Title: Economics of Buyer Power Identification
1Economics of Buyer PowerIdentification
- C. Robert Taylor
- Auburn University
- taylocr_at_auburn.edu
2Conditions Required for Competitive Athletic
Events(Similar for Competitive Markets)
- Approximate balance of power (talent) in opposing
teams - League parity scholarship limits limits on
recruiting - Appropriate and well defined rules of the game
- Too few rules the game may turn into a brawl
- Too many rules the refs take over and the
athletes do not get to play - Impartial enforcement of the rules
3Identification Characterization of Buyer Power
- Type I Imbalance in power
- Relative size and bargaining power
- arms-length transactions occur only if buyer and
seller have approximately the same power - Asymmetric information
- One team cannot have the other teams playbook
- Sharing of information among buyers
- Barriers to exit of suppliers
- Buyer control of entry/exit of suppliers
- Can the weaker side organize to develop
countervailing power (player union)
4Identification Characterization of Buyer Power
- Type II Actions that distort or fix the rules
of the game or otherwise give an unfair
advantage - Lack of transparency of the rules
- Deception of sellers
- Deception of rule-makers
- Lying to Congress
- Good faith fair dealing
- Collusion in litigation
- Collusion in lobbying Congress
- Long-run effects may be worse than classical
5Meat Poultry Promotion Coalition May 23,
2007 Dear Mr. Chairman (House Agriculture
Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry)
On behalf of the Meat and Poultry Promotion
Coalition, representing a vast majority of the
livestock, poultry, and meat producers in the
U.S., . (opposition to H.R. 2135--Competitive
and Fair Agricultural Markets Act of
- National Meat Association
- National Pork Producers Council
- National Turkey Federation
- Seaboard Corporation
- Smithfield Foods Swift Co.
- Tyson Foods, Inc.
- U.S. Premium Beef
- American Meat Institute
- Cargill
- Christensen Farms
- Hatfield Quality Meats
- Hormel
- National Beef
- National Chicken Council
6Identification Characterization of Buyer Power
- Type III Actions that distort refereeing of the
game - Agency capture (DOJ, FTC, USDA, FDA ?)
- Organization capture (buyer captures sellers
organization or union) - Influence on the Judiciary
- Incompetent or corrupt referees
- Placing referees (competition investigators)
under cubicle arrest!
7Overview of Traditional Economics
- Monopsony (single Buyer)
- Monopsony and monopoly are (almost) mirror images
- Aggregate economic outcome
- Sub-competitive price to sellers
- Buyer captures sellers profit
- Sub-competitive quantity therefore harm to
consumers - Aggregate economic inefficiency
- Conclusions dependent on the same cost structure
in monopsony as with competitive buyers
(questionable assumption) - All-or-Nothing Monopsony (buyer dictates price
and quantity) - Aggregate economic outcome
- Aggregate economic efficiency no consumer harm
- Buyer extracts all profit from sellers (unfair)
8Overview of Traditional Economics
- Oligopsony (few buyers)
- Hundreds of models, simple to sophisticated game
theory models - Differ in assumptions about how one buyer reacts
to price, quantity, and quality changes by other
buyers - Cournot (quantity)
- Bertrand (price competition)
- Stackleberg leader-follower (Cournot follower)
- Contestability (ease of entry/exit)
- Aggregate Efficiency and Fairness implications of
economic models of imperfect competition are very
sensitive to assumptions
9Metrics of Market Power
- Lerner Index (price equals marginal cost)
- measures a firms ability to maintain prices
above competitive levels - Data typically unavailable to public or may not
be available at all - Inaccurate measure under some assumptions
- Market Share of largest (x) firms (CRx)
- HHI Index (sum of squares of market shares)
- Derived from the Cournot duopoly model
- assumes that firm A does not change its quantity
in reaction to a change in quantity by other
firms (questionable assumption for large firms)
10Identification Characterization of Buyer Power
- Type I Imbalance in power
- Type II Actions that distort or fix the rules
of the game to give an unfair advantage - Type III Actions that distort refereeing of the
game - In identifying and characterizing buyer
power (and seller power) we need to move beyond
traditional economics--industries in concentrated
markets have!