Title: Measuring Money Flows: The Local Multiplier
1Measuring Money Flows The Local Multiplier
- Viki Sonntag, Research Director
- Sustainable Seattle
- Driving Change Conference, Bellevue, WA
- September 2005
2Hard Times for Community-Based Businesses
- Drivers
- Competition from giant retailers
- Pressure to off-shore production
- Intuitive Indicators
- Abandoned main streets
- No services within walking distance
- Loss of unique businesses cloning of business
3The Local Economies Headline
- A dollar spent in locally-owned stores
re-circulates in the community for 2 to 3 times
the local economic impact of dollars spent at
national retailers.
4The Impact of Local Spending
Imagine we painted a pound (or dollar) blue and
followed its trail If 80 of money stays local
Now imagine we painted the pound/dollar red and
followed its trail If 20 of money stays local
6Measurement of Economic Impact of Spent Locally
- The LM measures the impact of a dollar spent
locally on subsequent rounds of spending.
7How the LM is Calculated Basic Local Multiplier
Money Staying in Local Economy
Money Leaving Local Economy
Round 1 Direct Income Income to Study Group
Out-of-Area Spend of Study Group
Round 2 Indirect Income Local spending by
Study Group (income to local recipients)
Out-of-Area Spend of Local Recipients
Round 3 Induced Income Local spending by
local recipients of Study Group spending
8Local Multiplier
- The local multiplier measures the benefits of
local money circulation - Standard method for economists whats new is
measuring the impact of local versus non-local
spending - Significance for Economic Development Its not
just about the quantity of money coming in but
how the money is circulated once its in the
9A County Adopts the LM
- In January 2004, Northumberland County in the UK
began using the LM to measure and improve the
local economic impact of its procurement
activities. - Benchmarking found that local suppliers re-spent
76 of contract monies in the county compared to
the 36 respent by outside suppliers. - Shifting 10 of contracts from non-local to local
suppliers would result in additional 34 million
pounds for local economy.
10Local Economic Linkages
If money coming in goes right out, then the
economy doesnt benefit. To keep money
circulating in the local economy, you must create
linkages that enable people to spend locally.
Source Plugging the Leaks,New Economics
11Food Economy Linkages
Food Processor
12If Not Growth, Then What?
- The higher the multiplier ? the greater the
local money circulation ? the greater the number
of economic linkages ? the more diverse,
resilient and sustainable the local economy is
13- Hospitals in Cornwall decide to tap into the
local food economy. Within a year they are
serving local ice cream, cheese and fresh fish. - Discussion with local dairy suppliers led to
customized product less air, so melted more
slowly smaller portion for patients with smaller
appetites no packaging. - Results 47,000 more pounds into local economy
higher customer satisfaction higher nutritional
14The Sustainability Premium
- Developing local economic linkages produces other
benefits - What is it worth to have services within walking
distance? - What is it worth to buy healthy, safe food from
local producers? - What is it worth to have job opportunities that
provide meaningful work and living wages?