Title: Weight Management
1Weight Management
2Information for the public on weight management
This my drawing
3Why worry about your weight?
- More than half of US adults are overweight and of
that number, about one-quarter are obese. - Being overweight increases your risk
Hypertension, Abnormal Lipids, Heart Disease, and
4What is "Ideal Weight"?
- Evaluating your ideal weight
- Body Mass IndexBody Mass Index (BMI) is an
important tool to evaluate your weight. To
measure your BMI, weigh yourself and measure your
height. Now use the BMI calculator.
5BMI ranges
- Healthy weight BMI from 18.5 kg/m2 to 25 kg/m2
- Overweight BMI from 25 kg/m2 up to 30kg/m2
- Obese BMI 30 kg/m2 or higher
- Extreme obesity 40 kg/m2
6- Waist circumference
- To obtain a proper measurement, stand up and
measure around your waist, just above your
hipbones. The more your waist measurement
increases, the greater your health risks. If you
are a woman whose waist measures more than 35
inches or a man whose waist measures more than 40
inches, you may be at greater risk for health
problems including diabetes, high blood fats,
high blood pressure and heart disease. This is
true even if your BMI shows you at a healthy
7Proper waste measurement
8- If you have a BMI of 25 to 30 and waist
circumference of greater than 35 (for women) or
40 or more (for men) AND one or more risk
factors, OR your BMI is greater than 30 and you
have one or more risk factors, then you need to
work with you doctor to develop a weight
management plan that is part of your overall good
9Benefits of Losing Weight
- Reduce Health Risks by Losing Weight
- Prevent Twin Killers--Heart Disease and
StrokeHeart disease and stroke are the leading
causes of death and disability for both men and
women in the United States. Overweight people are
more likely to have - High Blood Pressure.
- Very high blood levels of cholesterol and
triglycerides (blood fats). - Angina.
- Sudden death from heart disease or stroke without
any signs or symptoms.
10Benefits of Losing Weight
- Reducing your weight by 5-10 percent can decrease
your chance of developing heart disease or having
a stroke. You can improve your heart function,
blood pressure and your levels of blood
cholesterol and triglycerides.
11Losing Weight Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
- Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are associated
with long-term complications that threaten life
and the quality of life. If youre overweight,
you are twice as likely to develop type 2
diabetes (non-insulin dependent) as people who
arent overweight. You can reduce your chances of
getting this disease by losing weight and by
increasing your physical activity.
12Strategies You Can Use to Lose Weight
- There are lots of ways to lose weight. But if you
plan to lose more than 15 to 20 pounds, or if you
take medication regularly, you should be
evaluated by your doctor before beginning your
plan. Your doctor or registered dietitian can
help you arrive at a sensible weight loss goal.
You may not need to lose as much weight for your
health as you think. Sometimes the cosmetic
desire to lose requires a great deal more loss
than what is needed to lower your health risk.
13Food Choices Are The Key
- Any weight management program you consider should
probably reduce your daily calorie intake
anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories a day - Total fat should be 30 percent or less of your
total calories. - Reduce saturated fat and carbohydrates.
- A meal planning tool such as lifeclinic.coms
Nutrition Diary can also help monitor your daily
calorie and nutrition intake.
14So Let's Look at Nutrition
- Rules of Thumb for Lowering Your Calorie Intake
- Eat a variety of foods that are low in calories
and high in nutrients. - Eat less fat and fewer high-fat foods
- Eat smaller portions and limit second helpings of
foods high in fat and calories - Eat more vegetables and fruits without fats and
sugars added in preparation or at the table - Eat pasta, rice, breads and cereals without fats
and sugars added in preparation or at the table - Eat less sugar and fewer candies, cookies, cakes
and soda - Drink less or no alcohol
15Increase Physical Activity
- Increasing your physical activity is an important
part of losing weight. Moreover, it will be a lot
harder to maintain your weight loss without
increasing your exercise. By exercising, you can
lower your risk for high blood pressure, heart
disease and diabetes beyond that produced by
weight loss alone.
16Exercise Can Help Keep Off Pounds
- Exercise and good nutrition work together to keep
you healthy. Regular physical activity helps
control your appetite and burns off calories to
help lose extra pounds or maintain a healthy
weight. You need to burn off 3,500 calories more
than you take in to lose one pound.
17Exercise is Key to Disease Prevention
- The truth is the cost of not exercising is pretty
high. Physical inactivity is a major risk factor
for the development of disease. The good news is
that you dont have to start running marathons to
reap the benefits of disease prevention.
18Regular exercise can
- lower your blood pressure
- help you to cut down or stop smoking
- prevent diabetes or decrease the need for
diabetes medication - help you lose weight or stay at a reasonable
weight - raise your HDL (good) cholesterol
- maintain bone health
- reduce feelings of depression and anxiety
- help you sleep better
- promote a feeling of well being
- reduce risk of some kinds of cancer
19How Much is Enough ?
- You should try to accumulate at least 30 minutes
of moderate to intense physical activity most
days of the week, preferably daily.
20Activities you can do
Walking and Running
Swimming and other Recreational sports
Everyday chores Such as raking And mowing
These all lead to more burned calories and Weight
reduction and an increased Quality of life
21Tips for Selecting a Weight Loss Program
- Two things are true. The first is you can lose
weight and keep it off. The second is there is no
magic pill for losing a lot of weight fast and
keeping it off. Weight loss requires a change of
lifestyle. This means changing what you eat, how
much you eat and how active you are. Permanent
weight loss can be yours if you change your
eating and exercise habits. - Pick an exercise and eating plan that is right
for you