Title: NASC Accreditation Brigham Young University
1NASC AccreditationBrigham Young University
- Standard 5 Library and Information Resources
- Library includes
- Harold B. Lee Library
- Howard W. Hunter Law Library
- Information Resources includes
- Libraries and associated resources
- TEC Rooms
- Labs (Access Point, Library Labs, Disciplinary)
- Audio/Visual and Media Services
- CID and branch offices
- Learning Resource Centers (Library others)
- Blackboard
3Required Exhibits Compliance
- Printed Materials that describe hours and
services (see exhibit 13). - Information pamphlets
- Research Guides
- Websites
- Policies, regulations, and procedures for
developing and managing resources. - Library Collection Development Policy
- Faculty Guides
- Online request forms Expedited Delivery Service
- OITs Portfolio Management Process
- Statistics on use of library and other learning
resources. - Patron/User counts
- Circulation
- In-house use of materials
- Web statistics (exhibit 12)
- Reference activity
- ILL and Faculty Document Delivery
- Others
4Required Exhibits Compliance
- Statistics on library collection and inventory of
other learning resources. - ARL, ACRL, IPEDS, Common Data Set, etc.
- 5 6. Assessment measures to determine the
adequacy of facilities (5) and holdings,
information resources and services (6). - LibQUAL
- Assessment Study
- Cost per use study
- Feedback surveys
- Annual inspections (ITI and product reviews)
- Others
- 7. Data regarding number and assignments of
library staff. - ARL statistics
- Website list of personnel
- Human Resources Training Development Manager
- Self-assessment document for External/Internal
5Required Exhibits Compliance
- Chart showing the organizational arrangements for
managing libraries and other information
resources (Library).
6Required Exhibits Compliance
- Chart showing the organizational arrangements for
managing libraries and other information
resources (OIT).
7Required Exhibits Compliance
- Comprehensive budget(s) for library and
information resources. - Library, CID, Labs OIT
- Vitae of professional library staff.
- See Exhibit 7
- Formal, written agreements with other libraries.
- Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC)
- CES Library Consortium
- Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA)
- Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
- Research Libraries Group (RLG)
- Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
- Computer usage statistics related to the
retrieval of library resources. - See Exhibit 3
- Printed information describing user services
provided by the computing facility. - See Exhibit 1
- Studies or documents describing the evaluation of
library and information resources. - See Exhibits 5 6
8Where We Shine
9Standard 5.A Purpose and Scope
- Support teaching, learning and research
- 5.A.3 Information resources and services are
determined by the nature of the institutions
educational programs and the locations where
programs are offered.
- Representation on decision making councils
- Deans Council
- Curricular Council
- Faculty Advisory Council
- Faculty Library Council
- Integration into teaching and learning programs
- Faculty Liaison Program
- Blackboard
- TEC Rooms
10Standard 5.B Information Resources and Services
- Sufficient information resources and services
- 5.B.5 Computing and communications services are
used to extend the boundaries in obtaining
information and data from other sources,
including regional, national, and international
- Establishment of Cooperative Associations
- Strong subscription base to electronic
databases e-books - Standards compliant infrastructure (e.g.,
SCORM) - Connections to Academic and Research Networks
(Internet 2)
Needed materials available directly from these
groups (often electronically)
11Standard 5.C Facilities and Access
- Adequate facilities / Readily available
- 5.C.1 Library and information resources are
readily accessible to all students and faculty
and are sufficient in quality, level, breadth,
quantity, and currency to meet the requirements
of the educational program.
- Assessment Study
- Example Computer workstations
- 350 in reference areas
- 104 in Library Instruction Labs
- 270 in Access Point Labs
- Equipment renewed on 3 year cycle w/ITI funding
12Standard 5.D Personnel and Management
- Adequate in number and areas of expertise
- 5.D.2 Library and information resources staff
include qualified professional and technical
support staff, with required specific
competencies, whose responsibilities are clearly
- IMC supports staff for Blackboard
- 105 Professional Staff (Faculty Administrative)
- 224 Support Staff Student Assistants
- Awards Honors
- Professional Organizations
- Library Associations
- University Departments
13Standard 5.E Planning and Evaluation
- Planning that supports teaching and learning with
related evaluation processes that assess
effectiveness of services - 5.E.1 The institution has a planning process
that involves users, library and information
resource staff, faculty, and administrators. - 5.E.3 The institution regularly and
systematically evaluates the quality, adequacy,
and utilization of its library and information
resources and services, . . .
- Annual Resource Planning Process
- Infrastructure Planning Process
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Process Improvement
- Subject Specialists
- Reference Services
- Scholarly Communications Crisis
- Ongoing Assessment Efforts
- LibQUAL Assessment Report
- External/Internal reviews (OIT 2001, Library
14Areas to Improve
15- 5.A.1 The institutions information resources
and services include sufficient holdings,
equipment, and personnel in all of its libraries,
instructional media and production centers,
computer centers, networks, telecommunication
facilities, and other repositories of information
to accomplish the institutions mission and
goals. - Though the electronic databases are expanding,
the library feels a strong need to improve
journal holdings to satisfy the needs of faculty
and students. - Insufficient number of support personnel.
16- 5.B.2 Library and information resources and
services contribute to developing the ability of
students faculty, and staff to use the resources
independently and effectively. - The Library Instruction and Information Literacy
program at the Lee Library needs to be better
incorporated into the curriculum. - As the library extends its services to
Independent Study students and other distributed
learners, current resources will be inadequate to
meet growing demand.
17- 5.D.6 The institution provides sufficient
financial support for library and information
resources and services, and for their maintenance
and security. - Insufficient support from technology specialists
across the University.