Financial Economics Lecture Twelve - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Financial Economics Lecture Twelve


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Financial Economics Lecture Twelve

Financial Economics Lecture Twelve
  • Modelling endogenous money/debt deflation
  • Debt and Big Government

  • Last lecture
  • Minskys Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH)
  • Integration of
  • Fishers Debt Deflation Theory of Great
  • Keynes on expectations under uncertainty
  • Kalecki on investment increasing risk
  • Presumes cyclical economy
  • Foundations here Schumpeter Marx
  • This lecture
  • Modelling FIH with Goodwins growth cycle model
  • based on Marxs model of cycles in income
    distribution and employment

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Marxs cyclical growth model in Capital I Ch. 25
  • a rise in the price of labor resulting from
    accumulation of capital implies ... accumulation
    slackens in consequence of the rise in the price
    of labour, because the stimulus of gain is
    blunted. The rate of accumulation lessens but
    with its lessening, the primary cause of that
    lessening vanishes, i.e. the disproportion
    between capital and exploitable labour power. The
    mechanism of the process of capitalist production
    removes the very obstacles that it temporarily
    creates. The price of labor falls again to a
    level corresponding with the needs of the
    self-expansion of capital, whether the level be
    below, the same as, or above the one which was
    normal before the rise of wages took place...
    (Marx 1867)

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Marxs model (1867)
  • High wages ? low investment ? low growth ? rising
    unemployment ? falling wage demands ? increased
    profit share ? rising investment ? high growth ?
    high employment ? High wages cycle continues
  • Goodwin (1967) draws analogy with biology
    predator-prey models
  • Rate of growth of prey (fishcapitalists!)
    depends ively on food supply and -ively
    interactions with predator (sharkworkers)
  • Rate of growth of predator depends -ively on
    number of predators and ively on interactions
    with prey
  • OK now lets build it. First, the maths

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • First stage Goodwins predator-prey model of
    Marxs cyclical growth theory
  • Causal chain
  • Capital (K) determines Output (Y)
  • Output determines employment (L)
  • Employment determines wages (w)
  • Wages (w?L) determine profit (P)
  • Profit determines investment (I)
  • Investment I determines capital K
  • chain is closed

Chain is closed
Rate of change terms vital
Phillips curve
Now as a flowchart...
Investment function
Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Capital K determines output Y via the accelerator
  • Y determines employment L via productivity a
  • L determines employment rate l via population N
  • l determines rate of change of wages w via P.C.
  • (Linear Phillips curve for now)
  • Integral of w determines W (given initial value)
  • Y-W determines profits P and thus Investment I
  • Closes the loop

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Model generates cycles (but no growth since no
    population growth or technical change yet)
  • Cycles caused by essential nonlinearity
  • Wage rate times employment
  • Behavioural nonlinearities not needed for cycles
  • Instead, restrain values to realistic levels

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Lets do that again, in stages
  • This time with
  • exponential growth in population technology
  • Nonlinear Phillips curve
  • Rates of change first
  • The investment to capital relation is easy

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Next step is easyoutput is capital stock divided
    by the accelerator
  • Output divided by labour productivity gives the
    necessary employment level
  • Employment divided by the available workforce
    gives us the rate of employment
  • So we need a productivity component and a
    population component

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Constant rate of growth of productivity means
    exponential growth over time
  • Ditto for population

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Output divided by labour productivity gives
    needed number of workers

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Workforce divided by population gives rate of
  • Now things get a bit messy, so we hide bits we
    know about in compound blocks

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • The same model, with internal complexity
    simplified by compound blocks
  • Now we need a wage change blockemployment rate
    determines rate of change of wages
  • Wage change function more complicated because
    involves Phillips curve (Phillips researched
    the stats in the first place to build a model
    like this)
  • Next component is generalised exponential
    function set to reproduce same fit as Phillips

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Feed in
  • minimum rate of change (-4)
  • (x,y) coordinates for one point (.96,0)
  • Slope at this point (2)
  • And you get the exponential curve that fits these
  • In flowchart form, this is

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Sometimes an equation is easier to read, isnt it?
  • Nonetheless, if we feed the employment rate in
    one end, we get the wage change out the other
  • Now we need to multiply this by the current wage
    to get the rate of change of wages

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Wage change function
  • So now the whole system is

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Now we need to work out profit
  • Profit Output Wages
  • Wages Wage Rate times Employment

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Since in the simple Goodwin model, capitalists
    invest all their profits, we simply need to link
    profit to capital (whose input is investment) and
    we have built the model

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Testing this out by adding some graphs if it
    works, we should get cycles in the employment

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Voila! Now to tidy things up a bit using compound

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Now at last we have the basis on which to build a
    Minsky model

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Essential step to introduce Minsky/endogenous
    money is debt
  • For debt, essential that (at least) capitalists
    wish to invest more than they earn
  • Debt seems to be the residual variable in
    financing decisions. Investment increases debt,
    and higher earnings tend to reduce debt. (Fama
    French 1997)
  • The source of financing most correlated with
    investment is long-term debt These correlations
    confirm the impression that debt plays a key role
    in accommodating year-by-year variation in
    investment. (Fama French 1998)
  • A nonlinear investment function needed for firms
    investment to be a function of rate of profit
    Lowinvest nothing Mediuminvest as much as
    earn Highinvest more than earn

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Important (normal) feature of dynamic modelling
    increasing generality of model makes it more
  • No need for absurd assumptions to maintain
    fiction of equilibrium, coherent micro/macro
  • Use same exponential form as for Phillips, but
    with different parameters
  • InvestmentProfit at profit rate of 3
  • InvestmentgtProfit at profit rate gt 3
  • InvestmentltProfit at profit rate lt 3
  • Slope of change at 32
  • Minimum investment 1 output (depreciation
    easily introduced)

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Makes no substantive difference to model

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • But prepares the way for introducing debt to
    finance investment when investmentgtprofits
  • Rate of change of debt is investment minus
  • Profits now net of interest on outstanding debt

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Investment increases debt profit decreases it
  • Debt rises if investment exceeds profits
  • Debt also increases due to interest on
    outstanding debt
  • Profit is now net of both wages and interest
  • And the whole model is

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Notice debt becomes negative
  • Capitalists accumulate
  • Equilibrium is stable in Fishers sense

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • we may tentatively assume that, ordinarily and
    within wide limits, all, or almost all, economic
    variables tend, in a general way, towards a
    stable equilibrium (Fisher 1933 339)
  • BUT
  • This stability of the kind Fisher describes so
    delicately poised that, after departure from it
    beyond certain limits, instability ensues
    (Fisher 1933 339).
  • Start further from equilibrium, and the system
    becomes unstable

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Higher initial level of unemployment leads to
  • Technical reason requires advanced maths to
    explain, but

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Technical reason is that nonlinear model can be
  • Locally stable around equilibrium (where linear
    component of system dominates) but
  • Globally unstable past a certain range, higher
    power forces overwhelm linear component
  • Just as below one, a3 is less than a2 is less
    than a
  • But above 1, a3 is bigger than a2 is bigger
    than a
  • So if you start too far from equilibrium, you
    will suffer a debt-induced collapse
  • How do you get far from equilibrium? Tendency
    Minsky outlined for euphoric expectations to
    lead capitalists into excessive
    investment/optimism during a boom

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Dynamic modelling can capture many elements of
    Minskys theory and endogenous money, BUT
  • There are elements that cannot be modelled this
  • Evolutionary change in the system
  • Non-systemic eventssuch as for example, people
    being persuaded by the failure of the system that
    the system must be changed
  • There is a limit to modellinginstitutions and
    evolution and human agency must also be
  • But we do at least get a better handle on the
    system by knowing its characteristic dynamics
    (even if we ignore that these characteristics can

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Finally (without bringing in price dynamics),
  • In Minskys view, government spending works by
  • providing firms with cash flow they otherwise
    would not have during a slump, thus letting them
    pay off their debts
  • Restraining corporate cash flow during a boom,
    thus attenuating how euphoric expectations can
  • Modelled by presuming government pays subsidy
    (can be negative) to firms, where change in
    subsidy is a function of the rate of employment
  • Constant parameters means model government
    resolute against unemployment
  • Actual governments have clearly shifted on this
  • Use same generalised exponential for g(), with
    different parameters

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • Revised function gives negative exponential slope
  • Government
  • Keeps subsidy constant if unemployment5
  • Increases it gradually if Ugt5
  • Reduces gradually if Ult5
  • Profit is now net of wages, interest, and
    government subsidy

Modelling Minsky Endogenous Money
  • We get cyclical instability (depending on slope
    parameter of government reaction function)

Modelling Minsky Conclusion
  • Essentials of Financial Instability Hypothesis
    can be modelled using dynamic tools
  • Nuances of FIH require evolutionary perspective
  • Evolution of financial intermediaries over time
  • Change in government policy
  • Still have to add prices (done in mathematical
  • Result is possibility for the Fisher paradox
  • Falling prices increase real debt burden even as
    actual debt levels reduced
  • Wrap up main polemic weakness of debt-deflation
  • (inability of Fisher, Keynes, Minsky to develop
    mathematical model)
  • easily overcome with modern dynamic methods

The FIH the data
  • We can model debt-deflation
  • So if we can model it, can it happen (again)?
  • Yes!
  • Japanese experience of
  • Bubble economy during 1980s
  • Debt-induced downturn with deflation in 1990s
  • Has been in debt-deflation for 15 years
  • Asian crisis arguably a Minsky crisis
  • Added element of sudden collapse of currencies
    once debt-crisis commenced
  • See Kregel paper

The FIH the data
  • The USA?
  • Bubble Economy of 1990s
  • Obvious bubble in hindsight for some (Greenspan)
  • during the event for others (Schiller, etc.)!
  • massive mal-directed investment in
    telecommunications, internet
  • Huge (historically high) debt in both physical
    and financial sectors
  • Current state continued housing bubble massive
    government deficits
  • Future prospects?
  • Australia?
  • Historically unprecedented debt levels have
    accumulated in Minskian cyclical fashion

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • Australian data on debt now worrying RBA
  • Still not sure whether should target asset
    price inflation, but recognises dangers of
    excessive debt
  • it is really the leverage that accompanies
    asset-price movements which is the issue, rather
    than the asset-price movements themselves all
    sizeable asset-price misalignments presumably do
    some damage, but the ones which do the most
    damage are those which were associated with a big
    build-up in leverage, which always carries the
    risk of forcing abrupt changes in behaviour by
    borrowers and their lenders when the prices turn.
    To coin a phrase, it's the leverage, stupid'.
    (Glenn Stevens)
  • RBA 2003 Conference Asset Prices and Monetary
  • http//

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • Leverage in Australia now extreme
  • Following data from RBA Sources
  • D02 Lending And Credit Aggregates
  • G12 Gross Domestic Product - Income Components.
  • Credit to GDP ratio was
  • 40 in 1976
  • 137 in 2005
  • Housing debt to GDP ratio was
  • 12 in 1976
  • 75 in 2005
  • Growth exponential (3 p.a. growth in debt/GDP
    ratio since 1953!)
  • Not simply reaction to lower interest rates
  • Interest to GDP ratio 1 in 1976
  • 5.3 in 2005

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • Consistent pattern for post-WWII period
  • Growth in Credit/GDP ratio literally exponential
  • Americans speculate on shares Australians
    speculate on houses
  • Business debt stabilised post 1990

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • Australian business debt blew out during 1980s
  • But relatively stable since 1995
  • Though at higher level, rising with China boom
  • Household debt, on the other hand

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • At unprecedented levels
  • Housing debt now largest component of private
  • Next chart separated standard home loans from
    Low Doc Loans (source of most recent growth)

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • Businesses repaired balance sheets post 1990
  • Households kept right on borrowing
  • Very different dynamics for interest rates

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • Interest rates plummeted since 1990 peak
  • Interest burden kept on rising
  • But in very Minskian cyclical fashion
  • Ratio almost twice 1990s level
  • Despite interest rates 2/3rds lower!

Meanwhile, Back in the USA
  • USA debt levels high too, but ours comparable
  • High USA Government debt may reflect seignorage
    problems of world monetary system
  • Note high financial corporations debt

Minskian perspective on Australia
  • RBA now accepts that most of borrowing has simply
    inflated house prices
  • With house prices rising, households were
    comfortable in increasing their indebtedness. And
    banks were happy to lend. But much of the credit
    was used to further bid up the prices of houses.
    (Anthony Richards, Head, Economic Analysis RBA
    SMH March 3rd 2006)

  • One of 2 pre-conditions for debt-deflation now in
  • Inflation also at very low levels
  • What to do if a debt-deflation happens? Not much!
  • Capitalism fundamentally unstable, so escaping
    from a collapse therefore no picnic essential
    lesson is we should avoid debt deflations in the
    first place
  • by developing and maintaining institutions and
    policies which enforce "a 'good financial
    society' in which the tendency by businesses and
    bankers to engage in speculative finance is
    constrained" (Minsky 1977, 1982 69). These
  • close and discretionary supervision of financial
    institutions and financial arrangements
  • non-discretionary countercyclical fiscal
  • bias towards income equity rather than inequality

  • But if we fail (as we have!) on these fronts?
  • Deliberate inflation
  • Problem is one of two price levels
  • Asset bubble has caused asset price level which
    is unsustainable in terms of commodities price
    level (and hence profit margins)
  • Two ways to get in balance
  • Either deflate asset prices, or
  • Inflate commodity prices
  • Former approach exacerbates the problemfalling
    asset prices will cause rising debt burden,
    declining commodity prices (Fishers paradox)
  • Latter may right the system, but at short-term
    cost to financiers.

  • How to do it?
  • Japancomparatively simple
  • Japan a creditor nation, vast majority of
    (crippling) Japanese financial system debts owed
    to Japanese lenders (huge apparent household
  • Price inflation via fiscal/monetary stimulus
  • (with good reason!) Super-cautious Japanese
    simply increase savings
  • Post Keynesian theory (no diminishing marginal
    productivity) indicates fiscal/monetary stimulus
    wont necessarily increase prices anyway
  • But price inflation via deliberate centralised
    wage increase would work

  • Increase in wages would necessarily cause
    (lessersay by 2-3 depending on productivity)
    increase in consumer prices
  • Consumers forced to spend to purchase current
  • Inflationary spiral would feed through system for
    several years, reducing real debt burden
  • But policy not adopted
  • Inflation-averse and market-fundamentalist
    economists likely to oppose such measures, even
    in Japan
  • Instead tried monetary stimulus to boost prices
  • With not much success

  • Exogenous money case expects increase in M1 to
    drive increase in M2, M3 and eventually prices
  • Correlation of changes in Japan M1 with CPI
    actually negative
  • Inflation lower in 2003 than 1991 despite 12
    years of high growth in M1

  • Japan may now be emerging from debt-deflation
  • Emergence due to time rather than policy
  • Bankruptcies reducing outstanding debt
  • Gradual debt repayment despite low monetary
  • Japan worlds richest economy when crash began
  • Has fallen behind USA because of debt deflation
  • What if USA succumbs?

  • America? Tough and largely insoluble problems
  • USA now worlds biggest debtor nation
  • Insights from Circuitists here
  • International payments system gave USA right of
  • Other countries trading in US dollars OK, but
  • USA paying for goods with US dollars amounts to
    exchanging good for IOUs
  • Two cornered exchange aspect of system has
    distorted trade/debt flows
  • Can only last for as long as third parties
    willing to accept US IOUs when this breaks, US
    dollar could plunge
  • Plunge itself would generate new problems

  • US international debt would rise in terms of
    other currencies
  • International debts a fraction of domestic debt,
    but all the same
  • Economy not as self-contained as Japan
  • Cant easily reflate prices internally
  • Even more resistant to meddling with price system
    than Japan
  • But more likely to break the rules when all
    else fails for many years.
  • Minsky/endogenous money analysis predicts a
    pretty rough start to the 3rd Millennium

  • Endogenous money thus involves fundamental
    changes in economic reasoning
  • Move from the village fair paradigm of
    neoclassical economics to the Wall Street
    finance view of Minsky et al cannot be done just
    by tacking money on to a barter model of the
  • Result is a much more complex vision of the
  • Since money is an essential aspect of a
    capitalist economy, analysing it properly results
    in essential changes in economic theory

Next Lecture?
  • Craig Ellis takes you on a fractal journey
    through finance
  • A brief overview

Random Walk Down Wall Street?
  • EMH/CAPM argues returns cant be predicted
  • Random walk/Martingale/Sub-martingale (see
    previous lectures)
  • Distribution of returns should be Gaussian
  • Non-EMH theories (Coherent Market Hypothesis,
    covered in Craigs lectures) argue distribution
    should be non-random
  • Fat tailsmany more extreme events than random
  • Extreme events of any magnitude possible vs
    vanishingly unlikely for random
  • If random, odds of 5 fall of DJIA are less than
    2 in a million
  • How many years needed to see one 5 fall?

Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
  • Power law distribution very different to
  • Number of size X events ? X raised to some power
  • Result of statistical relation a straight line
    between size of event and event frequency when
    graphed on log-log plot
  • Log of number of events of size X -a times
  • Rule applies to huge range of phenomena
  • Does it apply to stock market?

Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
  • Power law fit Dow Jones

Power law predicts6 10 daily movementsper
Actual number was 8
1 means 10110events per century
-1 means 10-110 daily change
  • Does this tell us anything the EMH doesnt?

Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
  • You betcha!
  • Random walk prediction OK for small movements
  • /-3 780 reality v 718 random prob.
  • Hopeless for large
  • /-6 57 v 1
  • /- 8 11 v 1 in a million chance

-2 means 10-2 onesuch event predictedevery
11 lastcentury
10-6 1 event predictedevery 1 million centuries
Actual number 57
10-1.18 change
-1.2 means 10-1.26 daily change
Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
  • Belief system is
  • in equilibrium
  • changes due to random shocks
  • Results in prediction that huge events
    vanishingly rare
  • Actual data manifestly different
  • Daily movements in stock exchange
  • Any size crash feasible
  • Likelihood far higher than predicted by
    random/equilibrium model
  • Crashes not aberrations but normal behaviour

Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
7 s.d. events 10,000,000
times more frequently than random...
Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
  • Data clearly not random
  • Many more sophisticated analyses (Craigs
    lectures) confirm this
  • Fractal hypothesis fits data much better
  • Underlying process behind stock market therefore
  • Partly deterministic
  • Highly nonlinear
  • Interacting Bulls Bears
  • Underlying economic-financial feedbacks
  • Economics needs
  • a theory of endogenous money
  • A theory of nonlinear, nonequilibrium finance
  • Why do most economists still cling to the EMH?

CAPM The original belief
  • CAPM fitted belief in equilibrium behaviour of
    finance markets, but required extreme assumptions
  • a common pure rate of interest, with all
    investors able to borrow or lend funds on equal
    terms. Second, we assume homogeneity of investor
    expectations investors are assumed to agree on
    the prospects of various investments the expected
    values, standard deviations and correlation
  • Justified on basis of methodology and agreement
    with theory
  • Needless to say, these are highly restrictive
    and undoubtedly unrealistic assumptions. However,
    since the proper test of a theory is not the
    realism of its assumptions but the acceptability
    of its implications, and since these assumptions
    imply equilibrium conditions which form a major
    part of classical financial doctrine, it is far
    from clear that this formulation should be
    rejected-especially in view of the dearth of
    alternative models leading to similar results.
    (Sharpe 1964 433-434)
  • Fama (1969) applied the proper test and hit

Fama 1969 Data supports the theory
  • For the purposes of most investors the efficient
    markets model seems a good first (and second)
    approximation to reality. In short, the evidence
    in support of the efficient markets model is
    extensive, and (somewhat uniquely in economics)
    contradictory evidence is sparse. (Fama 1969
  • Famas paper reviewed analyses of stock market
    data up till 1966
  • Table 1, 1957-66 Ball Brown 1946-66 Jensen
  • Lets look at the DJIA data over the longer term

The CAPM Evidence
21 years ahead of trend...
  • Fit shows average exponential growth 1915-1999
  • index well above or below except for 1955-1973

Crash of 73 45 fall in 23 months
Sharpes theory paper published
Jan 11 73 Peaks at 1052
Dec 12 1974 bottoms at 578
Bubble takes off in 82
CAPM fit doesnt look so hot any more
Famas empirical data window
Steady above trend growth 1949-1966
CAPM fit to this data looks pretty good!
Fama French 2004 Data kills the theory
  • The attraction of the CAPM is that it offers
    powerful and intuitively pleasing predictions
    about how to measure risk and the relation
    between expected return and risk.
  • Unfortunately, the empirical record of the model
    is poorpoor enough to invalidate the way it is
    used in applications. (Fama French 2004 25)
  • So founding fathers of CAPM have abandoned
    their child
  • Why do economists still teach it?

Random or Fractal Walk Down Wall Street?
  • Many dont know that developers of CAPM have
    abandoned it
  • Most dont know that any alternative exists, so
    teach what they know
  • But alternatives do exist
  • Fractal/Coherent/Inefficient Markets in finance
  • In Economics?
  • Key aspect of CAPM
  • How investments are financed doesnt affect value
    of firm (determined solely by net present value
    of investments)
  • As a result, finance doesnt affect economics
  • Since CAPM is false, finance does affect
  • More from Craig next week
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