Title: Greenspun Junior High School
1Greenspun Junior High School
2Greenspun Junior High School
- Principal, Dr. Howe
- Assistant Principal, Dr. McKay
- Dean of Students, Mrs. Winn
- Dean of Students, Ms. Diskin
- 6th Grade Counselor, Mr. Halpin
- 7th Grade Counselor, Ms. Greco
- 8th Grade Counselor, Mrs. Caine
3Campus Security
- Gerry Castle Campus Security Monitor
- Theo Ralston Campus Security Monitor
- Officer Hank Reifenheiser CCSD Police
4Greenspun Welcome Day
- August 15, 2008
- Sixth Graders 800 a.m. 1000 a.m.
- Schedule, Locker, and Supply list mailed in
August - Purchase P.E. clothes
- Purchase school supplies
- Obtain locker assignment
- Practice opening locker
- Find classrooms
- Tour the campus
56th Grade Transition
- August 12, 13, 14, 2008
- Information packets sent home with 5th graders in
6School Hours
- Doors open at 730 a.m.
- School starts at 800 a.m.
- Dismissal 211 p.m.
- Library opens at 730 a.m.
- Late Bus on Monday-Thursday,
- Departs around 345 p.m.
- Adult supervision from 730 a.m. until 230 p.m.
- School responsible for students one hour
before/after school
7Smooth transition
- Your participation is important!
- They still need you
- Teach them organization
- Encourage academic success
- Pay attention to changes
- Know your childs friends
- Ask questions and listen
- Check student agenda
- Attend PAC meetings
- Stay informed!
- English Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Computer Literacy
- PE (Semester courses)
- Elective
- Band, Choir, Orchestra,
- or Explorations
- Interim Assessments 3 times per year
- Math, English, Reading, Science
- Semester Exams half days
- January 15 and 16 , 2009
- June 3 and 4, 2009
- CRT Standardized Achievement Tests
- March 2009
10Parent Link On-LineParent Communication
(Replacing Intouch)
- Monitor grades and attendance
- Allows parents to view progress reports,
attendance and tardy information
- Written in agenda by students
- Provide a place and time at home
- Approximately 1 hour per night
- Within 3 days of your return to school you must
bring a note explaining the reason for your
absence. - It is the students responsibility to get make-up
assignments from teachers and to complete them on
- Note to Attendance Office
- First and last name
- Student number
- Grade
- Parents daytime telephone number
13Makeup Work
- Complete within 3 school days
- Excused absences DO NOT excuse students from
completing the missed work - Missed test or quiz must be completed within 3
school days
14Opportunity Period730 755 a.m. M, T, Th, F
- Teachers are available to provide extra help for
students who may not understand an assignment,
are having difficulty with an assignment, or need
to get make up work. - No opportunity period on Wednesday (Teachers
meet on Wednesday morning)
15Clubs and Activities
- Science Club Intramurals
- History Is Fun Club Fitness Club
- Book Club Student Council
- Bowling Club National Junior Honor Society
- Spanish Club Junior Varsity Quiz
- Climbing Club Basketball Team (Try out
required) - Drama Club Leadership
- Running Club Cheerleading (Try out required)
- Lacrosse
16Student Recognition
- Straight A Luncheon
- Student of the Month Luncheon
- Caught You Being Good Award
- Positive Behavior Referrals
- Shining Star Breakfast
- Dolphin Cards for Good Grades and Citizenship
- Special Assemblies for Dolphin Card Holders
- Straight A Awards at the End of the Year
- Fun Activities for No Missing Assignments
- Department Awards Students of the Year
17BackpacksStudent supplies
- Backpacks and large purses must be left in the
locker - Large tote bags are considered backpacks
No permanent markers
- ALL students are assigned a locker
- Do not share or exchange lockers
- Do not tell others locker combination
- Do not leave anything of value in locker
- Do not leave open containers of drinks or food in
locker - Locker is the property of the school district and
may be opened by an administrator
19Tardy Policy
- Warning
- Warning
- One Deans Detention
- RPC-A (Phone call to parent)
- RPC-T (Parent must sign-in the student)
- RPC-B (Required Parent Conference)
- In-House Suspension one day
- In-House Suspension one day
- Suspension/IHS Progressive
20Nuisance Items
- I-Pods
- Radios
- Tape recorders
- Electronic games
- Cameras
- Rubber bands
- Laser pens
- Cards
- Tech Decks
- Stuffed animals
- Yoyos
Nuisance items will be confiscated by teachers or
the dean.
21Greenspun is a Gum-Free Environment
- No gum policy
- No gum applies to before and after school
22Student Store
- School Supplies
- Pickles
- Ice Cream
- Beef Jerky
- Hot Fries
- Ketchup Fries
- Cheddar and Bacon Fries
- Chips
- Flavored Water
- School Supplies
- Chocolate Milk
- Rice Krispy Treats
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Honey Buns
- Gatorade
23Cell Phones
- Must be turned OFF during class time and passing
periods - May be used in the phone zone before/after
school and during lunch - Students may not record conversations without
permission - Students are never permitted to use the camera
function of a cell phone while on campus - Two pay phones are available for students to use
before and after school and during lunch. - Text messaging is prohibited
Any student found to be using their cell phone or
text messaging will have the phone confiscated.
Confiscated phones may be picked up in the deans
office after school.
24Cafeteria Information
- 3 lunch periods
- 30 minutes to eat lunch
- Prepay in the morning or on-line
www.SchoolPassPort.com - Tetherball, 4-square, and 8-ball supervised
during lunch - Breakfast 720 a.m. 750 a.m.
25Dress CodeCCSD Regulation 5131
- No beach sandals, flip flops, thongs, or slippers
- No crop tops, short shirts, strapless, low-cut
clothing - If midriff shows at all when you move, then the
shirt should not be worn at school - No spaghetti straps all sleeveless shirts must
have straps at least 3 inches or wider
26Dress CodeCCSD Regulation 5131
- All attire must be fingertip in length
- No sagging pants
- No hats or bandanas
- No spiked or studded clothing
- Blouses/shirts/jackets/coats/jewelry/buttons with
slogans or advertising which are controversial or
obscene in nature are not allowed
27Dress CodeCCSD Regulation 5131
- No mohawks or other radical hair styles
- Hair must be a natural hair color and cannot be
spiked more than two inches - No see-through or off-the-shoulder clothing
- No bandanas or sweatbands
- No belts/wristbands or other apparel with flat or
raised studs - No pajamas
28Dress CodeCCSD Regulation 5131
- Make-up materials, combs, and brushes are not
allowed to be used in the classrooms or the
cafeteria - Chains hanging from pockets or the waist are not
allowed - No sunglasses on campus
- No safety pins
- No body piercings, except ears
- No earring hoops larger than 2 inches
29Dress CodeCCSD Regulation 5131
- Wrist gear, that covers a significant amount of
the students arm, are not permitted, including
wrist sweat bands - Ripped or frayed clothing is not allowed
30Dress Code
- The dress code will be enforced from the first
through the last day of school. - Dress code rules apply to any after school or
extra-curricular school sponsored function - Students violating dress code rules will be sent
to the deans office
31School Bus Behavior
- Bus Service Register for 2008-2009
www.ccsd.net/transportation - 799-8111
- Bus transportation is provided to all students
who live more than 2 miles from the school. - Bus rules apply while on the bus, at the bus
stop, or to and from the bus stop. - Bus contract must be signed and returned to the
bus driver
32Bicycle Safety Policy
- Students must attend a bicycle safety class
- Bikes must be locked in bike rack
33Loitering on or about campus
- Students are not to loiter on properties adjacent
to the campus or school bus stops either before
or after school. - Students who are picked up after school should
arrange to have their ride here before 230 p.m.
34Hands-Off Policy
- Students are not allowed to push, shove, trip,
slap, or strike another student either in play or
anger. - No horseplay
35Greenspun JHS Library
- Open before school, during lunch, and after
school - Return library books in the deposit box outside
the library - Library behavior is required
36Questions and Answers
37Greenspun Junior High School