
    acts as an essential factor for the shorter
    time-scale of model ENSO).
  • During JJAS season at lag (0), the much higher
    negative correlations over the IO extends over
    the whole domain establishing the enhanced impact
    of Pacific SST in the model.
  • The dominance of QBO time scale of Pacific
    Warming and its stronger correlation with Indian
    monsoon can play a major role in modifying the
    mean monsoon pattern during warm years.

The role of air-sea interaction Remote SST
Impact on ISMR
Lag (0) regression of model wind speed (at 10m),
evaporation, precipitation and surface air
temperature over India against NINO3 SST.
Reduced Evaporation over equatorial IO India
Reduced moisture convergence towards Indian
monsoon region
Reduced Convection Reduced Precipitation
Weaker equatorial IO Zonal Wind
Tendency for Enhanced land temperature over India
Weaker Indian Summer Monsoon
Positive equatorial East Pacific SST Anomaly
  • The weakening of zonal wind component (e.g., due
    to remote impact of Pacific SST) leads to
    reduction in evaporation over the IO which in
    turn result in reduced monsoon precipitation over
    India through reduced moisture convergence.
    Associated with this reduced evaporation and
    precipitation, the land temperature tends to
    increase over India.
  • In summary, positive equatorial East Pacific SST
    anomalies have a negative impact on the large
    scale Indian summer monsoon (mostly on a biennial
    time scale in the model through the zonal
    shifting of the regions of maximum tropical
    precipitation and diabatic heating from
    convective precipitation processes).

IMR and NINO3.4 SST from 1000-year run
MRI-CGCM2 1000-yr run
Note a large interdecadal variability of
ENSO-monsoon relationship
MRI-CGCM2 1000-yr run
A weakening of ENSO-monsoon relationship is
associated with warmer Eurasian continent
MRI-CGCM2 1000-yr run
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