Title: NestedLoop joins
1Nested-Loop joins
- one-and-a-half pass method, since one relation
will be read just once. - Tuple-Based Nested-loop Join Algorithm
- FOR each tuple s in S DO
- FOR each tuple r in R DO
- IF r and s join to make a tuple t THEN
- output t
- Improvement to Take Advantage of Disk I/O Model
- Instead of retrieving tuples of R, T(S) times,
load memory with as many tuples of S as can fit,
and match tuples of R against all Stuples in
2Block-based nested loops
- Assume B(S) B(R), and B(S) gt M
- Read M-1 blocks of S into main memory and compare
to all of R, block by block - FOR each chunk of M-1 blocks of S DO
- FOR each block b of R DO
- FOR each tuple t of b DO
- find the tuples of S in memory that join
with t - output the join of t with each of these
- B(R) 1000, B(S) 500, M 101
- Important Aside 101 buffer blocks is not as
unrealistic as it sounds. There may be many
queries at the same time, competing for
mainmemory buffers. - Outer loop iterates 5 times at 100 I/Os each
- At each iteration we read M-1 (i.e. 100) blocks
of S and all of R (i.e. 1000) blocks. - Total time 5(100 1000) 5500 I/Os
- Question What if we reversed the roles of R and
S? - We would iterate 10 times, and in each we would
read 100500 blocks, for a total of 6000 I/Os. - Compare with one-pass join, if it could be done!
- We would need 1500 disk I/Os if B(S) ? M-1
4Analysis of blocks nested loops
- Number of disk I/Os
- B(S)/(M-1)(M-1 B(R))
- or
- B(S) B(S)B(R)/(M-1)
- or approximately B(S)B(R)/M
5Two-pass algorithms based on sorting
- This special case of multi-pass algorithms is
sufficient for most of the relation sizes. - Main idea for unary operations on R
- Suppose B(R) ? M (main memory size in blocks)
- First pass
- Read M blocks of R into MM
- Sort the content of MM
- Write the sorted result (sublist/run) into M
blocks on disk. - Second pass create final result
6Duplicate elimination ? using sorting
- In the second phase (merging) we dont sort but
copy each tuple just once. - We can do that because the identical tuples will
appear at the same time, i.e. they will be all
the first ones at the buffers (for the sorted
sublists). - As usual, if one buffer gets empty we refill it.
7Duplicate-Elimination using Sorting Example
- Assume M3, each block holds 2 records and
relation R consists of the following 17 tuples - 2, 5, 2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 2, 1,
3 - After the first pass the following sorted
sub-lists are created - 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5
- 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5
- 1, 1, 2, 3, 5
- In the second pass we dedicate a memory buffer to
each sub-list.
8Example (Contd)
9Example (Contd)
10Example (Contd)
11Analysis of ?(R)
- 2B(R) when creating sorted sublists
- B(R) to read each sublist in phase 2
- Total 3B(R)
- How large can R be?
- There can be no more than M sublists since we
need one buffer for each one. - So, B(R)/M M, (B(R)/M is the number of
sublists) i.e. B(R) M2 - To compute ?(R) we need at least sqrt(B(R))
blocks of MM.
12Sort-based ?, ?, -
- Exampe set union.
- Create sorted sublists of R and S
- Use input buffers for sorted sublists of R and S,
one buffer per sublist - Output each tuple once. We can do that since all
the identical tuples appear at the same time. - Analysis 3(B(R) B(S)) disk I/Os
- Condition B(R) B(S) M2
- Similar algorithms for sort based intersection
and difference (bag or set versions).
- A problem for joins but not for the previous
operators The number of joining tuples from the
two relations can exceed what fits in memory. - First, we can try to maximize the number of
available buffers for putting the joining tuples. - How, we can do this?
- By minimizing the number of sorted sublists
(since we need a buffer for each one of them).
14Simple sort-based join
- For R(X,Y) S(Y,Z) with M buffers of memory
- Sort R on Y, sort S on Y
- Merge phase
- Use 2 input buffers 1 for R, 1 for S.
- Pick tuple t with smallest Y value in the buffer
for R (or for S) - If t doesnt match with the first tuple in the
buffer for S, then just remove t. - Otherwise, read all the tuples from R with the
same Y value as t and put them in the M-2 part of
the memory. - When the input buffer for R is exhausted fill it
again and again. - Then, read the tuples of S that match. For each
one we produce the join of it with all the tuples
of R in the M-2 part of the memory.
15Example of sort join
- B(R) 1000, B(S) 500, M 101
- To sort R, we need 4B(R) I/Os, same for S.
- Total disk I/Os 4(B(R) B(S))
- Doing the join in the merge phase
- Total disk I/Os B(R) B(S)
- Total disk I/Os 5(B(R) B(S)) 7500
- Memory Requirement To be able to do the sort,
should have B(R) M2 and B(S) M2 - Recall for nested-loop join, we needed 5500 disk
I/Os, but the memory requirement was quadratic
(it is linear, here), i.e., nested-loop join is
not good for joining relations that are much
larger than MM.
16Potential problem ...
S(Y, Z) --------- a z1 a z2 ...
a zm
R(X , Y) ----------- x1 a x2 a
xn a
What if n1 gt M-1 and m1 gt M-1?
- If the tuples from R (or S) with the same value y
of Y do not fit in M-1 buffers, then we use all
M-1 buffers to do a nested-loop join on the
tuples with Y-value y from both relations. - Observe that we can smoothly continue with the
nested loop join when we see that the R tuples
with Y-value y do not fit in M-1 buffers.
17Can We Improve on Sort Join?
- Do we really need the fully sorted files?
18A more efficient sort-based join
- Suppose we are not worried about many common Y
values - Create Y-sorted sublists of R and S
- Bring first block of each sublist into a buffer
(assuming we have at most M sublists) - Find smallest Y-value from heads of buffers. Join
with other tuples in heads of buffers, use other
possible buffers, if there are many tuples with
the same Y values. - Disk I/O 3(B(R) B(S))
- Requirement B(R) B(S) M2
19Example of more efficient sort-join
- B(R) 1000, B(S) 500, M 101
- Total of 15 sorted sublists
- If too many tuples join on a value y, use the
remaining 86 MM buffers for a one pass join on y - Total cost 3(1000 500) 4500 disk I/Os
- M2 10201 gt B(R) B(S), so the requirement is
20Summary of sort-based algorithms
21Two-pass algorithms based on hashing
- Main idea Let B(R) gt M
- instead of sorted sublists, create partitions,
based on hashing - Second pass to create result from partitions
22Creating partitions
- Here partitions are created based on all
attributes of the relation except for grouping
and join, where the partitions are based on the
grouping and join-attributes respectively. - Why bucketize? Tuples with matching values end
up in the same bucket. - Initialize M-1 buckets using M-1 empty buffers
- FOR each block b of relation R DO
- read block b into the M-th buffer
- IF the buffer for bucket h(t) has no room for t
THEN - copy the buffer to disk
- initialize a new empty block in that buffer
- copy t to the buffer for bucket h(t)
- FOR each bucket DO
- IF the buffer for this bucket is not empty THEN
- write the buffer to disk
23Simple Example
Hash even / odd
24Hash-based duplicate elimination
- Pass 1 create partitions by hashing on all
attributes - Pass 2 for each partition, use the one-pass
method for duplicate elimination - Cost 3B(R) disk I/Os
- Requirement B(R) M(M-1)
- (B(R)/M is the approximate size of one bucket)
- i.e. the req. is approximately B(R) M2
25Hash-based grouping and aggregation
- Pass 1 create partitions by hashing on grouping
attributes - Pass 2 for each partition, use one-pass method.
- Cost 3B(R), Requirement B(R) M2
- If B(R) gt M2
- Read blocks of partition one by one
- Create one slot in memory for each group-value
- Requirement
- where L is the list of grouping attributes
26Hash-based set union
- Pass 1 create partitions R1,,RM-1 of R, and
S1,,SM-1 of S (with the same hash function) - Pass 2 for each pair Ri, Si compute Ri ? Si
using the one-pass method. - Cost 3(B(R) B(S))
- Requirement?
- min(B(R),B(S)) M2
- Similar algorithms for intersection and
difference (set and bag versions)
27Partition hash-join
- Pass 1 create partitions R1, ..,RM-1 of R, and
S1, ..,SM-1 of S, based on the join attributes
(the same hash function for both R and S) - Pass 2 for each pair Ri, Si compute Ri ?? Si
using the one-pass method. - Cost 3(B(R) B(S))
- Requirement min(B(R),B(S)) M2
- B(R) 1000 blocks
- B(S) 500 blocks
- Memory available 101 blocks
- R ?? S on common attribute C
- Use 100 buckets
- Read R
- Hash
- Write buckets
29- Read one R bucket
- Build memory hash table
- Read corresponding S bucket block by block.
- Cost
- Bucketize
- Read write R
- Read write S
- Join
- Read R
- Read S
- Total cost 31000500 4500
30Saving some disk I/Os (I)
- If we have more memory than we need to hold one
block per bucket, then we can use several buffers
for each bucket, and write them out as a group
saving in seek time and rotational latency. - Also, we can read the buckets in group in the
second pass and saving in seek time and
rotational latency. - Well, these techniques dont save disk I/Os, but
make them faster. - What about saving some I/Os?
31Saving some disk I/Os (II)
- Suppose that to join R with S we decide to create
k buckets where k is much smaller than M. - When we hash S we can keep m of the k buckets in
memory, while keeping only one block for each of
the other k-m buckets. - We can do so provided
- m(B(S)/k) (k-m) ? M
- B(S)/k is the approximate size of a bucket of S.
- Now, when we read the tuples of R, to hash them
into buckets, we keep in memory - The m buckets of S that were never written out to
disk, and - One block for each of the k-m buckets of R whose
corresponding buckets of S were written to disk.
32Saving some disk I/Os (III)
- If a tuple t of R hashes to one of the first m
buckets, then we immediately join it with all the
tuples of the corresponding S-bucket. - If a tuple t of R hashes to a bucket whose
corresponding S-bucket is on disk,
then t is sent to the main memory buffer for that
bucket, and eventually migrates to disk, as for a
two pass, hash-based join. - In the second pass, we join the corresponding
buckets of R and S as usual (but only m-k). - The savings in I/Os is equal to two for every
block of the S-buckets that remain in
memory, and their corresponding
R-buckets. Since m/k of the buckets are in memory
we save 2(m/k)(B(S)B(R)) .
33Saving some disk I/Os (IV) How can we choose m
and k?
- All but k-m of the memory buffers can be used to
hold tuples of S, and the more of these tuples,
the fewer the disk I/Os. - Thus, we want to minimize k, the number of
buckets. - We do so by making each bucket about as big as
can fit in memory, i.e. the buckets are of
(approximately) M size, and therefore kB(S)/M. - If that is the case, then there is room for one
bucket in memory, i.e. m1. - We have to make the bucket actually M-k blocks,
but we are talking here approximately, when kltltM. - So, we have that the savings in I/Os are
- 2(M/B(S))(B(R) B(S))
- And, the total cost is
- (3 - 2(M/B(S)))(B(R) B(S))
34Summary of hash-based methods
35Sort vs. Hash based algorithms
- Hash-based algorithms have a size requirement
that depends only on the smaller of the two
arguments rather than on the sum of the argument
sizes, as for sort-based algorithms. - Sort-based algorithms allow us to produce the
result in sorted order and take advantage of that
sort later. The result can be used in another
sort-based algorithm later. - Hash-based algorithms depend on the buckets being
of nearly equal size. Well, what about a join
with a very few values for the join attribute